Horned People: Descendants Of The Gods - Alternative View

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Horned People: Descendants Of The Gods - Alternative View
Horned People: Descendants Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Horned People: Descendants Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Horned People: Descendants Of The Gods - Alternative View
Video: The Anunnaki Creation Story: The Biggest Secret in Human History - Nibiru is Coming 2024, September

Some researchers consider the horned creatures from China to be aliens. Because the progenitor of humanity, Fusi, is sometimes depicted on vases in the form of a person flying through the sky with wings, like angels. And other images of the ancient gods of China resemble an inept drawing of an astronaut in a spacesuit with antennas sticking out of a helmet. Also, look at the old Chinese character for dwelling

In the photo: For some unknown reason, a large horn grew on the forehead of an old Chinese woman. If 95-year-old Zhao from Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province were a man, it might be assumed that the expression “give the horns” has come true.

However, Zhao's relatives wonder how a horn could have grown on their grandmother's forehead. In appearance, the horn looks like a dried pumpkin stalk. It grows almost in the center of the forehead and curls downward. “At first it was just a small mole, then it began to grow and turn into a horn. She became the way you see her now in just three years,”Zhao says. The old woman assures: in addition to the fact that the horn slightly interferes with her seeing, it does not bother her in any way and does not bring discomfort. However, the reasons for its appearance are not yet clear, and members of Zhao's family hope that doctors can still explain this phenomenon.


In ancient times, animal horns were often given a cult, mystical meaning. Anthropologists say this is due to the fact that such decoration was not found in all representatives of the animal world, most often it was possessed by large, powerful animals. Therefore, the priests and shamans argued, the horns contain not only mystical power, but also the power of potency. And this metaphysical idea has not tarnished even in our enlightened days.

In many countries, the horn was considered a medicine (crushed horn was used as a powder), served as an amulet that protected from poison, increased love power, and ensured victory in battle. And when the ancients learned that it was possible to blow into the hollow horn of an animal, like into a pipe, and the hoarse sound that was emitted at the same time spread far around, all the more they began to attribute extraordinary, mystical power to the horns.

For many peoples, horned animals were considered sacred: their divine power increased with the size of the horns: the longer or more twisted they were, the closer their inhabitants were to the gods. Often, tribes depicted their deities with twisted horns on their heads - otherwise, according to the ancients, the gods did not have the necessary power. So, the neighbors and enemies of the Persians, the ancient Greeks quickly adopted from the Persian warriors the manner of decorating helmets with horns. When Alexander the Great set out to conquer the world, he had no horns on his helmet. But under the influence of the cultures and religions of the peoples he defeated, he decided to become like the supreme deity in their eyes, decorating his helmet with horns. After that, among many Asian peoples, Macedonian received the nickname "Zulnikainen", which means two-horned.

On the Baikal cliff Sagan-Zaba there are many ancient rock paintings, known all over the world. They depict people with horns. There are many interpretations of these images: from the horned devil! to an alien in a spacesuit with antennas. However, no one really knows exactly who they are - horned people. Local historians and ethnographers, for example, believe that these are images of dancing shamans. So, they trumpeted the horns, drank them from the horns, set them in precious metals, warriors of many nations decorated their battle helmets in different historical eras. Horns proudly and militantly stuck out on the helmets of enterprising and brave Viking sailors who terrified Europe. In the heyday of chivalry, horns adorned their helmets.

Sometimes this decoration was also used in Russia, however, more as a stylized one, especially among the soldiers of its western appanage principalities.

Horns also served as an indispensable attribute of the mysteries and magic rituals of antiquity, and the pagan priests, as a sign of their possession of mystical power, in general, almost always sought to decorate their headdress with them. Why were horns in such high esteem? History has shown more than once: nothing in the world just happens.


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Cuckolds of China

In the photo: Japanese dogu figurine.

Hundreds of years ago, scientists noticed that on ancient Chinese vases you can sometimes find images of strange creatures very similar to people with large heads. But on their heads large growths are clearly visible, very much like horns. It was not possible to accurately date the time when these vessels were made. True, the experts agreed that the vases were made seven to eight thousand years before our era, and possibly even earlier.

In addition to Chinese vases, there was another confirmation of the possibility of the existence of strange people: Japanese dogu figurines. Some of them are depictions of horned creatures, surprisingly similar to ordinary people in body structure and facial expressions. Did the masters copy portraits of the horned from life? Yes, in some ancient Chinese myths, the horned deities, who were the sons of Heaven, are told with respect and fear. For example, the fact that one of the horned ate various stones and metals. Another, by the name of Fusi, practically did not differ from people in appearance, and he is even considered one of the progenitors of humanity. However, this was not the main point. Legends emphasize: unknown mysterious aliens possessed a variety of knowledge and skills that were completely inaccessible to ordinary inhabitants of the Earth.


Without explaining any reasons and giving details, the ancient myths then dryly report: the entire tribe of mysterious horned creatures has been mercilessly exterminated even in unforgettable times. Why this happened is unknown.

Some researchers consider the horned creatures from China to be aliens. Because the progenitor of humanity, Fusi, is sometimes depicted on vases in the form of a person flying through the sky with wings, like angels. And other images of the ancient gods of China resemble an inept drawing of an astronaut in a spacesuit with antennas sticking out of a helmet. Also, look at the old Chinese character for dwelling.

It resembles a blueprint for a rocket.

Perhaps, after all, there is an opportunity to find out when, by whom and for what reason the horned tribe that lived in Asia was exterminated? What does folklore say about them? They were not wild people or bloodthirsty monsters. On the contrary, the aliens possessed extensive knowledge inaccessible to the Chinese and more than once acted as wise mentors. So, Fusi taught people agriculture, fishing, and most importantly, he gave the beginnings of hieroglyphic writing and astronomy: this made it possible to expand the circle of communication, accumulate and pass on new knowledge to future generations and navigate by the stars in unfamiliar terrain, looking for the right path. For the establishment of trade and exchange, as well as for future sailors, an invaluable, simply royal gift. Now merchant caravans and ships could boldly set off. It is known that the first compass also originated in China.

In ancient China, many famous people had a "decoration" on their heads, so it is quite possible to conclude that the horned tribe was mixed with ordinary Chinese. It seems that no matter who the mythical horned creatures were - aliens from outer space or representatives of a faded civilization that was developing in parallel in Asia, but for reasons unknown to us, - they could come into contact with local men and women.

Their genocode was the same. Therefore, even later, centuries later, children were born with signs of incest that had once occurred. If these were aliens, it is unlikely that someone with a genocode that completely coincides with the genocode of earthlings could be on the space expedition. So, most likely, the aliens were able to change their genetic code. It turns out that they were not destroyed, but mixed with the natives.

Others consider the horned as the remnants of an antediluvian people who lived on the continent of Mu, who suffered the same fate as Atlantis. While the secret of the tribe or civilization of "cuckolds" remains one of the great secrets of the Ancient World.

You can find revered horned creatures in Europe. Suffice it to recall the Greek god Pan. Traces of horned people are preserved in the book of books - the Bible. Let's remember Moses, whom Miche-langelo depicted with horns on his head. And this is not an accident, but a sign of holiness, a testimony that Moses is God's anointed one, capable of performing miracles.

If you believe the legends, then mysterious horned people live in the abandoned underground passages near Belgorod-Dnestrovsky (Odessa region). The main attraction of the city with 2500 years of history is the ancient stone fortress, which was built by no one knows who and when. In all encyclopedias on anomalous phenomena, it is called almost the most mysterious place in the territory of the former USSR. Why? Because horned people supposedly live here in the dungeons, and these are not ancient legends, but events of the second half of the 20th century.

In 1996, French archaeologists discovered a human skull with horns on the border of ancient Thrace and Gaul. They are located on both sides, above the auricles, have an elongated shape and are directed upwards. The skull is dated from the 5th-6th century AD. e. This event caused a violent reaction from the public. Ana, a unique find, was made and described back in 1924 by the archaeologist Shulman, but then it was not given serious attention. But now we know about many possible deviations from the genetic norm.

Most often these are extra fingers, elongated coccyx (tails), increased hairiness, in girls - extra mammary glands. Much less common are other deformities, for example, horns. Almost no one is immune from such mutations as atavisms.


"UFO" No. 45