The Power Of The Murderous Gaze - Alternative View

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The Power Of The Murderous Gaze - Alternative View
The Power Of The Murderous Gaze - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of The Murderous Gaze - Alternative View

Video: The Power Of The Murderous Gaze - Alternative View
Video: i like to look at car crashes. (Lacan, Sartre, Žižek) 2024, July

The power of the gaze

Has it ever occurred to you how a person could survive in a world ruled by force, where the most significant, weighty argument in the dispute over the right to exist was a mighty fang and a sharp tooth, but by no means wit? Perhaps people were once helped by some skill, now thoroughly forgotten?..

A friend of mine once told the story of his unsuccessful matchmaking, then the future father, to the daughter of the famous tamer V. Durov at the beginning of the 20th century.

The young people were introduced at some kind of dinner party, and, as was usual then, she invited him into the house. At the appointed time he came, sat down to drink tea. Conversation about this and that flowed at ease, at times disturbed by the beast prowling around the trainer's house. But most of all, the crow, with a wild croaking, dashed about the room, annoyed the youth.

"And so you!" - finally the trainer's daughter could not resist and threw a special look at the crow.

Tap on the floor, paws up …

My friend's father, who witnessed this scene, decided not to stay in the house for a long time after this. At the first opportunity he grabbed his hat and was like that …

And this is far from being the only evidence of the power of the murderous female gaze. Back in 1553, the famous European scientist Cornelius Agrippa wrote in his work “Occult Science”: “In Tartary, Illyria and the Tariballs there are women who kill all those they look at in anger. Also, the women inhabiting Rhodes, through their eyes, change everything for the worse."

Another phenomenon of this kind was observed in Paris during the era of the second empire. In those days, the singer Massol enjoyed great success on the stage, who was distinguished by a special, unpleasant shine of the eyes.

Once, when, as always, he was singing an aria from Halévy's opera "The Curse" with his eyes raised to the ceiling, a machinist who had moved at the top of the set fell and died right on the stage. The next time during the performance, the singer accidentally glanced at the bandmaster - and he almost immediately felt unwell and on the third day died from an unusual nervous attack. For the third time Massol was advised to sing while looking at the empty box. But later it turned out that the box was occupied by a visiting merchant from Marseille, who was late for the start of the performance. Needless to say, he died the next day. After that, Massol left the stage.

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One of the inhabitants of Sicilian Palermo had a similar gift in the middle of the 19th century. It was enough for him to look closely at the man, and he began to languish by leaps and bounds. Death followed a couple of days later. But the owner of the deadly gaze himself never looked in the mirror.

Desperate heads did not fail to take advantage of this. They lay in wait for a terrible man in an alley, threw a bag over his head and dragged him into a room, where they had previously hung mirrors on all the walls. The bag was pulled off the caught, and everyone ran out of the room, closing the door to the lock. The man saw his own reflection, and his own gaze killed him. Thus, the inhabitants of Palermo got rid of the terrible killer.

At the end of the 19th century, an official from England, Carsten, who served in the colonial administration of India, while hunting an elephant, stumbled upon local savages. They wanted to take someone else's trophy, but Karsten, despite the warnings of his frightened servants, harshly suppressed the savages, beating one of them. The beaten savage had no intention of running away, he remained where he was and gazed into Karsten's eyes.

From this look he immediately felt sick, a strong disgust swept over him, and he kicked the savage aside. Then this state quickly passed, and in the evening Carsten laughed at the stupid fears of his superstitious servants. However, the next evening, his hand began to hurt badly, with which he then beat that savage. And a day later, he fell down altogether: some terrible weakness overcame his entire body. Karsten was examined by doctors, but no illness could be established. His condition worsened rapidly: at first, his appetite disappeared, insomnia began, followed by severe pains, his tongue was taken away. He died a week later.

There are people whose gaze is simply impossible to withstand. For example, Grigory Rasputin. His contemporaries noted the striking quality of his eyes. One got the impression that it was possible to drown in them and lose one's own self. No one could look into his eyes for a long time. People were lost and averted their eyes. Joseph Stalin had a similar gift. Those who communicated with him closely characterized his gaze as serpentine. This is how Stalin looked at people, trying to understand their inner essence. At the same time, the formidable ruler did not tolerate when the interlocutor averted his eyes. This he saw as insincerity, which indicated dark thoughts.

There is evidence that the human eye has an effect on animals as well. Indian yogis and magicians of Tibet, as a result of long training, acquire a gift called "vazitva", that is, the ability to tame and even kill wild animals. And experienced trainers assure that an animal can be stopped with just one glance, without using verbal commands.

Is it really possible to kill with a glance, or at least do much harm - to jinx, as they said in the old days?

“In order to reveal the secret of the evil eye, I decided to find a witch and find out her“industrial secrets,”said another friend of mine, a researcher of the unknown, Sergei Demkin. - In the village of Balmyshevo in the Vladimir region, I found my grandmother Tamara, about whom there were rumors that she was causing damage to cattle, and sometimes to people. The mechanism for aiming the evil eye turned out to be very simple. It is necessary to present the “object” as sick or dead as vividly as possible, in all details, and then, upon meeting, look closely at it, mentally sending it all the illnesses and misfortunes invented.

Using the recommendations of the village sorceress, we wanted to repeat the experiment in laboratory conditions. Oleg Dobrovolsky, a healer, bioenergy therapist, and formerly a physicist who worked at the Kurchatov Institute for thirty years, played the role of the "sorcerer". He exerted the power of thought on water in a sealed ampoule. The result of the experiment was amazing: the mobility of water molecules increased and its electrical conductivity increased."

The scientist's "witchcraft" technology was not much different from the manipulation of a witch. Oleg first tried to "swing" the oxygen atoms. “I imagined their nuclei as little fireflies,” he said, “around which sparkles-electrons revolve. Imagining that a silvery stream was flowing from the crown of my head along the spine and then to the tips of my fingers, I directed it towards these firefly nuclei. And they themselves, overflowing with energy, began to repel electrons and throw them out of their orbits."

So, it turns out, it is no accident that Avicenna, the founder of medical science, wrote about bad gas. And the famous philosopher, Saint Thomas Aquinas, concluded that due to strong mental stress, the eyes emit a special light, which seems to charge the air at a distance.

Moreover, the recent work of the director of the Institute of Information and Wave Technologies V. Hokkanen showed that some human organs, including the eyes, emit radiation in the millimeter wavelength range and therefore can affect the surrounding objects.

* * *

Monica Tejada, a young Spanish woman from Cáceres, has wonderful black hair and blue eyes. However, she is not at all famous for her appearance throughout the country.

Monica picks up a tightly sealed glass flask with a metal tape inside. Glares at her. And she suddenly begins to wriggle slowly, like a sleepy snake, twisting into a spiral. Tejada looks away from the flask for a second, then continues to stare at it again. The spiral revives again, the tape returns to its original state.

The Spanish woman has been repeatedly studied by doctors, including psychiatrists. She is recognized as perfectly healthy and highly intelligent. It has been observed that during remote exposure to metal, her body temperature rises and her blood pressure drops. In this case, the sensor records a picture of cerebral currents, typical for a person who is sleeping.

Monica Tejada considers herself the "spiritual sister" of the famous American Uri Geller, who possesses paranormal powers, including the art of telekinesis. Although, unlike the Spanish woman, Uri prefers to "work" with the keys to apartments and cars. Once in Miami, he gave interviews to three skeptical reporters at once. The conversation dragged on, and suddenly Geller abruptly got up from the chair.

There is! he exclaimed solemnly. “Look at your keys…”.

The journalists, bewildered, took the keys out of their pockets and made sure that the metal keys were bent at an angle of 90 degrees.

But Uri Geller considered experiments with keys to be nothing more than fun for himself. Somehow, by force of will, he managed to stop the cable car. After that, he began to fear that his abilities could be used by force to harm someone. “Many are afraid of me,” he shared his concerns with journalists. “They think: if he can stop the cable car, will he or someone else think to do something worse…”. And in a categorical form he added that he would never go on such experiments.

There are countless examples of telekinesis (or parakinesis) in our country. Some of the brightest were the experiments conducted more than a quarter of a century ago by a prominent psychologist, Moscow scientist, Doctor of Psychology, Professor V. Pushkin. He investigated a man of unusual abilities - B. Ermolaev.

… In the middle of the empty room there was a table, on it - a tennis ball, a matchbox, pencils. Yermolaev approached the table and held out his hand, froze. A minute passed, then another - and then objects began to move by themselves.

Ermolaev could hold an object between his palms, and then gradually spread his arms, making the ball or box hang in the air.

Professor Pushkin then published a hypothesis about the nature of telekinesis. Or rather, two. At first, he shared the version that a person's ability to move objects at a distance is associated with static electricity in the human body. But later he moved away from this hypothesis and became interested in the assumption of the scientist A. Dubov that living systems are able to generate and perceive gravitational waves. The phenomenon was called biogravity.

Of course, this is not the gravity in the universe that we know about. The main difference between human-generated gravity is fragility, "capriciousness", sharp fluctuations. A scientific definition of the phenomenon has been proposed: autogravity.

Pushkin believed that autogravity materially provides a person's mental activity. Here is what he said on this score: “… A person lives among objects of varying degrees of organization. And in order to perceive these objects, in order to build their models in the head, he must bend space in accordance with the curvature of the cognized objects. This is how human autogravity arises”.

But Professor Pushkin died, and research gradually curtailed (at least judging by the open press).

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Our brains and our eyes have the ability to create a second reality.

More than a century ago, it was discovered that the internal display image can be photographed. Sometimes it was enough to glance into the camera lens and press the shutter, as "psychographs", "photographs of thought" appeared in the picture. Such experiments, for example, were carried out at the end of the 19th century by Edison Jr. and the English doctor Rogers. And the Japanese Furukai, the American Ted Serayes earned their living with such spectacular performances.

“Try it somehow,” says Professor Karnelyukhin, “to peer intently at some object and then abruptly remove it … For some time, he will still obsessively stand before his eyes. It is actually not immediately erased from the retina and memory. In science, this is called "afterimage". With the help of complex geometrical optics, it can be removed on photographic film. Modern technology is able to get a sharp and high-quality picture even of your sleep, if the rays reflected from the fundus are eventually focused on the photo layer."

Hopefully, not much time will pass - and we will be able to prove and show people what amazing abilities our “soul mirrors” have.

Although, there is another point of view on this problem. “You shouldn't be too quick to assert that telekinesis is correlated with the phenomenal abilities of the eyes and gaze,” her supporters believe. - Suffice it to recall the experiments carried out by the famous French biologist Remy Chauvin. Children-adolescents, imagining "balls flying out of a jar", by an effort of will slowed down and accelerated the process of radioactive decay. It doesn't matter if they acted on the alpha particle itself or on the Geiger counter - the fact that their eyes had nothing to do with it. The entire course of the experiment speaks of a certain radiation that does not go in a narrow direction, but, on the contrary, "broadly".

S. Zigunenko