Scientists: Meditation Helps To Keep Emotions In Check - Alternative View

Scientists: Meditation Helps To Keep Emotions In Check - Alternative View
Scientists: Meditation Helps To Keep Emotions In Check - Alternative View

Video: Scientists: Meditation Helps To Keep Emotions In Check - Alternative View

Video: Scientists: Meditation Helps To Keep Emotions In Check - Alternative View
Video: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes | Andy Puddicombe 2024, June

American scientists conducted a study that scientifically proved that meditation helps people keep their emotions in check. It has been noted that 20 minutes of this practice per day is sufficient for good results.

The test subjects were divided into several groups. The first were those who, due to their character traits, are very calm and controlling their emotions people. The second group consisted of those who regularly meditate, although their personality traits are not focused. And the third group, people who cannot call themselves calm and in control of their emotions, and they also did not apply the practice of spiritual relaxation.

All three parts were shown the same pictures and video fragments with unpleasant content, for example, the bodies of those killed in car accidents, recordings of operations in seriously ill patients, and others. After that, people were asked to try to return to normal as quickly as possible, while the brain activity was continuously monitored by scientists.

It turned out that the results of the first and second groups were almost identical. Based on this, scientists have concluded that meditation is a great way to learn how to keep your emotions in check. At the same time, it does not require much time, the researchers note, 20 minutes a day is enough for such a practice.

Bogdan Svetlov