Vatican Prepares The Public For A Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

Vatican Prepares The Public For A Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View
Vatican Prepares The Public For A Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Vatican Prepares The Public For A Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Vatican Prepares The Public For A Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View
Video: The Vatican's Take on Aliens? 2024, September

Whether there are aliens or not is still under great doubt. In fact, they were not detected by any devices, and all conclusions on this matter are very hypothetical and distant. That is, a significant part of experts admit that some alien intelligence exists, simply because there may be planets similar in characteristics to the Earth, somewhere in distant star systems. Accordingly, since there are such celestial bodies, then, according to logic, the development of some forms of life is possible. However, the calculations are approximate, and the conditionally inhabited worlds are surveyed with the amendment that they theoretically were in the past. This is studied by the light coming from distant stars and planets for a very long time.

Naturally, it is not possible to see aliens directly through a telescope, and therefore some experts generally strongly doubt the effectiveness of such a study - perhaps all this is down the drain, and it is better to study extraterrestrial life when there is a way to do this in more realistic conditions? There are many theories among astronomers about what aliens can be and what they can do, from which star it is better to look for them by type, and so on. It is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion on this matter, there are a lot of opinions.

A separate group of specialists believes that aliens practically live among us. They call themselves ufologists - UFO scientists. Basically, these individuals are engaged in purely observing activities - the search for spacecraft and some signs of aliens in the earth's sky, as well as in photographs of the Moon, Mars and other objects. The theoretical base, according to skeptics, is extremely poorly developed by these scientists. Basically, ufologists simply almost completely deny the opinion of other specialists, believing that the latter also know and saw real aliens, but prefer to hide it, being in a kind of conspiracy. Naturally, there is no evidence of factual evidence for such an opinion, since often provided images, which should confirm the opinion of ufologists, receive a completely different explanation.

This science also suffers from the fact that sometimes, as experts say, it is not real scientists who are engaged in it, but those who just need fame, as a person who knows the "secret of the universe." In a word, it is impossible to give an exact verdict on whether the ufologists are right or not. Moreover, there are separate events that, it would seem, testify all the same in their favor.

So, the decision of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), together with the Vatican, on "accepting aliens" was very much interested in this plan. In any case, something like this was voiced in a very interesting video. There, a small humanoid comes to study in a regular school, where at first they do not perceive him, considering him a stranger, but then classmates begin to treat him well, because the alien child is smart and talented, and also has some supernatural abilities. Presumably, this video showed the willingness of the children's organization and even the Catholic Church to contact the real families of the aliens. True, there is no evidence of this.

Some experts note that the video was extremely comic in nature and only somewhat instructive, like everything that is done for children - it demonstrated that you can even accept an alien into a company if he shows himself well. Tolerance to everyone and everything in our time is important, including from a very young age, since schoolchildren must get used to understanding various external differences at once.

A lot of cases are known from the press, when guys who were somehow different from others were greatly ridiculed, and in the end it even came to death. Either such children were forced to be transferred to some special school or left to be home schooled - with teachers coming to the apartment. In a word, the essence here may be in psychology, and not only in the direct desire to contact aliens. Ufologists, however, took such a video as a sign that the UN definitely knows something about aliens, and soon there will really be educational programs that will take into account the wishes of alien families.

Another embarrassing event concerned the speech of the American scientist and cosmonaut Charles Bolden, who for a long time headed the American aerospace agency NASA. According to some media reports, at a big press conference, he suddenly announced that in eight years, aliens would arrive on Earth to capture it.

Promotional video:

According to the specialist, mankind is behaving extremely not cautiously, as it sends out satellites and probes in large numbers, engaged in "pollution of the circumstellar ether." Bolden said that aliens can be annoyed and that there are tens of thousands of civilizations that can watch us.

This performance was not, by the way, supported by other NASA employees. The representatives noted that it is definitely not the official opinion of the organization. Some experts suggested that Bolden said this because he was ill. Still, it is this American department, since the last century, more than other organizations that have been engaged in space exploration and sending a large number of those same satellites. If the head of NASA really believed that all this was unnecessary, then why would automatic spacecraft be launched? In a word, this can only be partially considered confirmation of the opinion of fans of the conspiracy theory.

Irina Letinskaya