What Role Does Cosmoenergy Play In Our Life? - Alternative View

What Role Does Cosmoenergy Play In Our Life? - Alternative View
What Role Does Cosmoenergy Play In Our Life? - Alternative View

Video: What Role Does Cosmoenergy Play In Our Life? - Alternative View

Video: What Role Does Cosmoenergy Play In Our Life? - Alternative View
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A scientist who devoted his life to the study and promotion of the innovative science of cosmic energies and their beneficial effects, V. A. Petrov. He defined this direction of esoteric knowledge as cosmoenergetics. Claiming that all living organisms have their own frequency range, he proved that through the correct use of powerful streams of energy from space, you can expand human capabilities. When resonance is reached at the moment of contact with harmonious frequencies, its range of perception expands. This will allow in the future a person to be in the same rhythm with the Universe and in harmony with the surrounding world.

Under the influence of various negative factors (bad habits, ecology, stress, etc.), over time, the organs in the human body change the reference vibration frequency. This is reflected in his health, the occurrence of diseases. During energy sessions, specialists are able to restore the original frequency of cell vibrations by achieving resonance. This allows the patient to get rid of chronic diseases. However, if you stop at this, then the disease can return over time. A very important point in treatment is the patient's work on himself. To do this, you need to understand the cause of the disease, overcome negative qualities in yourself and engage in self-development.

With the further development of science and technology, the effectiveness of methods of cosmoenergy finds more and more confirmation. This technique is simple and straightforward. Anyone can master it. More information about this can be found on the website https://cosmoagida.ru. Practical evidence of improvement in the patient's condition can be recorded using an auro camera. Thanks to the sensors, the electromagnetic field of a person is measured with the reflection of the results on the computer monitor in two projections. The photo of the aura allows a person to find out certain information - the level of energy, his weak and strong zones, to know himself more deeply and to analyze the change in state after conducting energy sessions, self-improvement and spiritual growth. Using the obtained bio-data, it is possible to determine the abilities of a person,and identify areas of their effective application. Energy indicators and charts will allow you to draw conclusions about recent events and actions. Our state is influenced by inner attitude, thoughts and actions. By making this or that decision, we can radically change our destiny. Cosmoenergy is energy-vibration medicine, the possibilities of which can be used for the development and growth of intellectual and creative abilities, harmonization of relationships, getting rid of ailments and much more.the possibilities of which can be used for the development and growth of intellectual and creative abilities, harmonization of relationships, getting rid of ailments and much more.the possibilities of which can be used for the development and growth of intellectual and creative abilities, harmonization of relationships, getting rid of ailments and much more.

Khomyakov Alexander