Don't Play With Magic - Alternative View

Don't Play With Magic - Alternative View
Don't Play With Magic - Alternative View

Video: Don't Play With Magic - Alternative View

Video: Don't Play With Magic - Alternative View
Video: Katy Perry - Dark Horse (Official) ft. Juicy J 2024, September

Young people often laugh at magic … I see. He himself was. I want to tell you two stories from my personal life. Just listen …

My grandmother was a whisperer. From my childhood I remember: dried plants, decoctions of mushrooms, conspiracies on chicken offal … The whole village went to her to bow - it will remove the headache, then it will ward off some ailment. He was a good man, but he deteriorated over the years. The older she was, the more unbearable her character became and the angrier her tongue. Cursed for what in vain, bonfire on what the light stood, and even with a rolling pin could hit for nothing. She gave up her healing gift for evil deeds. She died long and painfully. Witch. God does not want to take the soul”- whispered in the village. I remember very well how the roof in the hut was cut to ease her suffering on the way to heaven … And you say …

The second mystical incident happened to me already in adulthood. Fate brought me together with a very unusual person, a roommate. Satanist. He did not deny it. But not at all the same as shown in the films: he did not visit the churchyards and did not wear an inverted cross, he always wore bright clothes, and on his entire chest there was an inscription with some ancient symbols. At first I thought it was just weird. But when he began to dye his clothes with bull's blood, I realized that he was not on friendly terms with his head. Bad fate did not allow me to move out of this apartment for a number of reasons and I had to become an unwitting witness to his rituals and black masses. Suddenly, the life of the Satanist began to bubble up. Decent work, expensive car, there was no end to the girls. And he just smiled, looked at me and said that neither the devil nor God was his boss now. It was then that I realizedthat he was far from being a fool, that's when I got scared. Glory to the Almighty, he bought an apartment and moved into it, and I was finally able to enjoy the loneliness. Two weeks later, I found out that he died under very outlandish circumstances - he died of suffocation just in this apartment, locked from the inside. What killed him is unclear. In addition, according to rumors, the autopsy revealed that he had cancer of the last stage, and he always looked good and did not even cough …

Do not play with magic, do not make fun of it, do not overestimate yourself … Sooner or later you will understand that there are much greater forces in this world than you can imagine … And no matter how powerful you have, there will be one outcome …