Did The Ukrainian Military Help The Sectarians Bury The Humanoid Alyoshenka In The Crimea? - Alternative View

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Did The Ukrainian Military Help The Sectarians Bury The Humanoid Alyoshenka In The Crimea? - Alternative View
Did The Ukrainian Military Help The Sectarians Bury The Humanoid Alyoshenka In The Crimea? - Alternative View

Video: Did The Ukrainian Military Help The Sectarians Bury The Humanoid Alyoshenka In The Crimea? - Alternative View

Video: Did The Ukrainian Military Help The Sectarians Bury The Humanoid Alyoshenka In The Crimea? - Alternative View
Video: Russia with the help of its EW Systems Jammed American and Ukrainian Warships in the Black Sea! 2024, September

The journalists of "KP-Yekaterinburg" learned where the mysterious organization "Star Academy" buried the mummy of the Kyshtym alien, and went to the excavation …

We are standing in the middle of the village. In the hands - shovels and a map. A giant locator can be seen in the distance. Local residents are not particularly surprised by our appearance. They are used to eccentric guests.

- Tell me, have you heard anything about the cultists who buried the humanoid Alyoshenka under a radio telescope in 2005? - we are interested in the natives.

- You mean those [schizos] who ran around here in alien costumes?

We are definitely on the right track!

In this story, everything is as simple as in the alphabet. "A": Alyoshenka, a strange creature (either a mutant child, or not to understand who), which the old woman found under a pine tree in the Ural town of Kyshtym. A month later, the orderlies took the pensioner to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute schizophrenia. But Alyoshenka did not dissolve, like a figment of the imagination of his nurse. He remained in a dirty apartment until he died of hunger (if he was alive before). "B": Bendlin, a policeman who began to find out what kind of mysterious humanoid appeared in Kyshtym and even for safety hid the alien's mummy in his home in the refrigerator. "B": thieves, sect "Star Academy for the Study of Frontal Problems." Its members arrived in Kyshtym and took Alyoshenka's body. Investigator Bendlin assures that the swindlers stole the mummy under the pretext of conducting an examination. But it is possiblethat the silovik himself sold the most important piece of evidence to the “academicians”, as the wages were delayed for six months in the department. "G": where is Alyoshenka now? For nine years the cultists took the dead humanoid to their seminars. And in 2005, the top of the "Star Academy" decided to betray the body of the alien guest to earth. "D": DNA. The only thing left is to dig up Alyoshenka, give the mummy to the scientists so that they can make an examination of DNA, and reveal one of the main secrets of the twentieth century!

The alien mummy went missing in 1996


Promotional video:

Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN


For three months of investigation, we managed to find out that the funeral of the Kyshtym dwarf took place in the Crimea (the founder of the "Star Academy" Boris Zolotov comes from there. - Ed.). At first, they tried to drown the mummy, then burn it. Finally, the remains were buried under a certain landmark in Evpatoria. But where exactly, the devil only knows. All the "academicians" present at the ceremony vowed to remain silent about the location of the grave. Or not all?

When one former sectarian (she herself was not present at parting with Alyoshenka) tried to help us get to the alien's body, she sent a photo of a man dressed in a green alien costume. The woman assures that many of the participants in the funeral procession were dressed like this.

After we published a snapshot of the funeral dress code of "star academicians" in the newspaper and on the website, Crimean readers sent us a link to the local forum, where a video with the intriguing title "Worlds of other dimensions" and the postscript "That's how it should be to have a rest in Evpatoria (2005) ". The video shows a collage of photographs from the category “Inhabitants of Ward No. 5 (more precisely,“Babylon-5”) for a walk: men in exactly the same alien costumes as at Alyoshenka's funeral, and a bonus woman in no less epic blue robes. Alas, there are no frames with our old acquaintance - Alyoshenka. But there is one important detail: in many pictures, this whole cheerful company poses against the background of a huge satellite dish. This is the world's largest radio telescope "RT-70", built in Soviet times in Yevpatoria. And in the early 2000s, the Ukrainians tried to transmit a signal to extraterrestrial civilizations with its help. Isn't this the very sight under which the Kyshtym dwarf rested?

The sectarians chose the world's largest radio telescope "RT-70", built in the Soviet years (in the background) as a tombstone for a humanoid.


Photo: International Academy of Frontal Problems

We write to the person with the speaking nickname "Namestnik kosmosa":

- Dear Governor, in 2009 you posted a wonderful video in which wonderful people in alien costumes spend their time in Crimea with dignity. This, by any chance, is not a prelude to the funeral of the humanoid Alyoshenka?

Five days later, the answer comes:

- Thanks for the “wonderful people”. This is August 2005, a seminar by Boris Evgenievich Zolotov. One day of the seminar cost 10 euros. It was held from mid-July to mid-September near Yevpatoria (it turns out that for two months of practice, the followers of the sect gave 600 euros. - Ed.).

We repeat the main question in pursuit:

- Have you buried the humanoid?

Two days later, the answer hobbled:

- Yes. Right under the plate.

At this, the intergalactic portal of communication with the "Governor" slammed shut.

The video shows a collage of photos from the category "Inhabitants of ward No. 5 (more precisely," Babylon-5 ") on a walk


Photo: International Academy of Frontal Problems


With determination and two shovels, we arrive in Crimea. The radio telescope is not located in Evpatoria itself, but 10 kilometers from the city, on the outskirts of the village of Molochnoe. Reference books do not lie about the size of the "RT-70". This high-tech pandora can be seen far beyond the village. But what the reference books do not report is that the territory of the gigantic plate is fenced off by a tall fence, on which a formidable sign “No Passage” flaunts.

The territory of the giant plate is surrounded by a tall fence


Photo: Roman Lyalin

Brooding wandering along the perimeter. But you can't get far. On our way there are people in military uniform.

- Stand still! What are you doing here ?! - mints the most formidable soldier.

Our "Komsomol" detachment, puzzled, blinks and looks around. From the outside, to be sure, we look suspicious. Two guys with shovels at the ready and a girl with a printed photograph of a strategic object under the fence of a strategic object. It's not even an oil painting, but a finished illustration “Be vigilant. Spies among us."

- And we are looking for Alyoshenka, - we grumble a frank confession.

- Under the idiots mow ?! - if there was a "severity of the year" award, these military men would receive it without straining.

With determination and two shovels, Komsomolskaya Pravda journalists arrived in Crimea


Photo: Anton MESHAVKIN

We hold out certificates and passports, show the numbers of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" with the previous parts of the investigation about Alyoshenka, which we prudently took with us. We explain that the trail led to the locator. And the hearts of the soldiers soften. Defenders of the fatherland say that after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, "RT-70" entered the department of the command-measuring complex of the aerospace defense forces of Russia.

“Local residents told us that in the early 2000s, sects appeared in Ukraine like mushrooms after rain. Maybe your "Star Academy" was among them, - one of the warriors admits. - But I doubt that your dwarf would be buried on the territory of the complex, because then he belonged to the armed forces of Ukraine. Although if the sectarians had their own people among the officers, maybe they would have been able to arrange a secret ceremony.

We nod in response and retreat home until our new shovels are taken away from us. In any case, we need the exact coordinates of the grave.

Sectarians have chosen a picturesque place for their tent camp


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV


In search of information, we go to the main street of Molochny. Tellingly, the local people's dislike for “academicians” has not faded away even after 11 years. Sectarians are called here not otherwise than [hitting] their heads. They remember how strange tourists ran around in the costumes of aliens and tried to make it rain (that year there was a drought, because of this, the grapes did not ripen well). And once the sectorate marched all over the village naked. But when asked about the funeral of Alyoshenka, the natives only shake their heads with regret. “Some of these idiots lived in a campsite. It is no longer working, but maybe you will find something there,”advises a saleswoman at a local grocery store.

It would be better if she immediately sent us to hell. Even an elephant is difficult to find in these ruins, let alone information. Now this is anything but camping. There are no windows or doors left in the once cozy houses. All things are thrown to the floor. Dirty mattresses lie in the corners. That and look, the elder brother of Alyoshenka will jump out of the pile of rubbish and take him to cosmic purgatory. Out of frustration, we kick a mountain of junk. The characteristic "tinkle" of broken glass is heard. The gaze falls on a photograph in an old cracked frame. The picture shows a "star academic" in the form of an alien against the background of a radio telescope. A pleasant surprise, but it would be better to find a map of the grave.

In these ruins, even an elephant is problematic to find, let alone information.


Photo: Roman Lyalin

Branches crunched on the side. Well, sure, Aleshenka's older brother has come! Our feet are already ready to run away to Yekaterinburg. But from the windbreak instead of a monster, the red muzzle of a cow appears. While we scold the noisy cow, her owner joins us.

To end the prolonged awkward pause, point the tanned farmer to the found snapshot.

- Have you seen such "green" ones in 2005?

- I saw them in 2006. For two years in a row they have been an eyesore to us,”the man grunts, wiping sweat from his forehead. - Apparently, on the second visit, they gave this photo to San Sanych (he was the owner of the camping, died - Ed.).

- Do you know anything about the alien's funeral?

- You need to talk to Kolyan Kolb. He became very close with the sectarians in 2005! After this communication, I lost 20 kilograms.

A photograph of them remained in the campsite where the sectarians lived


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV

Nikolay Kolb, nicknamed "Reverse Block", now makes a living by catching and selling crabs. And earlier he enriched himself at the expense of tourists. He also wanted to profit from the "star academicians".

- Part of this company is located in a car camp, and the other - right on the shore. It was from such tourists who lived on the beach that I cut the "cabbage" - good-naturedly says "Block vice versa." - I came and said that I was the official representative of the village administration and demanded to pay for the land lease. Most of the visitors were led to this. But not these. The "academics" said they were scientists. Like, we didn't come here to rest. As if our village is located in the very center of the center for the guidance of distant space communications. And that only from here and only they can stop the terrible earthquake, practically the end of the world that awaits the planet. To do this, you need to carry out some kind of ceremony.

- And you believed?

- Of course not. But they were funny. They drank wine constantly. Their women walked half naked. In general, it was pleasant to communicate with them.

Nikolai Kolb wanted to profit from the sectarians, but it did not work


Photo: Andrey GORBUNOV

- Maybe you saw how the sectarians bury someone?

- I won't tell you about burying. But one night I came to them. And the "academicians" are standing with torches around the tall pillar. When they noticed me, they immediately asked me to leave. I only had time to notice that some kind of doll was hanging on the post. Come on, this was the same ritual against the earthquake.

- Why did you start losing weight after meeting with the "academicians"?

- I just wanted to lose weight then. So they advised me to sit on the same water for a month. It helped!


From Nikolai Kolb we head to the beach, where the camp of the "academicians" was stationed. On the right, attention is drawn to a noisy company. The men are drinking red wine. From the faces and the lively unconstructive dialogue it is clear that the bottle is not the first.

You never know. Just in case, we are interested in:

- Comrades, in 2005, did you drink with tourists who disguised themselves as aliens?

- What did you say? - without prelude, the drunkiest drinker jumps up. - Let's go, [jerks]!

In the next part you will find out whether the journalists of "KP" managed to dig up the humanoid Alyoshenka


Photo: Vladimir BENDLIN

[Bulls], in fact, do not mind retiring. We simultaneously turn 90 degrees and hurry on. But after 200 meters one of the participants of the feast catches up with us. We were already preparing to use the shovels for other purposes. But a person with all his embarrassed appearance shows that he came in peace.

- Don't be afraid of Styopa. When he drinks, he always gets too excited. But in reality he is peaceful, - the stranger assures, out of breath. Behind him, the peaceful Stepan yells about our teeth and the imminent decrease in their number. And his friend continues:

- My dad, let the earth rest in peace, he used to make his own wine. And the people you asked about often bought from him. Father told me that once a sectarian man came for wine. Although why he needed a drink, it is not clear - he could hardly keep his feet. So, the sectarian told Daddy where they buried the mummy. It was not on the territory of the military complex, but a little further from it. Remember the coordinates …

Even more materials by tag: Kyshtym dwarf

Andrey GORBUNOV, Roman Lyalin, Saltykova Ekaterina