Scientists Still Cannot Solve The Mystery Of Ancient Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

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Scientists Still Cannot Solve The Mystery Of Ancient Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View
Scientists Still Cannot Solve The Mystery Of Ancient Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Still Cannot Solve The Mystery Of Ancient Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Still Cannot Solve The Mystery Of Ancient Artifacts - Crystal Skulls - Alternative View
Video: 12 Most Mysterious Ancient Artifacts Finds Scientists Still Cant Explain 2024, September

Where did they come from? There are countless hypotheses that crystal skulls are the legacy of a higher intelligence, were created by aliens, inhabitants of Atlantis or Lemuria.

Who made crystal skulls from solid quartz crystals and why? What tools and technologies could have been used to make ancient artifacts of such complexity and hardness?

Mysterious finds of archaeologists

Skulls have always been the main symbol of human death, and their image carried a certain meaning in many cultures around the world. One of the most fascinating archaeological finds of the 20th century are thirteen crystal skulls found at different times in different parts of Mexico, Central and South America.

In all likelihood, these skulls are of ancient origin. They are found next to the oldest ruins of past civilizations that lived in Peru, the Maya and the Aztecs. These findings are no less mysterious than the pyramids of Egypt or Stonehenge. Some skulls are estimated to be between 5,000 and 36,000 years old.

Many indigenous tribes of Indians talk about the miraculous properties of crystal skulls, but in fact, no one really knows exactly what they were made for and how they were used. Perhaps they remained after the destruction of Atlantis? Maybe these are ingenious modern fakes, or maybe they will allow us to look into the past or see the future.

Modern research that has been done with skulls proves that they were made against all cutting rules and should have shattered when cut or carved from rock crystal.

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Famous crystal skulls

The most famous skull, which was kept by Mitchell Hedges. It most of all resembles a real human skull in shape, in addition, it has a removable jaw built into it on hinges.

The way in which this object was made remains unsolved. None of the most talented sculptor or engineer could duplicate such a product, made against the symmetry axes of a quartz crystal, since, due to internal stress, according to all laws, the product had to fall apart.

Mitchell Hedges during an expedition to Guatemala


The crystal skull that was found by Mitchell Hedges


The skull was later kept by Anna, daughter of Mitchell Hedges. It was first found during excavations in British Honduras in 1927. But even the discovery of this artifact is surrounded by mystery and raises many questions.

Since 1924 in Belize, Mitchell Hedges has been excavating the ancient Mayan ruins where the temple once was. In 1927, his daughter Anna was on an expedition and found a beautiful carved crystal skull. The removable jaw was found later a few meters from the first find. Archaeologists gave it to local priests, but they donated the skull to Mitchell Hedges upon departure.

Some researchers claim that the story of the discovery of the artifact is completely fabricated, and Mitchell Hedges bought it at Sotheby's in London in 1943. There is documentary evidence of the British Museum's auction of a crystal artifact.

In contrast, there is no mention of the skull in the documents and photographs of the Mitchell Hedges expedition before 1943. Now the artifact remains with the eighty-year-old Anna Mitchell Hedges in Canada, and there is good reason to doubt that she was present at all on that expedition in Honduras.

The skull and its removable lower jaw were made from a single piece of transparent quartz crystal, which is also called rhinestone. The item weighs 11.7 pounds, is five inches wide and seven inches long. Due to its small size, it most resembles a female skull.

In 1970, detailed studies and testing were carried out over the skull in one of the leading centers for crystal research. The specialists of the Hewlett-Packard company, a manufacturer of the most precise laser devices and computer equipment, were involved. The expert opinion was simply amazing. The researchers determined that the skull was carved against the crystal's natural axis. Even with modern lasers and other high-tech cutting techniques, sculptors take into account the orientation of the crystal molecules.

The same product, made against all laws, had to crumble even during its manufacture. HP specialists could not find a single microscopic scratch on the product, by which it would be possible to determine with what tool the work was performed. A rock crystal of this hardness could only be cut with a diamond, but it would have taken 300 years to polish it with sand and water. The experts said so: "This damn thing just can't exist."

British and Parisian crystal skulls

A pair of skulls, known as British and Parisian, were purchased from Mexico in the 1890s. They are so similar in shape and size that one was probably a copy of the other. Unlike Mitchell Hedges' skull, they do not have a removable hinged jaw and do not closely follow the real skull.

The British skull is on display at the Museum of Humanity in London, and the Parisian one at the Trocadero Museum in Paris.

British crystal skull


Parisian crystal skull


Mayan crystal skull and Amethyst skull

Next from the famous crystal artifacts are the Mayan skulls and the Amethyst skull. They were discovered in the early 1990s in Guatemala and Mexico and were brought to the United States.

Skull Amethyst


The Amethyst skull is made of purple quartz, the Mayan skull is made of transparent quartz, but they are very similar.

Mayan Skull


These two skulls were also examined at HP, and they also turned out to be carved against the axis of the rock crystal.

Crystal Skull Texas or Max

The skull named "Max" is a transparent one-piece piece weighing 18 pounds. It was brought from Guatemala and is kept by the Parks family in Texas. He is shown at various exhibitions throughout the United States.

Skull Max


"ET" skull

A smoky quartz skull was found in Central America at the beginning of the 20th century. The nickname "ET" was given to him because the pointed skull shape and exaggerated bite make him look like the skull of an alien creature.

Skull "ET"


This artifact is from a private collection and is believed to have medicinal properties.

Rose Quartz Crystal Skull

This skull, found on the Honduras-Guatemala border, closely resembles that of Mitchell Hedges and is made of rose quartz.

Rose Quartz Skull


These skulls are comparable in level of cutting skill, including the pink also has a removable lower jaw.

Brazilian crystal skull

The skull is 13.8 pounds and was donated in 2004 to the Brazilian Mineral Museum.


"Compassion" - Atlantean Crystal Skull

This skull became known no less than the skull of Mitchell Hedges. It also has the size of a real human skull and a removable lower jaw. This item lay in Africa in a warehouse for about 22 years, and then another 7 years in the store until it was redeemed.

The skull was examined by Dr. Minha, who headed the geology department at the Museum of Natural History in Santa Barbara for almost 20 years. He found asymmetry in the anterior teeth of the upper jaw of the skull. It spoke of manual work. The slight asymmetry of the eye sockets in the "gaze" gave the artifact the nickname "Compassion".

Skull "Compassion"


Celestial gifts or fakes?

Crystal skulls are credited with various magical properties. But, regardless of the presence of any properties, the question remains: where do they come from?

There are countless hypotheses that crystal skulls are the legacy of a higher intelligence, were created by aliens, inhabitants of Atlantis or Lemuria.

One theory claims that the skulls were left from a civilization that lived in the underworld. This version is supported by secret mystical cults and orders.