Inaudible Enemy - Alternative View

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Inaudible Enemy - Alternative View
Inaudible Enemy - Alternative View

Video: Inaudible Enemy - Alternative View

Video: Inaudible Enemy - Alternative View
Video: ASMR - SPECIALE 1000 ISCRITTI🎉Q&A in inaudible e tracing 2024, July

Even in people seeking to understand what they saw or heard, unexplained phenomena can give rise to superstitious thoughts. This happens most often when a person is faced with something mysterious. For example, the human ear is able to perceive sound vibrations in a certain range - from 20 Hz (some scientists say - from 17 Hz) to 20 kHz. Everything that lies below this limit (up to 20 Hz) is called infrasound, everything above 20 kHz is called ultrasound. Many animals have a wider range of perception: they hear both lower and higher sounds. Some animals (bats, marine mammals, fish and insects themselves are able not only to hear, but also to emit ultrasounds.

Infrasound (from Lat. Infra - below "," under ") - these are elastic waves, similar to sound, but inaudible to the human ear due to the low frequency. They are poorly absorbed by various media, therefore they spread over very long distances in the air, water and the earth's crust. They arise, as a rule, during earthquakes, underwater and underground explosions, during storms, hurricanes, tsunamis and other natural disasters. This is how science interprets this event.

The nature of these inaudible sounds has not yet been sufficiently studied, although they are constant companions of man. And these satellites are rather unsafe.

Do you like listening to the organ?

Human organs also have their own vibration frequency - infrasonic. External vibrations in the range of 6-12 GHz affect our organs in the most destructive way. At low intensity, they cause ringing in the ears, nausea, and can lead to visual impairment. Often times, people experience unaccountable panic fear. Infrasound of varying intensity disrupt the functioning of the digestive system and the brain. Elastic, powerful waves of infrasound with a frequency of 7 Hz can rupture blood vessels and cause cardiac arrest in the future. Getting into resonance with human biorhythms, high-intensity infrasound can cause instant death.

Professor of biology from France V. Gavreau got acquainted with this mysterious phenomenon, one might say, by chance. For some time now, it has become simply impossible to work in the premises of one of his laboratories.

Employees, not having been in it for two hours, complained of severe headache, severe fatigue, pain in the ears, and deterioration of intellectual abilities. The professor and his fellow biologists began to look for the cause of such a negative phenomenon. The answer was unexpected. A few days later, they discovered that the ventilation system of the plant, which was built next to the laboratory, was generating high power infrasonic vibrations. The frequency of these waves was within 7 Hz. It is dangerous for a person. This was confirmed by the case when Gavreau and his employees were forced to stop working and experiments with one of the generators. The participants in the experiment felt so bad that even after a few hours they perceived ordinary low sounds very painfully. During the experiment, everyone who was in the laboratoryobjects in pockets began to vibrate: pens, keys, notebooks. Scientists have made an unambiguous conclusion: the coincidence of the infrasonic frequency with the alpha rhythms of the human brain is unsafe for his health. An interesting case happened with the staging of a play in one of London's theaters. They put on a play, one of the scenes of which was supposed to transfer the viewer to the distant past. But how to create the impression of horror and mystery, anticipation of imminent disaster? The director involved the famous American physicist Robert Wood in the production of the performance. The scientist has constructed a special pipe for the organ, capable of making unusual sounds. The test has shown that the invention is unsafe. The trumpet made no audible sounds, but in the theater the window panes rattled, the pendants on the chandeliers rang. Everyone who was in the hall at that moment felt an unreasonable fear. Later, all residents of the quarter where the theater was located confirmed that they were suddenly seized with horror and expectation of something bad. Passers-by looked around worriedly, birds instantly scattered, and dogs howled and barked for no reason. The director of the play, together with the scientist, decided to get rid of the terrible pipe forever.

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The Soviet psychiatrist M. Nikitin in 1984 observed one patient with epilepsy. He had seizures every time they started playing the organ with him. The scientist concluded that the organ generated sounds not only in the audible range, but also infrasounds. In healthy people, they only enhanced musical impressions, giving the sound more drama and expression, but in a sick person with brain biorhythms disturbance and increased sensitivity, they caused seizures.

This terrible "voice of the sea"

An unusual story took place in the 30s of the XX century. A Soviet scientific expedition worked in the Arctic Ocean aboard the Taimyr vessel. Scientists have studied the upper atmosphere. For this, balloons were launched. They were filled with hydrogen and supplied with the necessary instruments and radio transmitters. But as soon as the ball was brought closer to the ear, the person began to feel severe pain, as if someone invisible was pressing hard on the eardrum. Academician V. V. Shuleikin was interested in this riddle. First, he listened to balloons in various regions of the country, in particular in Moscow. No pain was observed here. But on the Black Sea, they also appeared. So the hypothesis was born that the unknown phenomenon is associated with the sea. The infrasonic oscillations arising in stormy areas, academician Shuleikin called "the voice of the sea."Infrasound waves move at a speed of about 330 meters per second, and they are slightly ahead of the movement of the hurricane that generated them. A relatively small storm generates infrasound with a capacity of tens of kilowatts. And this sound is capable of spreading over hundreds and thousands of kilometers, both in the air and in the water. There is documentary evidence that the number of road accidents in coastal areas is increasing before the storm, patients feel much worse, and the number of suicides is on the rise.patients feel much worse, the number of suicides is growing.patients feel much worse, the number of suicides is growing.

Some coastal residents, especially sailors, can come ashore and predict an impending storm or storm within hours. We can say that these unique people hear the “voice of the sea”.

Apparently, they perceive powerful infrasonic air vibrations brought from afar as pain in the ears. Similarly, people suffering from rheumatism feel the coming weather change.

It is also noticed that many animals know in advance about the approach of disaster in the form of various natural disasters. For example, marine jellyfish are an unmistakable indicator of stormy weather, they are able to perceive infrasound with a frequency of 8-13 GHz. The storm is raging for a thousand kilometers and will only blow through in a few hours, but they hear it and go to the depth. Isn't it a mystery of nature?

Sea fleas, on the contrary, get out on land with the approach of bad weather. More developed animals can hear sounds of higher frequencies: Dogs perceive sounds that are not audible to humans at a frequency of 20-30 kHz (this is already ultrasound). Bats, mosquitoes and wasps are capable of picking up sounds at 50-60 kHz. The fishermen noticed that the whales were detecting whaling vessels from underwater engine noise hundreds of kilometers away and were trying to leave.

Two hours before the devastating earthquake in Ashgabat (1948), the horses of the local stud farm whinnied loudly and broke off the leash. And animals in the zoo of the Yugoslav city of Skopje - hyenas, tigers, lions, elephants - showed great concern many hours before the catastrophic earthquake. The Japanese have long kept interesting fish in their aquariums. A few hours before the first tremor, they begin to rush around the aquarium.

The press has repeatedly described cases when dogs carried small children out of the house before the earthquake.

Strong infrasonic vibrations cause panic in a person along with the desire to escape from a confined space. Is this not what makes the crews and passengers of ships in panic leave them? Science is well aware of the anomalous zones of our planet that are most dangerous for navigation and flight, scientists have established that during strong tropical storms and hurricanes, the frequency of oscillations of infrasonic waves reaches 6 Hz. The threshold, which is dangerous for humans, is very close (7 Hz). If such a wave covers the ship, it can kill everyone in seconds. At the same time, the most thorough investigation will not reveal any poisoning or contagious disease. The person's heart will simply stop. At best, people will go crazy, which is confirmed by numerous facts.

The Flying Dutchman is not a legend at all

Since childhood, we have known the legend of the "immortal captain" who always swims without a command in the seas and oceans. The Flying Dutchman is an old maritime legend, according to which the Dutch captain Van Straaten was condemned to wander the seas forever. According to maritime beliefs, a meeting with him portends death to the sailors. This legend is based on very real facts. Even in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, sailors met ships abandoned by their crews on the vast expanses of the sea. The insurance company "Lloyd" has calculated that in just two years (1891 -1893) there were 1828 cases of reports of captains about the meeting with the "Flying Dutchmen".

In 1890 the ship "Marlborough" sailed from New Zealand to England loaded with frozen mutton and wool. The ship did not arrive at the port of destination, and it was written off as lost. And now, 20 years later, the ship was found off the coast of Tierra del Fuego. It was sailing, but the skeletons of the dead sailors were on board. The whole crew was in their places: one lay at the helm, three on the deck, watchmen at the posts, six "resting" below. All sailors were wearing half-rotted clothes. A thorough investigation yielded nothing. It was not possible to make out the entries in the logbook.

In September 1894, the three-masted barque Eby Ess Hart was discovered in the waters of the Indian Ocean. A distress signal fluttered from its mast. German sailors inspecting the ship were stunned by what they saw: 38 crew members were dead and the captain went mad.

A similar fate befell the crew of the four-masted barque Freya, which flew under the German flag. On October 3, 1902, he was found half-flooded off the coast of Mexico, the masts were broken. The team was out. There were no storms in that area. The reason for the disappearance of the crew remained a mystery.

On January 31, 1921, the large five-masted schooner Carroll Deering was found at Cape Hatteras. The crew was absent: nine sailors and the captain disappeared. The cargo, personal belongings and provisions were in place. The only living thing was the ship's cat.

In 1948 an even more amazing story happened with the "Urang Medan" motor ship. Radio stations detected an SOS signal in the Strait of Malacca. Unknown repeated many times: "All the officers and the captain were killed … I am dying." The rescuers who came to the rescue saw a terrible picture. All people were dead, their faces contorted with a grimace of horror. Even the dog died. On close examination, none of the crew showed any signs of violence. More recently, in 2003, the schooner "High Purpose" was discovered off the coast of Australia. The vessel was in excellent condition, with tons of rotten fish in the hold, and none of the 12 crew members on board.

What makes the distraught crew leave their ship and where do people disappear to? Perhaps, it was not without infrasound here?

However, most of the hard-to-explain and mysterious incidents in the open sea occur in certain areas. They are well known to scientists. These are primarily: the Bermuda Triangle, the "devil's sea" southwest of Japan and the "roaring forties" latitudes. Not only planes disappear here, but also large cargo ships equipped with the latest technology with reliable engines and radio stations. They disappear without a trace along with the crews.

According to one hypothesis, the coastline of North America in the area of Cape Hatteras, the Florida Peninsula and the island of Cuba, as it were, form a giant reflector. Storms occurring in the Atlantic Ocean generate infrasonic waves, which, reflected from this reflector, are focused in the area of the so-called Bermuda Triangle. This suggests the presence of areas where infrasonic oscillations can reach significant values. Is this the reason for the anomalous phenomena taking place here? There is no answer yet, although infrasounds are our constant companions: flares on the Sun, thunderstorms and storms, hurricanes and tsunamis, strong winds and earthquakes, explosions and landslides - all these phenomena generate infrasounds. In everyday life, they also surround us - they are emitted by factory fans and air compressors, diesel engines,city transport and all slow-running machines. The nature of these inaudible sounds has not yet been sufficiently studied.