How Aliens Closed The Moon For Earthlings - Alternative View

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How Aliens Closed The Moon For Earthlings - Alternative View
How Aliens Closed The Moon For Earthlings - Alternative View

Video: How Aliens Closed The Moon For Earthlings - Alternative View

Video: How Aliens Closed The Moon For Earthlings - Alternative View
Video: This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials 2024, September

The driver of the spacecraft "Lunokhod-2" Andrey P. Yegorovich

- We came across something completely extraordinary. Although now I think that the project leaders have always guessed that the moon is inhabited. Otherwise, why install a coaxial machine gun on the Lunokhod? We, the drivers, were perplexed, but we were not supposed to ask.

I drove a "tractor" (as we called among ourselves "Lunokhod"), there was a partner nearby. He was the first to draw attention to the strange education. Where and how to go, we did not decide.

Scientists. In any case, within the session. They conferred and decided that it was worth getting closer. Driving a "tractor" is not easy. Reduced gravity, and most importantly, a three-second signal delay, forced everything to be done with utmost caution. You get stuck - there is no one to push. And you will not give repair, hands are short. Therefore, those fifty meters that separated the "tractor" and the object, we covered more than an hour - despite the fact that the path was surprisingly smooth.

Stopped every five minutes, stopped and peered at the object. The guess gradually grew into confidence - there was an artificial structure in front of us. Most of all, it resembled the Eskimo's snow house - a hemispherical dome about two meters in diameter.

The tractor stopped at a distance of ten meters from the dome, and scientists began to desperately argue about what to do next. We decided to inform the project leaders. Above they responded with an order: wait and do nothing.

We waited for the arrival of the leadership.

A few minutes later the picture on the screen changed: in the dome it was like a door opened, or rather, slid to the side. An insect-like creature emerged from the dome, or perhaps it was a robot. He approached the "Lunokhod" - and at this the connection was interrupted.

Promotional video:

And then the bosses began to arrive.

The tape on which the insect appeared was played dozens of times. I have memorized all the details. Rather, it was not even an insect, but a crustacean. Cancer, but only a meter long cancer.

We, of course, were reminded of the subscription - we had no right to tell about what we saw in the hall to anyone, even from the members of the project, for example, driver-replacements, not to mention home or even strangers.

Attempts to revive the "tractor" were carried out for several days. On the fourth day, a signal was received, but the signal was very strange - it was not a "picture" or telemetry data.

The signal was deciphered by a variety of units, but it was rumored that the secret service ransomware had solved it. Actually, it was only required to understand that the signal was one of the encodings of the Latin alphabet, after that everything fell into place: we received a message. The message was in an earthly language, however, in a dead language - that was Latin. We were declared persona non grata. The moon is the sovereign territory of the "People of Heaven." Any unauthorized landing on the lunar surface will be considered an act of aggression.

The message was regarded as a bad joke - they say, one of the workers sent a signal, presenting the matter as if he had allegedly come from the moon. It was difficult to believe in the existence of such a mystifier, but it was even more difficult to believe in the crustaceans selenites, speaking in classical Latin. However, a thorough check of all links of communication did not reveal a crazy joker (and the consequences of such a hoax would be such that only a crazy person could decide on such a thing). They urgently began to prepare a new series of "Lunokhod", which were not tractors, but rather tanks. It was no longer machine guns that stood on them, but the weapon is incomparably more powerful, it is still a secret, therefore I will not spread. And the case is such that you cannot easily open it. We tested them at the range, hitting the "potential enemy" at any distance. We were preparing thoroughly for three years. The designers perfected the "tanks", and in the end it was not a car - a god of war. Four pieces have passed state acceptance. We were getting ready for work, but, to be honest, it was anxious at heart.

But in September of the seventy-sixth, the project was closed, and they made it clear to us that no work was foreseen either now or in the future. Taking another subscription in the end, they let us go to all four sides. I immediately got a job in a taxi company. Sorry? Sure. On the other hand, it’s better that way. Without war.

Sailor-minder Nikolay K

We were swimming for the sixth month. We were hanging out in the South Atlantic without entering ports. You can't be a stranger - we're packed with secret equipment to the eyeballs, and all the work is a secret on a secret. And there are no ports of their own in the South Atlantic and are not expected.

We worked in space. Then there was a lot of things in space - both ours and the American, you need an eye, a peephole - a peephole.

We, the team, were not informed about who and when we were looking. They just drove from the upper deck during the session. Yes, we ourselves left. The radiation did not color. Hair fell out if you get under the beam, and in general. But they guessed, because they listened to Moscow, the astronauts were up there, or some kind of apparatus. In those days, the device flew exactly, "Luna". Twenty-fourth, or something. They watched her, what and how - we only found out on the radio. I say secrecy.

And then the rumor passed - they say, today at fifteen forty GMT, look with all your eyes, you will see the unprecedented. May be.

Well, went out on deck. There is no connection, the antennas are silent. August is the winter month in the South Atlantic. It's cold and chilly. And to the left along the board, thirty cables in length - an iceberg. A small iceberg, even a very small one. Exactly in Luzhniki will fit. And in height - read, to the restaurant on the Ostankino tower. But we see a little, the main thing, of course, under water.

We walk, wondering what they will show. Maybe the device will sit on the water. Emergency landing or something.

And suddenly at exactly fifteen forty we see - our iceberg has gone to the bottom. Slowly, decorously, and goosebumps and hair on end. As you drown an iceberg, it has a positive buoyancy: ice is lighter than water, especially sea water. He cannot drown. But - drowning. A minute, then another - and went to the bottom. We sailed back at a slow speed - suddenly it would emerge, but under us. We waited three days. No, I didn’t come up. What force carried him to the bottom, what force kept him there - I still wonder.

Of course, the stories of Andrey Egorovich P. and Nikolai K. can be regarded as tales for which retired cosmonauts, sailors, and simply cheerful people are very happy. But in 1996, a book by one of the participants in the Apollo project, Dr. Edwin Rice, "Lost Space," was published, in which Rice claims that during the Apollo 17 expedition, astronauts encountered the inhabitants of the moon!

Traveling on the Rover on the surface of the moon, they came across a small, about three yards, domed structure, from which about a dozen crustaceans suddenly poured out. The creatures made no attempt to attack the rover, but the Rover ceased to obey the astronauts. The situation was tense.

And at that time, through close communication, they heard a clear, sonorous speech, which was transmitted to Houston, where it was translated - the astronauts themselves, of course, did not speak Latin enough to conduct a dialogue. The astronauts were told that they had invaded foreign territory and that they should now go home. The Selenites rejected attempts to negotiate and only repeated their proposal. After that, control of the Rover was restored, and the astronauts hurried to the lunar compartment.

The existence of the Selenite civilization was immediately declared a state secret. They considered that the dissemination of information could lead to unpredictable consequences up to the collapse of the state apparatus. The news of a certain supercivilization, which is very close, can cause panic, fear and, in any case, an inferiority complex.

The return of the cosmonauts to Earth went well, but the question arose - what to do next? With whom, in fact, did they meet on the Moon - with the true Selenites, with aliens from other worlds, with the Russians? The latter seemed at first the most probable: the Russians had created a secret colony of machine guns on the moon. Analysis of the selenite circulation showed that it was not pronounced by the human larynx. Machine sound?

They urgently prepared the Lunar Scout reconnaissance apparatus, which they launched secretly to the Moon in the spring of 1973. The descent vehicle of the station landed near the Apollo 17 landing site. The Scout went to the known location, the orbital compartment entered a high selenocentric orbit and began to observe the planet's surface using equipment used for reconnaissance above the Earth.

The scout did not reach the destination - on the way, the connection with him was interrupted. The orbital module transmitted a coded signal to Earth: “Landing on the moon is prohibited. Proof of strength will follow at 15.00 GMT”- and the coordinates of one of the national parks are indicated.

Anything was expected at the appointed time - a fire, an explosion, a storm. But something completely different happened. On an area of four hectares, all the trees lost first small branches, then large ones, and only bare trunks remained.

The experts decided that they had witnessed the use of gravitational weapons. I had to admit the extraterrestrial origin of the Selenite civilization. And also the fact that this civilization can pose an undoubted threat to the Earth.

Analysts from various departments began to develop scenarios for an interplanetary conflict - and everyone agreed that the conflict should be avoided by all possible means. The behavior of the Selenites suggests that this is a closed-type civilization that does not seek to establish contacts and is ready to defend its territory. How developed it is is unknown, but the abilities demonstrated by the Selenites force us to act with extreme caution. First of all, no provocative movements.

And the Americans left the moon

However, an excuse was needed to curtail the lunar programs, and it was found quickly - the Luna-de is of no interest and there is no need to spend taxpayers' money on it.

At the same time, contacts were made with the Russians. It turned out that they too faced the problem of selenites.

The Apollo-Soyuz experimental flight, carried out in the summer of 1975, also had political significance - the two space powers showed that they were ready for unity in the face of a possible external threat.

Edwin Rice has a reputation for being serious and not prone to mystification. An indirect confirmation of his words is that both the USA and the USSR have actually closed the lunar programs since the mid-seventies. Modern development of both technologies and economics makes it possible to set tasks incomparably larger than just the study of the lunar surface. Colonizing the Moon is a challenge worthy of the 21st century. But the government, without batting an eye, spending tens and tens of billions of dollars on the Iraqi campaign, is showing strange stinginess when it comes to resuming lunar expeditions.

This strangeness becomes quite understandable if both the testimonies of compatriots involved in the lunar programs and Wright's work are considered reliable and true.

Who are the Selenites? Why do they communicate in a dead, Latin language - out of political correctness, so as not to show the preferences of any of the currently existing countries? Or have they had past contact with the Roman Empire and are therefore capable of landing on Earth? Or is it that Roman, and formerly ancient Greek mythology, has really real events as its basis, and the divine pantheon is a supercivilization described by ancient mind?

Or are their agents still among us now?

And then two questions arise.

First: is not modern earthly civilization a predominantly careless civilization? We declare ourselves to the entire Universe in a loud voice: every day thousands and thousands of transmitters emit information about our civilization in all directions, including into Space. Sooner or later, this information may reach the predatory civilizations. Are we ready for their arrival?

Second: if selenites exist, does this mean that other planets are occupied by inhabitants who jealously guard their territory? Probably, they, like the Selenites, do not constantly control every meter of the surface of their planets - just as, however, we do not control the Earth either. But when an apparatus enters directly into a populated area, it can be attacked. Then, aren't the numerous failures with the Martian vehicles the result of hostile action, and not technical malfunctions?

Solomon Naffert