Moon - Alien Spaceship - Alternative View

Moon - Alien Spaceship - Alternative View
Moon - Alien Spaceship - Alternative View

Video: Moon - Alien Spaceship - Alternative View

Video: Moon - Alien Spaceship - Alternative View
Video: NASA Explorers: Moon Girl 2024, September

Some scientists do not exclude the presence of an alien mind on the moon. When the astronauts first set foot on the lunar surface, they certainly did not find lunar inhabitants there. But the people of the space age did not expect anything else. However, even after the famous step of Neil Armstrong, our night star continues to ask one riddle after another.

It is difficult to say what our planet looked like in those immemorial times, when a spaceship called "Luna" was in near-earth orbit, what cataclysms accompanied this event?

Where did our night star come from, by whom and for what purpose it was created, why did it land on our planet?

The question of the existence of today's crew or population inside the Moon will not remain beyond the hypothesis.

Or have its intelligent inhabitants become extinct over the past billions of years?

Or maybe automata, launched by the hands of the ancient ancestors of star wanderers, are still functioning in the space tomb?

From the point of view of our present knowledge, it is quite understandable that a space supership must be a very rigid metal structure.

In July 1969, before the first astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon, the used fuel tanks of unmanned reconnaissance flights were dropped onto its surface. Then a seismograph was left here. This device began transmitting information about the vibrations of the lunar crust to Houston.

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The data transmitted to Earth surprised scientists. It turned out that the impact of a 12-ton cargo on the surface of our satellite caused a local "moonquake". Many astrophysicists have suggested that under the rocky surface was a metal shell surrounding the core of the moon. Analyzing the speed of propagation of seismic waves in this seemingly metal shell, scientists have calculated that its upper boundary is located at a depth of about 70 kilometers, and the shell itself has approximately the same thickness.

One of the astrophysicists argued that inside the moon there could be an unimaginably large, almost empty space with a volume of 73.5 million cubic kilometers, intended for mechanisms serving the movement and repair of a space supership, devices for external observations, some structures that ensure the connection of armor plating with the interior …

It is possible that up to 80 percent of the mass of the Moon, located in its depths behind the service belt, is the ship's payload. Guesses about its content and purpose are beyond reasonable assumptions. In the late 70s, with the help of the same seismograph, a computer analysis of the metal was made, of which the shell surrounding the core of the moon was supposed to consist. Having measured the speed of sound propagation inside this substance, experts came to the conclusion that it consists of nickel, beryllium, tungsten, vanadium and some other elements. Moreover, there was relatively little iron. Such a composition would be an ideal shell that protects against mechanical punctures, and also completely anti-corrosion. And this analysis alone showed that it is absolutely impossible for such a shell to form naturally.

Seismographs also recorded a constant high-frequency signal repeating every 30 minutes and lasting one minute, emanating from the inside of the Moon from a depth of about 960 kilometers. Could it be some kind of automatic device powered by thermal (or other) energy, once programmed to send its signal into eternity?

Astronomers also observed trickles of some gas appearing from time to time on the lunar surface, which immediately dissipated. the time of a real Star War of an unimaginably distant past.

The surface of the Moon is very similar to the territory subjected to "carpet" bombing. It is statistically impossible for meteorites of the same size and mass to knock out correctly positioned craters on the lunar surface. And there are many of them on the moon.

Perhaps this was when the Moon was not a satellite of the Earth?

It is very possible. It turns out that the moon is not marked on any ancient map of the starry sky (10-11 thousand years ago). Comparing this fact with the myth of the Flood (which in one form or another is present in the religions of all ancient civilizations), we can assume that it was the appearance of the Moon in Earth's orbit that gave rise to these cataclysms. Many modern astrophysicists are inclined to such a hypothesis, based on the results of their research and calculations.

Later, after the appearance of the moon in the earthly horizon, many peoples had legends about people, gods and creatures who came to Earth from a new star. There are drawings of the ancient Mayans, images of gods descending from the moon. There are Caucasian myths about the arrival of iron beings from the moon.

Thus, it can be argued that the moon came to us from space. But is she an ordinary little companion or something completely different?

In the 70s of the last century, the famous Soviet astrophysicist Theodor Shklovsky from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR expressed the opinion that the Moon could turn out to be a dead, lifeless ship of an alien civilization, an impenetrable space probe.

In 1968, a catalog of lunar anomalies was released by the publishing house of the US National Space Agency (NASA). The catalog covers observations over four centuries!

It provides 579 examples that have not yet been explained: moving luminous objects, geometric shapes, disappearing craters, colored trenches lengthening at a speed of six kilometers per hour, the appearance and disappearance of some "walls", giant domes changing their color and finally, a large luminous object observed on November 26, 1956, called the Maltese Cross, and so on.

In 1940, on the visible side of the Moon, over the Sea of Peace and other parts of the planet, luminous points were observed moving at a speed of 2 to 7 kilometers per second. The famous Russian radio astronomer Aleksey Arkhipov expressed on the pages of the English magazine Elying Sauce Peview (No. 2, 1995) the opinion that the Moon could be the station of "aliens" observing life on Earth.

The moon is more and more worried about humanity. The lunar programs of the United States - "Rangers", "Surveyors", "Orbiters", "Apollo" have filmed over 150 thousand photographs depicting mysterious objects and structures of alien civilizations on the Moon. NASA has closed this information to date.

Various scientists have studied and are studying the moon within the framework of their interests, but there is still no single picture-generalization. Various optical and moving phenomena on the Moon have been recorded many times.

Perhaps several alien races live and work on the Moon.