Stalin Died In Tibet? - Alternative View

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Stalin Died In Tibet? - Alternative View
Stalin Died In Tibet? - Alternative View

Video: Stalin Died In Tibet? - Alternative View

Video: Stalin Died In Tibet? - Alternative View
Video: Смерть Сталина. Сталин не умер в марте 1953. Сталин уехал в Тибет? 2024, September

Not so long ago, a handwritten medical journal about the last days of Stalin's life was declassified. It was conducted from 2 to 6 March 1953. The magazine was signed by the doctors and pathologists on duty, who in those terrible hours would not invent something that was not in reality. For everything they wrote, they answered with their own heads. From the records we learn how everything really happened

Pathologists describe Stalin's body very meticulously. However, it is surprising that the report does not say anything about two vivid individual signs - the fused second and third toes on the left leg and the left elbow injured in childhood. This can mean only one thing: the opened body did not belong to the leader.

A Stalinist double was brought to the pathological examination (if it was not falsified)! On March 9, 1953, instead of Stalin, the comrades-in-arms probably buried another person.

Stalin feared for his life and was unusually suspicious. He developed the most complex rules for personal protection. Most of the time he spent in the Blizhnyaya dacha in Kuntsevo, isolated from the outside world. No one knew which of his three private rooms Stalin was in during sleep, and only he himself could open the doors with the help of a special mechanism. The road from the Kremlin to the dacha was guarded around the clock by three shifts of 1200 people each.

Special agencies were looking for people like Stalin all over the country, in order to then use them in cases where a threat to his life could arise.

Leader's doubles

The most famous is the fate of Yevsey Lubnitsky, an accountant from Vinnitsa, who died a natural death in 1981. In September 1935, he was brought to a dacha in the vicinity of Moscow and gave him the maximum resemblance to Stalin. For six months he was trained, regularly showing newsreels, so that he mastered all the subtleties of the leader's behavior. The exam was taken by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). He was pleased with the result, and they even drank a glass of brandy. Soon Lubnitsky was already working at various receptions and meetings. Sometimes, during the celebrations, he climbed the steps of the mausoleum and stood next to Beria, Malenkov and other leaders of the country. According to him, they knew that Stalin was replaced by a double.

Another understudy - Christopher Golshtab - looked like Stalin as two drops of water. Pockmarks on his face, like those of the leader of the peoples, were made to him in one of the Moscow clinics. Christopher's acting skills were quite enough to receive congratulations in the theater, at official receptions and parades. The post-war fate of Golstab is unknown.

One can imagine the confusion and confusion of the guards when one day, almost simultaneously, two Stalins appeared before their eyes. One left the first entrance of the government building, surrounded by members of the Politburo, and went to the Grand Kremlin Palace for dinner. Almost simultaneously, another Stalin emerged from the third entrance. He was accompanied by an employee of the state security bodies Ivan Khrustalev.

Most of the guards joined the first Stalin. Having escorted him to the door, they remained on the street. The second Stalin came up and asked sternly: "Whom did you accompany?" One of them replied: "Comrade Stalin." - “Comrade Stalin? - the leader pretended to be surprised. - Who is in front of you then? The guard was confused: "Before us … you, Comrade Stalin?" The "joker" then just played his guard.

For two years the actor Dikiy taught another double - an uneducated peasant from the North Caucasus, Rashid.

Canadian historian from Toronto Greg Sinko in his book "Christ and Stalin - Parallels and Perpendiculars" puts forward a completely incredible version, but confirmed by some documents and indirect evidence, and names two more doubles of the leader.

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Indian way

According to the historian, Stalin developed a plan for his departure from the political arena. He understood that as soon as he grew old and weakened, his "faithful companions-in-arms" would destroy him. A former seminarian, Stalin was well versed in theological literature and the fact that one of the Indian monasteries kept the manuscript "The Tibetan Gospel". It stated that Christ, or, as he was called in the East, Saint Issa, did not die on the cross, but was saved by his disciples and ended his life in the state of Kashmir, in India. Stalin, apparently, decided to repeat the "Indian path" of the Lord. In December 1950, he instructed Beria to conduct a secret operation codenamed "Journey to the Himalayas." On the route Moscow - Ankara - Kabul - Tehran - Madras went the double of the leader - Boris Arapetov.

Under the guise of a deaf-mute merchant Isa-Bek, he settled in the foothills of the Himalayas. Boris had no idea that this was his last trip. Isa-Bek was supposed to disappear, and the leader of the peoples should take his place in order to calmly live the years remaining for him. And in Moscow, another "understudy" awaited the final of the operation - the former tea grower Avtandil Dzhalagoniya. Like Arapetov, he did not foresee his fate and did not suspect that a place awaited him in the Mausoleum, next to Lenin.

Preparation for the final was carried out well in advance and thoroughly. The first step was to remove Stalin's inner circle: people who know him well by sight. In December 1952, the leader's guard General Vlasik went to prison. The secretary - "the most faithful squire" Poskrebyshev was dismissed, personal doctor Vinogradov and the head of the Kremlin's medical and sanitary department Yegorov were arrested. General Kosynkin, the head of the Kremlin commandant's office

responsible for Stalin's security, died "prematurely". Many other people who worked for the "autocrat" and those close to his "understudies" also died "suddenly" or went to the camps.

The strange behavior of Stalin's comrades-in-arms is also explained. Why didn't they remove his double from the Mausoleum in 1956, immediately after the exposure of the personality cult, when it became clear that the tyrant was responsible for the deaths of millions? Stalin was probably still alive, and the leader's “old friends” did not dare to finally resolve this issue.

But there are other versions of the last days of the life of one of the most powerful people of all times and peoples.

Dark past

Everyone seems to know that Stalin died on March 5, 1953. For five days, doctors unsuccessfully fought for his life. But there are too many contradictions in the official reports and memoirs of the participants in those events. They called different places and dates of the onset of the leader's illness, different times of his death. There were rumors that he was eliminated by his “faithful companions-in-arms”, because he was starting to spin a new bloody “purge” and wanted to start with them. But the tyrant's associates managed to make Stalin defenseless, removing the most devoted people from his closest circle, and “helped” him to go to another world. Many witnesses talked about how long and painfully the leader died. And the commandant of the dacha I. Orlov argued that when Stalin did not leave his apartments on time, sharply violating his usual regime,the worried guards in the presence of representatives of the Ninth Directorate broke down the door and found the leader already dead on the floor.

Creating an alibi for themselves, the comrades-in-arms, while sharing power, staged a performance with a double, which, on Beria's orders, portrayed the dying leader. However, the "doctors" of the almighty General Commissioner of State Security could "organize" a double, and the leader too, a real stroke.

Talk about a top-secret laboratory in the bowels of the NKVD has been going on since the 30s of the XX century. There is no information about the examination for the presence of poison in Stalin's body in the documents of those days. If there was a double, then the question arises, where did the real leader go? The last person to see him healthy was the alleged security guard Khrustalev. Soon he and others who knew too much died one after another. Most of the doctors who participated in the autopsy of Stalin's body disappeared.