The ISS Camera Captured The Ancient Satellite "Black Knight" - Alternative View

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The ISS Camera Captured The Ancient Satellite "Black Knight" - Alternative View
The ISS Camera Captured The Ancient Satellite "Black Knight" - Alternative View

Video: The ISS Camera Captured The Ancient Satellite "Black Knight" - Alternative View

Video: The ISS Camera Captured The Ancient Satellite
Video: NASA Satellite Captures The Dark Side Of The Moon 2024, July

On March 9, a ufologist and virtual archaeologist under the pseudonym Streetcap1 published a video on YouTube showing the legendary Black Knight satellite that appeared near the International Space Station.

Many UFO researchers believe that for thirteen thousand years now, an unknown person created and then launched an artificial satellite of black color, designed to protect our "blue ball" from alien invasion, has been flying in the Earth's orbit. Due to its dark color and unusual shape, the unidentified flying object was nicknamed the "Black Knight". He has been photo and video many times, and ufologists believe that he was recently captured by a webcam on board the ISS.

An ancient alien satellite or a clever hoax?

The materialists responded by claiming that no supernatural satellite exists. For example, in 1998, a similar UFO was noticed during the mission of the American shuttle "Endeavor", but NASA employees then reported that it was just a thermal blanket that had been torn from the hands of astronauts and periodically hit the camera lens.

However, the employees of the American space agency can hardly be called skeptics - they are rather hoaxers and strict censors, since they constantly purposefully hide the existence of "flying saucers" and other unidentified objects, for example, numerous man-made structures on the Moon and Mars.

The famous ufologist Scott Brando also decided to join the skeptics this time and commented on the entry below as follows: “This is not a video at all, but a normal set of frames. I do not exclude that they were made by the camera of the international space station, but it could be anything. No one has yet managed to photograph a mythical satellite in dynamics, which suggests that it simply does not exist. Others can easily record UFOs on video."

When a rare footage from the 1998 Endeavor mission appeared on YouTube in 2015, it made a lot of noise. First, a shortened version of the video leaked into the network, in which a moving black object is visible. Many conspiracy theorists and experts in the field of ufology immediately thought that this was something unearthly. Nevertheless, soon a full video was posted on the World Wide Web, which shows how a tumbling thermal blanket flies into space.


Promotional video:

But, in spite of everything, the legend of the "Black Knight" is still alive. Many researchers are even convinced that NASA censors painted on a thermal blanket on the recording to hide the truth from the world community. In that case, Brando's claim that there is still no video of the mysterious satellite is also false …

Authoritative persons confirm the existence of the "Black Knight"

It is believed that the first to spot the "Black Knight" back in 1899 was the brilliant Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla. In New York, he managed to catch cosmic signals coming from Earth's orbit with his antenna for studying thunderstorms. The scientist successfully repeated this experiment in 1928 in Oslo, Norway.

In 1954, former US Naval Aviation Major Donald Keeho announced that the US Air Force had spotted two artificial orbiting satellites that were clearly not made on our planet. The military wanted to shoot them down, but this was not possible due to the large distance of unidentified objects and their high speed of movement. When ordinary American citizens found out about this, they immediately came up with an excuse for the public that they were, they say, Soviet spy satellites.

And in 1965 the American astronaut Leroy Gordon Cooper made one hundred and twenty revolutions around the planet on the Gemini 5 spacecraft. Subsequently, he reported to his superiors that he saw in orbit a colossal vertical black object, similar to the claw of a predatory animal. NASA's management listened and carefully documented the astronaut's words, but officially admitted that Cooper had hallucinations in orbit. Are there too many coincidences and hallucinations? Today's recording of the "Black Knight" by the ISS camera once again proves that there is no smoke without fire …
