Will Nuclear War Destroy 99 Percent Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Will Nuclear War Destroy 99 Percent Of Humanity? - Alternative View
Will Nuclear War Destroy 99 Percent Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: Will Nuclear War Destroy 99 Percent Of Humanity? - Alternative View

Video: Will Nuclear War Destroy 99 Percent Of Humanity? - Alternative View
Video: The $1.2T Plan That Could Kill 90% Globally. 2024, July

The apocalyptic script in films and books is currently in high demand. This is, so to speak, the spirit of the times in the current realities of relations between countries equipped with powerful nuclear weapons.


Is it possible for an ordinary person to somehow survive in a nuclear war? Science gives the answer - yes, 70-80% of people will survive.

Of course, this is a kind of lottery. Those who will be in the epicenter of the explosion or not far from it will be out of luck (the distance depends on the power of the charge). Calculation for 5 Megatons - 5 kilometers from the center of the explosion.

You can study in advance where the nuclear charges will fall. Power plants, oil and gas processing plants, airfields, military bases, etc. will be attacked first of all. Therefore, it is quite possible to figure out for yourself - where is the safest.

Probably everyone knows how to behave directly during an explosion, this is taught even at school.

The striking effect is exerted by: light radiation, shock wave, primary radiation, secondary radiation, plus an electromagnetic pulse.

In no case should you look at a nuclear explosion - you can go blind in a flash.

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The shock wave moves at a speed of just under 2 seconds per kilometer. During this time, it is necessary to find shelter and hide. These are hills, folds of terrain, strong buildings, cellars, etc.

The protection against primary radiation is as follows - the denser the material of the barrier, the better. 99% of radiation neutralizes 40 cm of bricks or concrete, 60 cm of compacted soil or 90 cm of water. Good protection is just to stay at home and curtain the windows, the tighter the better. It is worth knowing that 90% of the radiation dries up after 7 hours, 99% after 2 days, and after two weeks only 0.1% remains. However, sometimes this is enough to get sick with radiation sickness.


Secondary radiation is also dangerous - it strongly depends on weather conditions, especially on the direction of the wind. Most likely, you will be notified about the infected areas by radio and TV.

If you stock up on food, then in the early days it is advisable to eat canned food and drink water from closed bottles or underground sources. If this is not possible, it is better to eat the simplest food - vegetables and fruits.

And of course, it is imperative to protect the respiratory system, at least with wet gauze, often change or wash clothes and, if possible, wash off radiation from the body in the shower.