Did Aliens Save Apollo 13 Crew? - Alternative View

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Did Aliens Save Apollo 13 Crew? - Alternative View
Did Aliens Save Apollo 13 Crew? - Alternative View

Video: Did Aliens Save Apollo 13 Crew? - Alternative View

Video: Did Aliens Save Apollo 13 Crew? - Alternative View
Video: How Duct Tape Saved the Lives of the Apollo 13 Crew 2024, September

Flying Saucer Discovered in Image Taken by American Astronauts in Distress

In a photo from the official NASA catalog, users of social networks saw a UFO of a very complex shape. A strange object was noticed by a virtual archaeologist hiding under the nickname Streetcap1. He has no doubts that an aircraft of aliens who … came to rescue the crew of Apollo 13 got into the shot.

The nuisance of the number "13"

The Apollo 13 astronauts - James Lovell, John Swygert, and Fred Hayes - were clearly not superstitious. Because only people very far from prejudice could agree to fly to the moon in ship number 13.

This expedition, the third in a row to the Moon, successfully launched on April 11, 1970. But already at the 6th minute, troubles began: the central engine of the second stage turned off ahead of time. They wanted to interrupt the flight. But they changed their minds - and the remaining engines nevertheless put the ship into the calculated orbit. Then the third stage accelerated Apollo 13 to the second cosmic speed and directed it towards the Moon.

April 13 - such a mystical coincidence must also happen! - a much more serious accident occurred: a so-called number 2 cylinder with liquid oxygen exploded in the service module. At the same time, two of the three fuel cell batteries supplying the ship with electricity were disconnected.

The explosion occurred after mixing the oxygen in the tank. Gas began to break out into the gap, creating a reactive force. She changed the orientation of the ship. The crew had problems with navigation and communication. The moon landing, of course, became impossible. And returning to Earth is very problematic.

Promotional video:

The formed headquarters for the rescue of Apollo 13 made a decision: to use the lunar module with its engines for the return, and to build the trajectory so as to return to the Earth, circling the Moon.

Strange object

On April 17, the astronauts climbed into the command post cockpit, undocked first the emergency service module, and then the lunar cockpit. On the same day, the crew safely splashed down - no one died.

After flying away from the service module, the astronauts photographed it. Examined the damage. The explosion tore out a hull panel with an area of more than 6 square meters and damaged the nozzle of the main engine. The module was completely destroyed.

The pictures taken by the astronauts are posted on the website of the Institute of the Moon and Planets of NASA. They are among others related to the Apollo 13 expedition. So, in one of these pictures Streetcap1 saw a UFO - it is slightly to the left and below the service module. And a little to the side - the Moon, on which it was not possible to land at that time.

When zoomed in, the object looks more like a cloud. But where do the clouds come from in an airless space?


Photo: NASA

The most reasonable version: what the enthusiast took for a UFO is a part of a service module torn out by an explosion. She could fly a relatively short distance and accompany Apollo 13 on its way to Earth. But the mysterious object came into the frame only once. In other pictures it is not. Flew away?

A part that has fallen off cannot maneuver on its own. Only a managed object is capable of this. Therefore, Streetcap1 believes that an alien apparatus has got into the frame. According to the researcher, the Americans themselves called for help - they have long been suspected of collaborating with aliens. Aliens could fly on their own initiative - out of humane motives. They insured. But the earthlings did it themselves. And the third option - they just watched.

On the other hand, it is not at all crazy to assume that the aliens did indeed help the Apollo 13 crew return to Earth. After all, the fact that he managed to escape is simply fantastic!