The Chinese Moon Rover Caught NASA Of Lying About The Apollo - 17 "- Alternative View

The Chinese Moon Rover Caught NASA Of Lying About The Apollo - 17 "- Alternative View
The Chinese Moon Rover Caught NASA Of Lying About The Apollo - 17 "- Alternative View

Video: The Chinese Moon Rover Caught NASA Of Lying About The Apollo - 17 "- Alternative View

Video: The Chinese Moon Rover Caught NASA Of Lying About The Apollo - 17
Video: Last Takeoff from the Moon - Apollo 17's Lunar Module blastoff! 2024, September

The Chinese lunar rover caught NASA workers in a lie when it published its satellite images as part of the Apollo 17 expedition. Chinese experts announced various details depicted in the photographs presented on February 23 this year.

A Chinese lunar rover called Yuytu, the Jade Hare, was the first device to land on the lunar surface after the American Apollo 17 explorers departed from there in 1972. Later, NASA employees presented to the public images in which the surface of the satellite itself is gray or even somewhat silvery, but the American flag retained its colors. The photographs presented by the Chinese lunar rover showed completely different colors, which made us think about the possibility of using Photoshop by Americans.


The Chinese lunar rover presented photographs of the moon, on which the surface of the satellite was brown, and not gray, as NASA workers showed the public. It is noteworthy that a few years ago, researchers already had thoughts about using Photoshop by the Americans, since the space object remains grayish in the picture, but the American flag remained with bright colors in the photo. Some scientists joke that the specialists forgot to edit the colors of the flag during the adjustment.

Grak Tatiana
