Deadly Greetings From Kharovsk - Alternative View

Deadly Greetings From Kharovsk - Alternative View
Deadly Greetings From Kharovsk - Alternative View

Video: Deadly Greetings From Kharovsk - Alternative View

Video: Deadly Greetings From Kharovsk - Alternative View
Video: Жители одного из микрорайонов Харовска оказались отрезанными от райцентра 2024, September

The official and large-scale demonstration of the lifting of the taboo on information in the USSR on UFOs became unclear why the campaign to advertise the incident in Kharovsk. Now these party "toys" are read, as they say, "once", but then the inexperienced reader, who had not yet mastered "freedom" in full, could not guess that he was being cheated. Everything is very simple. In 1989, the Central Committee of the CPSU could not cope with the country, the processes became irreversible, if you remember, it was at that moment that the parade of "independence" began at the Congress of People's Deputies by the Baltic States, and the "people" had to be urgently distracted with something. They seized on the first UFO visit that came along and inflated it. But he was a private!

The event in the village of Konantsevo, Kharovsky District, Vologda Oblast took place on June 6, 1989.

Several UFOs were eyewitnesses by schoolchildren, children and teenagers. Immediately after the event, they rushed to the regional newspaper and recounted it in detail. We cite the names not for the sake of evidence or documentary evidence, but so that now, many years later, the guys remember themselves and those around them. Or maybe someone will be lucky enough to meet them - not with UFOs, but with official eyewitnesses who have come to the attention of ufologists. Here are their names (they were from 11 to 13): Seryozha Belyavsky, Luda Rybakova, Marina Shiryaeva, Sveta Karetina.

So, four people and four luminous balls, for each, one might say, one UFO. The balloons hovered over a meadow, where there were two overhead power lines, and the children themselves watched from a hillock. The stopped ball broke, like an orange, into two halves. And between the halves, a figure appeared that looked like a man without a head.

We use the material of Vladimir Lagovsky, published in 1991 in the "Book of Secrets" (compiler, he is also editor, writer and atlantologist Vladimir Ivanovich Shcherbakov). The alien has black legs, a slightly lighter body, shimmering yellow top. Bright luminous disc on the chest. Long arms below the knees. A typical cosmit, albeit without a head! Children have not registered joints - neither on the arms nor on the legs. Cosmit went towards the village! However, I only reached the post with a transformer (as the guys and journalists called the outdoor transformer substation with a capacity of 25 to 250 kVA, with a 10 / 0.4 kV step-down transformer, it seems, it is a KTN brand).

So, the alien reached the pillar. By this second, the ball darkened and disappeared into thin air. By the way, the size of the ball and the size of the figure were the same: four meters (another four). Height is measured accurately: the alien was flush with a specific part on the support.

Showing reporters and ufologists on the spot where, how and what happened, the schoolchildren "fought in a chill" - the effect is known, many eyewitnesses are exposed to it, and it does not go away for a long time.

While the figure was walking towards the transformer, the schoolchildren saw the same woman in a red dress.

Promotional video:

“Auntie! Do not go! Aliens! They shouted. It was 150 meters from them to the alien …

The woman either did not hear or heard, but did not react. For some reason, she came closer to the alien. Probably did not see what the students saw. The effect of ufology is also known. And then both disappeared! True, a second later the woman appeared, but already 40 meters from the transformer. Arose out of thin air!.. She ran away from the meadow in horror.

They tried to find the woman. The search did not give any result. We will no longer talk about the event itself, it is well known to many. Nothing remarkable, except that after June 6, a literal UFO invasion began in the Vologda region. Moreover, the visits were not after visiting the village of Konantsevo, but earlier! And even more so before publications about a famous event. However, we are still interested in the same woman. What's wrong with her?

As already noted, at the same time, in 1989, they searched for her and did not find her. True, just a few days later, a patient "with similar signs" appeared in the regional hospital. But it was not possible to find out whether it was she or not: the woman had lost her memory. And the doctors said: "He is in a deranged state."

Unfortunately, neither in 1991, nor in the years closer to the present day, there were no more reports about this woman.

But Vladimir Lagovsky in his work continues to talk about the consequences of encounters with UFOs. He talks with the ufologist Anatoly Pavlovich Listratov. We will cite not fragments of quotations, as just now, but a large excerpt from the conversation between A. P. Listratov and V. Lagovsky about the incident over the city of Borisov.

Two planes Tbilisi - Tallinn and Leningrad - Tbilisi were on a collision course. They were about to start a divergence. Suddenly, the crews report that a huge disk ahead is emitting rays: three directed to the ground, two - up. It is still unclear what prompted the dispatcher to give the command to the Leningrad crew to slightly change the course and get closer to the object. But then this is what happened. The disc was at the level of the plane, raised one of the beams, focused it and illuminated the cockpit. At this time, the co-pilot was at the helm. He saw the manipulation of the object and managed to block himself from the intolerable light. The commander was resting in an adjacent chair, and a bright spot 20 centimeters in diameter passed him along the body. Both pilots felt the heat.

- This is the background, - said Listratov. - It is recorded in detail in the reports of the crews. I have a photocopy. But few people know what an ominous continuation these events had.

A few months later, the ship's commander died of cancer in the Botkin hospital. A very strange entry was made in the history of his illness: "The defeat of the body as a result of exposure to radiation from an unidentified flying object." Apparently, the doctors could not explain why there was a sharp deterioration in health. I have met the co-pilot. Its fate is less tragic so far. But even this previously healthy person was decommissioned from aviation due to disability shortly after the encounter with the disk. Now he sometimes loses consciousness for several hours. There are other symptoms that involuntarily make you remember the heroes of the Strugatsky's novel "Roadside Picnic" - about stalkers. The electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms of the co-pilot look, to put it mildly, unusual - not human, or something. And the examination showed that his blood isotopic composition was changed …

Have any conclusions been drawn from this? Was anyone worried? Not. At least no official version has been put forward. There were only rumors that the plane, they say, was in the test zone and came under a laser. I don't know who disseminated them, but the specialists whom I acquainted with the descriptions of the events assured: no, there are no such lasers. And the pilots are at risk to this day. I don’t want to preach, but this can happen to anyone. Crews, as far as I know, continue to meet UFOs. Nobody gave them any recommendations on this matter …

I can pick up from the archive as many examples of the material impact of UFOs on the environment and on people. Even a superficial analysis proves that the problem is at the junction of many sciences. Without careful research and generalizations, all manifestations cannot be understood. Namely, science remains on the sidelines.

- And what is the role of that same group in the Department of General Physics and Astronomy of the USSR Academy of Sciences? (Asks V. Lagovsky)

- Strange, in my opinion. As we already know, the events in Petrozavodsk served as the reason for the creation of a working group to study anomalous phenomena. Soon, the Academy of Sciences adopted a program codenamed "Grid AN". At the same time, the Ministry of Defense is connected with its own program "Mesh MO". And all information becomes secret. It is not known exactly what research was carried out, but the version that UFOs were either burned-out stages of missiles or the results of unsuccessful launches began to be strongly promoted in the press. And glow and other radiation - this is the atmosphere playing naughty in response to human activity. This explanation can now be considered official (remember the report of the commission of the US Congress. - Auth.) At least the head of the group, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. Migulin, still adheres to it. (Recall:the material was published in 1991, and therefore we ask you to take correctly everything that is relevant to the present time in the text. - Auth.). Read at least an interview with a scientist. One gets the impression that the task of the group is to sweep aside all other hypotheses. However, I would venture to suggest that there may be reasons for this. UFO recognition by official science does not bode well. It may well be that all our attempts to understand the surrounding reality will turn out to be petty and useless, and "promising" directions in science are not promising at all. Because this reality itself may turn out to be completely different. Agree, it's scary to imagine that aliens actually exist. We'll have to explain a lot, a lot, to revise the rammed ideas for centuries. After all, from which side you approach, you will stumble upon a contradiction. If we assume that the "plates" come from other galaxies, we must admit that their speed may be higher than the speed of light. If from parallel worlds, it is necessary to explain their existence. If UFOs are an unusual life form, which one? To believe in "plates" is tantamount to sending modern physics and cosmology to hell. Who wants this of their own free will? Foundations must be defended, so they are protected.

- But here's what's interesting, Anatoly Pavlovich. Migulin himself admits that 95 percent of all observed "UFO phenomena" can be explained by purely earthly reasons. But what about the remaining five percent?

- That's the whole point …

I knew that Listratov and his numerous supporters were sure that at least these five percent were envoys of extraterrestrial civilizations. Somehow in his hearts he even exclaimed that he was ready to argue with his convictions. But let scientists prove that there are no aliens, that UFO behavior is not at all meaningful, that people only dream of "little green men". To be honest, I also like the alien version. But still, the arguments that aliens exist are based mainly on eyewitness testimony.

What if they were all really seized by mass psychosis? "Then the interlocutors turned to material evidence of the existence of UFOs. And with vivid examples they proved to each other that there is a phenomenon, that it is not a" mass psychosis ", and so on. These were military reports and photographs taken They add little to our knowledge about UFOs and, moreover, they do not convince for the reason set forth in the chapter “On the question of reliability.” It's just that in the first part of the book we assumed that they exist. they.

Of the facts of UFO sightings by the military, we may be interested in only two, not yet covered on these pages.

The first. Four soldiers one autumn, when it was not yet dawn (it was probably a changing of the guard), saw a three-breasted woman. She “floated” through the barbed wire and disappeared only when one of them threw a stone at her (the weapon was forgotten or it was in the guardhouse). It was not difficult to count the number of breasts, since the woman was in a transparent tunic. The case might not have been mentioned, if not for such an intimate detail, a little funny.

In the second fact, confirmed by the report, also from the guard life, the participants in the events were not at all funny. In a military unit near Moscow, guard soldiers and an officer watched the glow, then the "plate" and then the aliens themselves, moving along the wall. The aliens showed zero emotions to the usual command from the guard duty charter (Stop, who is coming?). And the officer personally "shot" them. The aliens were quick to … disappear.

Perhaps it was also a holographic picture, that is, no one did harm to anyone. But where did the bullets go?.. First of all, not a single one was found. Secondly, not a single trace of queues was recorded in the wall. Someday the phenomenon will be explained, but not now.

More specifically, we are interested in, as an addition to the known, one of the facts recorded in the process of the so-called Turgai contact in 1979. The events took place in a pioneer camp, and the parents, who found out about the appearance of aliens in the forest, refused to send their children there for the second shift. But our interest is not in this curious detail, but in the fact that late in the evening one of the teachers was walking along the path in the camp and saw a huge man sitting on an iron chair taken from the camp canteen. Whether he took it, or the chair got on the path by someone else's will, but what is important is that the reader imagines this standard chair and the person sitting on it. It turned out that he was not only huge, but also weighed at least 350 kilograms! This weight was attributed to the alien by criminologists,when examined the degree of depression of the legs of the chair in the soil (well, by the way, trampled). The woman was panicked by the presence of an unfamiliar giant on the path and hurriedly ran. As she later explained - for help. Why? What scared her?..

In conclusion of this chapter, we would like to recommend to the reader an interesting and paradoxical article in the newspaper "Oracle" # 8 for 1997. It is about the continuation of the same story with two airliners and one UFO. The author of the article "The meeting place could be changed" - L. Rusak. Its content consists of three riddles and three clues - all related to the event in the sky over Borisov. Recall that the event itself took place on September 7, 1984, and the publication in the Trud newspaper was dated January 30, 1985. We remember the enthusiasm of the passengers of those flights: they looked at objects on the surface of the earth illuminated by UFO beams, they rejoiced at the lights pulsing inside the UFO. They were happy when they themselves were illuminated ("sanctified"?) By gentle fiery zigzags spreading horizontally (aiming?) …

So: of the two airliners, by 1990 at least 50 people (including the crew members who suffered the most) died from incomprehensible diseases!..

People in Black are also like this: the dispatcher's excessive curiosity is punished, and cruelly. As L. Rusak puts it, vile.

From the book: "Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.