How Aliens Communicate - Alternative View

How Aliens Communicate - Alternative View
How Aliens Communicate - Alternative View

Video: How Aliens Communicate - Alternative View

Video: How Aliens Communicate - Alternative View
Video: How Humans Can Communicate With Aliens 2024, September

Many are interested in how the aliens communicate with each other, whether anyone heard their speech, how it sounds, whether it is possible to learn their language, whether there are at least some written sources by which one can judge the language of those with whom they are supposedly in contact many earthlings.

The questions, you see, are quite natural. However, there is surprisingly little information on this score. One of such rare evidences of communication (or rather, attempts at communication) was received from our compatriot.

“His head was large relative to the body, like that of a small child: spherical on top and tapering downward. The eyes are rather large, long, "horse-like", that is, completely dark. Nose - with a sunken bridge and noticeably turned outward nostrils. The mouth is long, lipless. The complexion is grayish-greenish. The creature looked at me for 5-10 seconds, then bent down a little and, in a purely human way, stretching out its half-bent right hand, palm up, spoke, making slight up and down movements with it, as if trying to help me understand the meaning of his speech.

The voice of the creature was monotonous, quiet, dryish, the only sound was emitted - something between "e" and "e" This sound, either short or a little more prolonged, was given in series, consisting of combinations of sounds of different lengths, and such "words" were separated one from the other in small intervals. I did not notice the movement of the creature's lips. In general, the speech was very similar to Morse code."

So in one of the Russian newspapers Alexander Sokolov describes his communication with the newcomer and honestly admits "I did not understand this speech." The little creature, moving closer and closer, again tried to tell something and accompanied its speech with swaying of the right hand. And when the young man began to move this creature away from him, "it fell silent." The dialogue did not take place.

Could it have taken place, this dialogue? Would we have been able to understand the written or oral speech of the aliens, if the personal, direct contact, about which we fantasized so much, did take place? Apparently, yes, if the aliens spoke our language (as, by the way, it happens, according to the contactees). And if on your own?..

There are also other examples. Near Volgograd, for example, Zabelin lives, who also heard something similar while fishing by the lake. True, he did not see anyone at the same time, and the monologue that sounded in his head was perceived as a kind of rhythmic monotonous melody: the sounds repeated by a series of sounds were recorded by him as the same type and, as it were, "metallic", each lasted about five seconds with a gradual decay. And so it happened many times. But one day someone's voice in his brain, in pure Russian, said: "The experiment is over." But only these two words.

What kind of experiment and who conducted it on it, Gennady Andreevich does not know to this day. But since then, over the past three years, many miracles have happened to him. And the high blood pressure returned to normal by itself - this is in the 72nd year! And metal objects began to stick to the body, and he is able to drown the engine of any car from a distance. Maybe the mysterious invisibles were preparing him for this?

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American Nancy Leader, who, according to her, communicates with aliens all the time, also mentions that sometimes they kind of "chirp" But not all and not always. And basically the so-called "zetas" ("gray") communicate with each other on a telepathic level, but in general the aliens are different, but the undersized chirp, and even then, when something is actively discussing. Does she understand this chirping? No With her, if necessary, the aliens communicate at the level of telepathy, and at one time for this they subjected her brain to some kind of surgical manipulation. Since then, she can get in touch with them anywhere, anytime.

More than once already here and there messages appeared, as if someone had seen the letters of the aliens somewhere. In our era, it all began with Roswell (USA), where a flying saucer allegedly crashed in 1947. Eyewitnesses later assured that incomprehensible signs were visible on the fragments of the light silver metal of the UFO. More often they talk about short inscriptions on board UFOs - apparently, this is a license plate or some other kind of identification symbol. Sometimes eyewitnesses reproduce these icons from memory, but no one knows their meaning. And this is weird. Why?

Because, for example, that, according to one of the existing versions, it was they, the aliens, who brought us the writing in finished form, when they planted and genetically created various biological species on Earth. In confirmation, for example, signs and symbols found on the monuments of the Mayan culture, or the famous tablets of the Sumerians, a mysterious civilization that appeared on our planet as if from nowhere and initially possessed tremendous knowledge, including in the field of astronomy, are cited. This means that the languages of the aliens should be, as it were, related to our earthly languages. But, apparently, not everything, even if this version is correct.

In this sense, it is interesting to look at the enormous amount of information received by contactees through the so-called psychography. Aliens allegedly transmit information about various planets in contact with our civilization, and earthlings draw and write automatically, not always understanding the essence of the "dictation" and sometimes not knowing what the result will be: some unknown force guides the hand of the writer. In particular, the collection of such "messages" for a long time already: the American ufologist Richard Ross, who is especially interested in direct contacts of earthlings with aliens, is engaged. He managed to compile an extensive collection of texts and drawings, many of which remained undeciphered.

Since the times of the USSR, our country has also accumulated a lot of information about such encryption programs. Texts that are obtained by the method of automatic writing sometimes contain very exotic letters, the meaning of which is incomprehensible not only to the writer himself, but they also fail to identify the strange ones with any known language.

Images of distant planets, descriptions of alien galaxies, aliens and their flying vehicles can be seen on the Internet today. Frankly, I thoroughly delved into all this outlandish information. And every time you are amazed: is it really really all this in such details transmitted to us by aliens?

Many messages remain secret with seven seals. Sometimes they remember the pictographic writing of the ancients, sometimes - cuneiform, hieroglyphs, but there are also very sophisticated icons and symbols that are not similar to any of the earthly languages.

On the Internet, illustrations and descriptions of many dozen of the most different planets are presented. The number of the galaxy, the number and type of the planet, its name, and the main characteristics are reported. In addition, it is said that the information obtained by the "automatic writing method" can be used not only by earthlings, but also by those who visit the Earth: after all, they do not even know about the existence of civilizations in other galaxies.

But how can such strange languages sound, even if reading them is a problem for us? A. Sokolov's story gives some idea of this at the beginning. And in the magazine Anomalist there was once a rather interesting work by Peter Park "Cosmic language". We are talking about a universal language artificially created by aliens, which is known as eyui, which in translation supposedly means "the language of outer space." In the United States, since 1960, it has been actively promoted as the "language of love and peace" by an Austrian by birth, now a psychiatrist living in Iowa

John Weilgart, who claims to have learned this language as a child with the help of a small green humanoid space alien. The humanoid allegedly told Weilgart that eyui is truly a universal language, in which all intelligent beings of different planets communicate throughout the cosmos. It is a logically verified and rational language that rid anyone of irrational models.

The famous popularizer of ufology Brad Steiger wrote about Weilgart and the preached language Eyewe, and then Weilgart himself published several textbooks. No one, of course, can prove or disprove whether Weilgart really communicated with a cosmic being, but the very nature of the eyewee language is a kind of argument in favor of its unearthly origin. According to Peter Park, such a language could only be created by creatures with a different biology, a different psychology, a different evolutionary past.

Eyewi may well be the language of robots devoid of any emotion. It is not hard to imagine that it is in this or a similar language that dispassionate "gray" aliens, who have been described more than once by the victims of alien abductions, can communicate. According to P. Park, it is in the Ayui language that a gray surgeon could address his assistants with phrases like “give me a probe to retrieve an egg,” “bring an implant insertion device,” or “set up a suction for collecting sperm”. Or he could say something like, "Bring the # 387 hybrid baby from the incubator and show it to the patient - you need to provide emotional contact."

This is a specific, unambiguous language. In eyui, every vowel or consonant sound is a basic element of the language, meaning a certain specific idea, moreover, always - only her and nothing else, and therefore a word can be translated only through the analysis of its constituent basic elements. Deciphering, say, the word "husband" looks like a jointly-active-person "," wife "-" jointly-inactive-person ", etc.

What are the aliens telling us? First of all, about what other galaxies and planets are. Judging by the drawings and descriptions, many of the planets are more or less similar to our Earth in the sense that they have continents, oceans and seas, rivers, mountains, lakes, cities. It is said about some cosmic bodies, however, that they consist of antimatter. Spaceports for landing interplanetary ships are marked on the map of each planet. There are planets inhabited by tall and earth-like inhabitants, while others live on dwarfs or strange animal-like creatures that resemble lions, penguins, owls, cats, dogs or wolves, reptiles, strange insects, or even the devil.

Sometimes, looking at these eerie "faces", it is difficult to believe that before us are representatives of more highly developed civilizations than ours, and that they have access to such technical capabilities that we only dream of - teleportation, the transition from one space-time to other …

There are, of course, quite nice (from our point of view) aliens, very similar in appearance to earthlings. Some seem to us exceptionally beautiful, physically perfect, or even completely angelic.

If you believe the contactees, then, for example, on a planet called Unvaltika live tall, more than two meters, individuals. Thanks to highly developed technology, the inhabitants of Unvaltica can visit all the nearest space civilizations. They communicate with each other telepathically. There is complete agreement here, there are no wars. And on Vurin, the inhabitants move by teleportation. Antigravity is used by them for flights both in near and deep space. There are space bases and huge hangars for their own and others' spaceships.

There is a division of labor in the intergalactic community. For example, the "multidimensional" planet from the constellation Pleiades holds a special place in the development of art. Aesthetically gifted inhabitants from other cosmic bodies arrive here. Having received a broad liberal arts education here, they then contribute to the development of galactic art at home. Robots for the entire galactic community are being developed on the artificially created planet of Alamku. It is the robots that make it completely self-sufficient.

There are many tunnels used for pneumatic transport, all aircraft operate on the basis of anti-gravity. Ecosystems are artificially controlled. There are experimental types of animals and insects - biological and mechanical.! The bases for the landing of alien ships are never empty: robots are exported from here to all sides of the universe.

The planet Akai from the constellation Andromeda is called the planet of realizations and realizers. It is designed to control the reincarnation of biological species. Here, in particular, there are favorable conditions for the cultivation of various plants by order of the inhabitants of other planets. Energy!

Akayans take directly from "universal sources". They communicate either telepathically or in the language of the messengers of other civilizations.

Interplanetary and intergalactic stations are artificially created in space as needed. Their diameter can vary from two kilometers to the size of a giant star. At such stations, the usual! the way of movement is teleportation. These stations can take off both horizontally and vertically. Thus, planet 32 is an interdimensional station of crystalline metal. There are more than three billion inhabitants, the population is made up of representatives of other planets. The inhabitants are predominantly engaged in creating and processing various types of energy on the basis of five powerful reactors.

In a word, these "alien messages" are read as intriguing adventure literature. And it can be assumed that if we were able to understand all the outlandish letters transmitted from the outside by the method of psychography, we would probably learn many more interesting things. At least it would give food for the mind, and maybe for new inventions. However, most scientists do not take seriously the idea of interplanetary contacts and, presumably, will not waste their precious time on deciphering mysterious symbols and signs. But it would be interesting to know what is behind all these "messages", an attempt to reach us or just someone's sophisticated hoax?..

No less strange messages are transmitted by aliens and contactees, with whom they communicate telepathically. It is simply impossible to retell all these "motley" messages, and hardly worth it. Sometimes it is just gibberish or strange religious "sermons", outlandish philosophical ideas. But desperate calls are not uncommon! to our mind, warnings about environmental disaster. In this context, there are also very persistent hints about the possibility of receiving all material benefits, and first of all - energy, in completely different ways than we do today, i.e. without destroying the environment and not wasting natural resources in such an insane amount.

I have seen many space projects on the Internet, allegedly transmitted by aliens. There is interstellar television, an interplanetary telephone, and all sorts of anti-gravity systems. But this is a separate big conversation. And they also convey to us warnings about the "end of the world." But this is not new. And already everyone, I think, is tired of being afraid.

Well, the most amazing thing in this whole story with the messages of "brothers in mind" is that the contactees continue to receive messages, and scientists continue to send encrypted signals into space, trying to catch the longed-for responses with their super-sophisticated equipment, and they still argue. whether there is any mind anywhere in the universe.