Göbekli Tepe Or How People Were Looking For The Truth - Alternative View

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Göbekli Tepe Or How People Were Looking For The Truth - Alternative View
Göbekli Tepe Or How People Were Looking For The Truth - Alternative View

Video: Göbekli Tepe Or How People Were Looking For The Truth - Alternative View

Video: Göbekli Tepe Or How People Were Looking For The Truth - Alternative View
Video: Göbekli Tepe: The Dawn of Civilization 2024, July

Abandoned places are always a repository of history. After all, it is not known what happened within these walls: were there romantic meetings, a declaration of love, an oath of eternal friendship, or, on the contrary, hammered a crocodile and pissed in the corners. The background of antiquity, other traditions and the absence of current views allow us to fantasize a lot of interesting things. However, interest and excitement can be replaced by fear and misunderstanding if an abandoned place presents some surprises.


Today we are talking about one ancient Turkish temple complex, discovered back in the 1950s. However, then archaeologists did not consider it of any value. That all changed in 1994, when the Turkish government authorized excavations, which are still ongoing.

Everything would be fine, but there is one thing

Archaeologists date this complex to 7000 BC. For you to understand HOW long ago, here are a couple of events for comparison:

  1. The domestication of the cat and the buffalo took place
  2. Domestication of sheep took place
  3. A period of cattle breeding began in the Sahara, and one and a half thousand years remained before desertification
  4. Ireland, Norway, Ekb and Scotland began to populate
  5. Until the founding of Athens, the separation of New Guinea from Australia, the beginning of the cultivation of potatoes and tomatoes was about a thousand years
  6. There were 2 thousand years left before the beginning of rice cultivation and the invention of brick
  7. Before the introduction of the 365-day calendar by the Egyptians, the introduction of the plow in Europe, the beginning of the cultivation of beans and pumpkins, the beginning of brewing and the development of the wheel, there were about 3 thousand years
  8. About 4 thousand years remained before the planting of the oldest living tree, the construction of Stonehenge and the creation of the world according to the Hebrew calendar.
  9. 3500 years remained until the founding of the most ancient civilization (Hello Mezhdurechensk)

Promotional video:

What does official archeology say?

World archeology claims that this was a much larger complex for worship of the gods, built by the local people. However, one thing remains: what were the locals like then? What people in those days, when the Egyptians were just beginning to settle in the warm sands of Elsweyr near the river, on the contrary, could erect such a large religious complex? And what gods in general? There were no Sumerian or Egyptian gods at that time. Whom did they worship?

And there is an answer to this: scientists say that it was from here that the PREEDKI of the Sumerians, the most developed people for their time, went from here. And since they were developed, then these definitely had to be several tens of times smarter than other peoples at that time. But it rather creates more holes, white threads and strange patches.


There is a forgotten worship complex [DATA EXPUNGED] built by ██████, which they forgot to mention in █████ when [DATA EXPUNGED]. And then [DATA EXPUNGED]. Something like that