The Real Size Of The Countries: Russia Can Fit In Central Africa, And The United States - In Australia - Alternative View

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The Real Size Of The Countries: Russia Can Fit In Central Africa, And The United States - In Australia - Alternative View
The Real Size Of The Countries: Russia Can Fit In Central Africa, And The United States - In Australia - Alternative View

Video: The Real Size Of The Countries: Russia Can Fit In Central Africa, And The United States - In Australia - Alternative View

Video: The Real Size Of The Countries: Russia Can Fit In Central Africa, And The United States - In Australia - Alternative View
Video: The Real Size Of Countries 2024, July

The project allows you to compare the real size of states - and they are not at all what we imagine

An ideal flat map of the Earth does not exist: it is very difficult to mark continents on them in such a way as to reflect their real sizes, since the surface of a sphere cannot be represented on a plane without distortion.

So, one of the main cartographic projections is the Mercator projection. It is the Mercator projection that hangs on the walls in geography classes and is used by Google Maps. It's perfect for navigation, but lame when it comes to squares.

USA quietly fits in Australia Photo:
USA quietly fits in Australia Photo:

USA quietly fits in Australia Photo:

However, a resource has already appeared on the network with which you can estimate the real size of continents and countries. On the site, you can, for example, “try on” Australia with the United States, and Russia with China.

Moving countries around the globe, you will see that Russia at the equator does not look like a "giant bear": our country fits perfectly in central Africa. In terms of area, the United States is actually comparable to Australia, which can fit all of Europe. Indonesia is evenly distributed throughout Russia.

But what happens if you compare the United States and Russia Photo:
But what happens if you compare the United States and Russia Photo:

But what happens if you compare the United States and Russia Photo:


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