And Again About The Alien Lunar Base - Alternative View

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And Again About The Alien Lunar Base - Alternative View
And Again About The Alien Lunar Base - Alternative View

Video: And Again About The Alien Lunar Base - Alternative View

Video: And Again About The Alien Lunar Base - Alternative View
Video: The last man on the Moon's panic revealed | ITV News 2024, September

Two research vehicles, before crashing into our natural satellite at the end of December 2012, made an amazing video.

NASA has unveiled footage of its cameras on its twin satellites Ebb and Flow. The agency smashed them against the lunar surface for research purposes. The filming took place on December 14 - three days before the planned disaster. One camera shot a picture in front - during the flight, the other - behind. The features of the lunar surface appeared from a height of less than 10 kilometers. The spectacle is exciting in itself.


Photo: NASA

A kind of surprise appears at 56 seconds in a movie released by NASA, composed of a series of sequential photos. One of the probes flies over a rather impressive rectangular object. At least this is how the part of the structure facing the observer looks like. It looks like a ruin with a preserved foundation. The camera is installed behind the probe, so the object is removed.


Photo: NASA

On the Internet, there are numerous pictures of "lunar structures" - objects that look like man-made ones. But their origin is doubtful. The source of the current personnel is known.

Promotional video:

NASA, however, does not pay attention to the "ruins" and does not comment on them in any way. There is no data even about their location. Only the trajectory of the probes is clear. They moved from pole to pole.

Most likely, even if clarifications appear, the rectangle on the surface of the moon will be called an optical illusion or a bizarre play of light and shadows.

What were these two doing on the moon - Ebb and Flow

The twin probes Ebb and Flow have been studying the anomalies of the Moon's gravitational field and its internal structure for more than a year as part of the GRAIL (Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory) project. Supervised the project and developed the probes at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The pair flew at an altitude of about 50 kilometers. And just before crashing into the surface, she sank lower.

Any gravitational anomaly, even the most insignificant, had an impact on the vehicles. As a result, the distance between them changed - either increased or decreased. The instruments recorded the difference with an accuracy of hundredths of a millimeter. Which, in turn, according to the assurances of scientists, will create a detailed map of these very anomalies and, finally, understand what the moon is inside.

According to the mission's supervisor Maria Zuber, a professor of geophysics at MIT, the measurements will test which hypothesis for the formation of the moon is the most sensible. One by one, our natural satellite arose from material ejected by the collision of the Earth with an object the size of Mars.

The probes crashed near the north pole of the moon on the night of December 17-18, 2012, crashing into rocks at a speed of about 2 kilometers per second Photo: NASA

According to another hypothesis, the Moon was formed after the collision of two natural satellites of the Earth. As a result, only one remained. Wolves and dogs are howling at him now.


Photo: NASA

Having processed the obtained data, scientists intend to discover hidden cavities in our neighbor, which most likely really exist.

They started talking about cavities a couple of years ago after the photos transmitted by the Japanese Kaguya probe showed at least one hole leading to the underworld. The American apparatus Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), sent specifically to the area of the anomaly (Southern Hemisphere, Sea of Dreams (Mare Ingenii)), confirmed: the "back door" is not an optical illusion. Its diameter is 130 meters. The depth is not known. The bottom is not visible. But it seems that a system of lunar dungeons departs from the hole, including both tunnels and vast halls.

The idea of dungeons is very popular with ufologists. They believe that this is where you should look for traces of intelligent activity of aliens. You can laugh at this. But there is logic. For example, if people fly to the moon and create bases, then there is no better place for living quarters than tunnels. After all, the layers of the rock located on top could well protect against radiation and temperature fluctuations.


Photo: NASA

One of the goals of the crash of the probes on the surface is to check if the moon is at all hollow, like the shell of an empty walnut. This assumption is expressed by the hottest heads. Already this year it will become clear how crazy it is. But today it is already known for sure: the mass of our neighbor is distributed very unevenly inside.

“It is possible that with the help of GRAIL we will find something amazing that will force us to reconsider all our ideas about the Moon, I would really like that,” Maria Zuber said optimistically even before the start of the project.

The researcher's prophecy came true. Although, maybe not the way she wanted. Probably not the ruins she was waiting for …


There will be more frames

In addition to searching for anomalies, the GRAIL devices photographed the Moon, aiming their lenses at areas of public choice. The orders were obvious - these are the locations of the American expeditions. And although the LRO probe, which is now in the orbit of the Moon, transmitted to the Earth a photo of almost all the Apollo landing sites (behind the scenes, for some reason only the Apollo 12 expedition remained, there is, of course, no Apollo 13, which did not reach the moon), people want more pictures. After all, those that can now be viewed - including on the NASA website - are not of the best quality. And they continue to provoke doubts that people have landed on the moon.
