UFO: Mission Not Completed - Alternative View

UFO: Mission Not Completed - Alternative View
UFO: Mission Not Completed - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Mission Not Completed - Alternative View

Video: UFO: Mission Not Completed - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

In the previous article, I promised to continue investigating the mysterious story of a guest of our city named Venus. The promise must be kept.

So, the investigation of these incredible events lasted two March evenings in a row. There were two on our side: me and my colleague Nikolai, we acted as operators conducting a regression search session (to put it simply, we helped our guests to awaken the memory blocked by someone or something). On the other hand, there are two girls from the other end of Russia, Venus and Tatiana.

Venus is pretty, petite, with a tough character and a soft smile. The almost elusive features of her speech betrayed her as a resident of northwestern Russia. She took a friend with her for courage and as a witness to some events. Venus said almost nothing about herself, or about what questions she would like to receive an answer using the regression search method. Yes, she herself did not understand much, she only felt the strangeness of the events taking place around her. The only thing she told about herself was how a huge disc-shaped "flying saucer" hovered over her house (Venus herself was going home from school at that time, and it was already fifteen years ago).

By the time Venus reached the house, the UFO disappeared. What it was and why - then the girl did not understand. We started with this event. Venus easily and quickly entered a trance state. I think that it would be interesting for you to get acquainted not with my presentation of events, but with a direct speech - fragments of a verbatim record of the dialogue that took place.

Operator: Let's go back to the moment when you walked to the house and saw the UFO. And slowly, step by step, we recall that situation, see it. Until the moment when the "plate" disappeared. What happened at this moment?

Venus: She did not disappear with me. I just lost sight of her. I didn’t look because I went home very quickly. I couldn't run, but … I didn't look, I didn't want to look! I thought it couldn't be! And now I see a house in front of me, there is no light in it. There is no "plate" either.

Operator: Come to the house, come in - you see now everything the same as it was then.

Venus: I open the door with a key, it's dark everywhere, and I turn on the light. Mom comes out to meet me, says she was asleep. As if something unpleasant is happening. But I didn’t tell her what I saw.

Promotional video:

Operator: Okay, let's do it. Now you are mentally at exactly that moment in time when you are standing on the path. Look at this picture and describe it in detail.

Venus: “It” is very bright and is perceived as solid, flooded with white light and slightly pulsating (Note - she describes a UFO hovering over her house at that moment). There are no holes visible. There is no feeling of spirituality, intelligence, life from this object. And the atmosphere there - it feels like it resists, as if it were moving in water. Only this is not water, it is a force field. It is inside the object, it does not spread outside it. I am not very pleased to walk on it. And scary. It seems to me that I see these, with black eyes. They are also called "gray".

Operator: Do you feel that this object has something to do with you, or not?

Venus: No, it doesn't - except that for some reason it hangs over the house. They needed my mother.

Operator: So it's safe for you?

Venus: No.

Operator: What is the danger for you then?

Venus: I don't know.

Operator: You shouldn't have seen this situation?

Venus: No, it should have, otherwise it would not have hung so much.

The only UFO sighting she remembered was around the age of sixteen. The operator decided to activate her memories of her earlier childhood. And then her childhood fears resumed with particular acuteness. There were no usual reasons for them - although the girl remained at home for a long time, life was calm and measured, without incident. Nevertheless, being in an altered state of consciousness, Venus suddenly remembered that it was the house that often caused her fear - the feeling of the presence of something foreign inside the house. It turned out that there were very real reasons for this fear. These reasons appeared in the house from time to time.

Venus: I go to bed in my room with a mosquito net stretched over my entire bed. I'm almost completely asleep, but - I don't know why - I want to wake up. Something is wrong. I open my eyes and look at the room, and now I understand why I have such a feeling - light! Light from all directions. It pours from all the windows. I don't understand where he is from. Because there is a private sector, there cannot be such a thing. I get up, look at the street, but I see nothing.

Operator: Just at this moment, look around and look at the bed.

Venus: I leaned on the windowsill, I look - there is light pouring, but there is nothing on the street.

Operator: Look back at your bed.

Venus: I'm lying there.

Operator: And at the same time you are standing near the window?

Venus: Yes.

If, when you wake up, you see your body lying on the bed, do not be alarmed - you managed to commit the so-called
If, when you wake up, you see your body lying on the bed, do not be alarmed - you managed to commit the so-called

If, when you wake up, you see your body lying on the bed, do not be alarmed - you managed to commit the so-called Astral exit

Realizing that the girl in this state of consciousness did not understand anything yet (and this was the moment of the so-called astral exit, when her personality, her consciousness was at a distance from the sleeping biological body), the operator decided not to focus her attention on this detail yet. Taking advantage of the fact that the conscious part of her personality was active, the operator suggested continuing mental observation and describing everything that Venus saw then - even if not through the eyes of the physical body, but still saw.

Venus: If you go outside, then there it hangs - a "plate". It hangs almost over the roof. Very close.

Operator: What does she look like?

Venus: It's hard for me to say - very bright, it hurts to look. If you go further, then like this (with a movement of the hands shows the form).

Operator: A disc with a cap?

Venus: With a "hat". Then I had only the feeling of the presence of someone outside the house, but now I understand that this light seems to be purposefully pouring into my windows. Fearfully. I would not like that.

Operator: Okay, you are now standing at the windowsill, looking at the street. What happens next?

Venus: Some silhouettes appear in the room.

In this situation, a kind of duality of sensations was interesting - Venus simultaneously observed the events taking place both from the biological body lying on the bed, and from some other body that stood near the window and looked at the same picture from the side. And the attitude of these two halves to what was happening was different. The body lying on the bed felt that the light pouring from the windows fettered her, making it impossible to move. This body understood that it was necessary by an effort of will to force itself to move at least its little finger in order to relieve its numbness. In the end, she managed to do it, and - surprisingly - the "plate" immediately disappeared. There was a slight backlight outside the window, but it came from an ordinary street lamp. At the same time, the second part of her consciousness was worried that the biological body continues to be in the irradiated zone. Little of,in the rays of the "plate" illumination, three humanoid figures appeared, who now stood near her bed.

Operator: Do you understand what this situation is?

Venus: Yes. They want to pick me up.

Operator: Observe this whole situation while staying aloof. Minute by minute, what's going on?

Venus: I'm lying. My eyes are closed, arms and legs are laid along the body. These - one, two, and the third is a little more, or something … They look like a human form. Height - well, they are about a little taller than me. They have no clothes, no hair. No eyes. I can't even see my hands. That is, their figure seems to be monolithic. They are silvery and translucent. Through them you can see the room. When they appeared in this light, they seemed to swirl, or something, pulsed … And it goes - does not go, but as if swims across. One is on the corner of the bed, the second is a little further, just opposite me. And they act on me like hypnosis. First, my body pulls along a string, and I don't usually sleep like that. Says: "You must come with us"

"Composite image" of night visitors noticed by Venus
"Composite image" of night visitors noticed by Venus

"Composite image" of night visitors noticed by Venus

Information about the ensuing dialogue had to be pulled literally piece by piece, asking question after question.

Operator: Ask why should I go with them?

Venus: That's right.

Operator: Who needs it?

Venus: Im.

Operator: Why do they need you to go with them?

Venus: They have to finish something.

Operator: What exactly? Let him explain.

Venus: He says I don't need to know this.

Operator: He says it, but still, let him say it. (The operator did not receive an answer). Good. Is what they have to finish important to them or to you?

Venus: For them. They missed something. But not with me.

Operator: Missed what?

Venus: We missed the moment. They communicate with each other, but somehow not like we do. They say that they have to take me and finish something, because it will be too late.

Operator: Ask if you have anything to do with them as a being?

Venus: No. They think I'm alien.

Operator: Do you have any relation to the people of the earth?

Venus: Yes.

Operator: Can they tell you where you are from?

Venus: From here.

Operator: So from Earth? (Yes). What they want to do with you, they only want to do it with you? Or are they doing it with someone else?

Venus: Many.

Operator: Why do they need this - what they do with many?

Venus: They're doing research.

Operator: What are they researching?

Venus: Vitality.

Operator: What kind of human body?

Venus: Biological.

Operator: What body did they want to take?

Venus: Biological.

Operator: They wanted to return him later?

Venus: No.

Operator: Do you understand how often such things happen to you? Has this already happened?

Venus: No.

Operator: Is this the first time?

Venus: And the last one. Something prevented them. Now, in this state, I just know that … how to put it … too late and troublesome. The rays go away - as if they are being drawn in, for some reason … The light usually fades, but here …

Operator: What are your feelings? Is the feeling of anxiety gone?

Venus: Gone. I was delighted. Everything ended well.

Venus realized that this case was not only the first and last, but also ended without consequences. One of the questions found its answer, albeit unexpected for her. The question that arose already in the course of the regression session remained unanswered: what did these creatures want from her mother? After all, Venus remembered that the "plate" flew to their house more than once, and that her mother clearly knew something, but never told her about anything. Even if the girl once asked something, the mother in a very harsh manner cut off her curiosity. Maybe Venus's mother was used as a "living incubator"? Now it will no longer be possible to find out.

This and other similar incidents show that we, earthlings, are still being monitored by intelligent forces unknown to us. We will return to talking about this later and see that some part of these forces may be descendants of the ancestors of the human race.

Tatiana Makarova