Are These Material Needs Necessary? - Alternative View

Are These Material Needs Necessary? - Alternative View
Are These Material Needs Necessary? - Alternative View

Actually, are these unnecessary material needs necessary, which a person is increasing and increasing? He buys himself new idols, prays to them, wipes the dust off them and, if possible, can give them in the face for them! A person's aspiration is not for spiritual wealth, but for material wealth, the desire to acquire more and more new things … Such a person is not the ruler of these things, the owner, on the contrary: things rule over him! Sometimes he even realizes that he is a slave to things, but does not want to change anything, since he does not see anything bad in this, he is satisfied with everything and he is happy.

Personally, I do not respect such people who are looking for their treasure in earthly objects, which are enriched with material things. I respect people for whom wealth is knowledge, thoughts; people who strive to learn something new and get rich in it. Here it is, real wealth, since no one will take it away from a person! If he has learned something, then this cannot be taken away. You can't drink up talent, as they say! And material wealth can leave the owner at any moment - and a person will be left with nothing: with empty pockets and with an empty head, and all because in Russia there is such a saying: "Do not renounce money from money to prison".

The desire to acquire knowledge is an indicator of strength of character, since it is sometimes very difficult to study some material, for various reasons. For example, you first need to get information somewhere, then study it, and not simply, but carefully - in general, this is sometimes a lot of labor. It's much easier to spend this time watching some kind of entertainment program, like a comedy club, or watching some idiotic cartoon like Family Guy.

Also, I was always finished off with slogans: "Take everything from life" or similar "In life you need to try everything." The first one people learned from Pepsi advertising, he openly encourages people to buy, consume, and the second, I don't know where I went from, he means that you need to try everything, therefore, this all implies the most unpleasant-looking moments (for example, trying heroin, or try homosexuality, or try your own feces).

According to their original idea, these two slogans can be interpreted as follows: they call to live life to the fullest, live to the fullest, enjoy life, live in the present day. In my opinion, these are typical slogans of the cattle about which I wrote earlier … Why? Because they call for egocentrism, for the ascension of your Ego to the first place, they call to satisfy various material needs, to satisfy your lust. Such people live only for themselves and are able to see only their own opinion, their needs and desires.

Well, for example, the same gopniks who have some amount of money, what will they do with it? Of course, they will immediately let them either into slot machines (now, however, they have been banned), or they will drink it on drink. They live for today, and what will happen tomorrow - they do not care.

In general, there are no friends for taste and color, of course, but I do not respect such people and, moreover, I write in plain text that I consider such people to be morons, since I have already provided evidence of this. I am sure that a lot of people will agree with me, but some will not like it, as they will find some of the above in themselves …