The Moon Is A Manned Spaceship - Alternative View

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The Moon Is A Manned Spaceship - Alternative View
The Moon Is A Manned Spaceship - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is A Manned Spaceship - Alternative View

Video: The Moon Is A Manned Spaceship - Alternative View
Video: Russia Is Testing A New Nuclear Spaceship To Beat SpaceX & Elon Musk 2024, September

The newly awakened interest of the superpowers of Russia and the United States in the exploration of the Moon makes us think today: why, in the first half of the 1970s, the USSR and the United States almost simultaneously curtailed their programs to explore the Moon with further plans for its colonization?


One cannot but ask elementary questions such as: what did American astronauts, Soviet lunar rovers and probes actually find on the Earth's satellite?

Perhaps the Moon, in fact, as it is often written about in studies of an alternative direction, is a huge spaceship that was put into Earth's orbit a long time ago, and on this ship there is a busy daily life, in which we, earthlings, are completely undesirable?

Is it possible that something very important and essential is constantly hidden from us? In this case, the task of every honest researcher is to reveal all the secrets of the "lunar conspiracy". And the unique work of famous authors Igor Osovin and Sergey Pochechuev will help us in this. Let's use their data.

In the book "The Secret Civilization of the Moon" experts have made an attempt to combine the traditional and conspiracy approaches in the history of lunar exploration.

In particular, it is noted that disbelief in aliens is a manifestation of human pride. Humanity is selfish, it believes that it has a monopoly on reason. Although there are 200 million stars in our Galaxy alone.

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In 2019, the world will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the landing of American Americans on the Moon.

“Why was NASA's scientific program for the exploration of the Moon frozen for 30 long years? Indeed, in the period from 1978 to 1980, NASA planned to build a manned station in a circumlunar orbit, and no later than 1983 to deploy the first permanent base station on the Moon itself. Why were these plans frozen?

Why was the Soviet project to build a base on the Moon "Zvezda", developed under the leadership of Academician Vladimir Barmin, was shelved in 1972? Why exactly in the same 1972 the last manned flight of NASA astronauts to the Moon (Apollo-17) took place?

At the official level, the termination of the implementation of scientific lunar programs in both the USSR and the United States was most often explained by their high cost. But was this the only reason? I think not,”the authors of the study write.


Arguing about the most important and mysterious thing that happened during the landing on the moon, experts note little-known details:

“… Apollo-10 astronauts from the orbit of the Moon made 8 excellent color reports. The question arises: why did NASA install a much worse camera on the spacecraft, which gave only a black-and-white image, to fix the first people on the moon?

Richard Hoagland adds in Dark Mission: “In subsequent missions, the TV shows got better and better. However, all transmissions (from the Moon) went through a bandwidth-limiting low-pass filter that severely degraded image quality. And who needed to do it. And most importantly - why?

But that was not all: NASA began to declare the mysterious disappearance of either photonegatives or films, and then of the entire reportage, which recorded the first in the history of mankind going to the moon.

There could be only one explanation for all these mysterious disappearances: the agency consistently cleaned up "unfiltered", raw images of the Moon. What for?

There can be only one answer. NASA officials knew exactly what was on the moon. But most of the earthlings clearly did not need to see this …

… In 2006, a sensational documentary was shown on the BBC channel, where Edwin Aldrin, the second person in the world to set foot on the lunar surface, spoke about how the Apollo-11 crew unexpectedly collided with a UFO:

"… An object that looked like a double ellipse or a bell … followed Apollo 11 for an hour."


American astronaut John Swigert, a member of the nearly disastrous lunar expedition, recalled 10 years ago: “… during the Apollo-13 expedition we saw white and yellow objects in the form of glasses for cocktails, cubes sharpened on both sides of pencils.

These strange objects were passive, they did not perform any maneuvers, it seemed that they could not exist without Apollo-13, as if an earth ship kept them on a leash at a distance of 100-150 meters. From time to time, objects that looked like cotton wool, like clouds, began to alienate from themselves the dim light that spreads onto the skin of Apollo-13.

The windows of the spacecraft seemed to be flooded with milk - nothing could be seen through them. Once the objects flashed with a red light, causing the astronauts the greatest mental confusion, after which the main oxygen tank exploded.

When the ship's commander James Lowell went to the frozen command and service module to enter the landing parameters for the ship transmitted by the Houston MCC from the partially damaged control panel, he transmitted an unusual message via the intercom system: “Were there any guests here? Everything here is not the same as it was left when I closed the hatch! Lowell was the last person to visit the command and service module before the liquid oxygen tank exploded.”

The sensation happened on July 23, 2008, when Edgar Mitchell (he visited the moon in February 1971 as part of the Apollo-14 crew) gave an interview in which he openly stated: aliens exist in reality, and the government carefully conceals the facts of their visit to Earth.

At the time, 77-year-old Mitchell reported that NASA personnel who came into contact with the aliens described them as "little people, strangely similar to us." According to him, real aliens do not differ much from their traditional image: they have a small body and large eyes and head. Horrible as it is, he said, our technologies are "nowhere near as well developed as theirs," and "if they're hostile," he warned, "then we're lost."

“I was fortunate enough to touch the fact that our planet was visited and that UFOs are reality,” said Edgar Mitchell. “For the last 60 years or so, all of our governments have been hiding it carefully, but gradually the information leaked out and some of us were fortunate enough to learn a little about it.

I spoke with members of the military and intellectual circles who know that under the surface of mass knowledge lies the answer: yes, we have been visited by aliens. If you read the newspapers lately, it will become clear that this happens quite often. Now the whole truth really comes out. I think we are heading for a real discovery, and some serious organizations are already moving in this direction."

Dr. Mitchell, who holds a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering and a Ph. D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, said the 1947 story of extraterrestrials allegedly appearing near the American city of Roswell was true and that stories of similar visits are now being investigated.

And finally, the most interesting thing in this study: astronauts do not sweep aside the version that the Moon is an ancient and secretly inhabited spacecraft, left to revolve around the Earth and observe (correct?) The increasingly dangerous actions of its inhabitants for nature.

The question arises: who in the dispute about UFOs and "lunatics" can be trusted, if not people who have personally visited the Earth's satellite?

Vitaly Naumov