Anchutka - Alternative View

Anchutka - Alternative View
Anchutka - Alternative View

Video: Anchutka - Alternative View

Video: Anchutka - Alternative View
Video: Кого боялись наши предки? Анчутка, шишимора и другие опасные персонажи мифологии Древней Руси. 2024, September

ANCHUTKA - in Slavic mythology, this is a small, insidious and extremely harmful natural spirit. The ANCHUTKA's appearance can be quite bizarre: a body covered with black hair, a bald head, tail and hooves, bird's legs, and also the absence of heels. In old stories it is said that the heels of ANCHUTKA were allegedly bitten off by a wolf chasing him. Apparently because ANCHUTKI are especially afraid of wolves, dogs and foxes.

This evil, aggressive Spirit is capable of taking on any image, both animal and human, and is also endowed with the ability to instantly move in space.

Habitats of ANCHUTOK are different - in the house, in the bathhouse, in the field, in swamps and reservoirs. Field ANCHUTKI are considered the most harmless, because they are not shown to people, unless they themselves call them. But marsh and water ANCHUTKI always play pranks, and their leprosy is always cruel and dangerous, often leading to the death of people. They attack swimmers, grab them by the legs, causing convulsions, and strive to drag them to the bottom.

Bath ANCHUTKI, who appear to people in frightening images, are no less cunning and insidious. At the same time, they can groan terribly, wheeze harshly, meow heartbreakingly, or clatter their hooves and claws on the wooden floor. A person with a weak psyche may lose consciousness or even go crazy.

The ancient Slavs believed that ANCHUTKI could seduce and interfere with women and girls during the absence of their husbands and suitors.

In mythological legends it is said that the ANCHUTKI themselves lived in families, marrying their own kind and producing the same vile ANCHUTKI. At the same time, cunning malevolent Spirits called ordinary midwives to give birth to their "devil wives". They paid the midwives very generously, but then this gold turned into coals, garbage or dry leaves.

Dark sorcerers were the only people who could not only cope with ANCHUTS, but also, if necessary, make them serve themselves.

However, if this evil, annoying spirit settles in a house, then getting rid of it is extremely difficult. The best way was to demolish the dwelling, or burn it. In this case, the ruins or ashes should have been sprinkled with salt, especially unloved by the ANCHUTK.

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