Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part Two - Alternative View

Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part Two - Alternative View
Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Rank Of Gods. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

- Part one -

Here are some examples. Mohenjo-Daro, the Hindu people who arranged for themselves both a water supply system and rooms for water procedures with wastewater discharge into sedimentation tanks. The houses had separate bathrooms and toilets. It was the same a little to the east. Sumerian. Well settled down, apparently wanted for a long time. But it turned out as always. In one day, everything was destroyed, turned into rubble and even melted. But that's a different story.

In short. Bam! And the one who yesterday somehow managed to cope with modern household goods began to melt the metal. And without any preliminary steps. And there was no reason for this. And nearby, at the same time, the neighbors continued to sit on the palm trees and spit with date bones.

Archaeological data and myths that these ancient peoples themselves told about such a "sudden" emergence of some advanced ancient civilizations that they said "gods" came and established norms and rules of life among people, and taught them all sorts of wisdom.

The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and civilization, with the receipt of all the technologies attached to it, of course, was brought from outside. And the ancients did not hide it. They did not say that they say look at us, the smartest, we all came up with it. They honestly admitted that the gods came and taught them this. Moreover, there was no talk of any worship of these gods. The Sumerians, for example, do not mention any humanistic goals of the gods. The gods just shifted their work to people, using people as slaves.

To summarize what we read, those who descended to Earth were material, had physical bodies, had to feed, because they had to stay on Earth for a long time. To do this, I had to adapt to local conditions, which means adapting the conditions for myself.

There is an interesting version, and about this version I have my own thoughts.

So, the version where in the introductory is taken as an axiom:

Promotional video:

- Since the "gods" are reptilians, the conditions on Earth were different from those on the planet of the "gods." But not too much. Because they got along pretty well without spacesuits.

- The biochemistry of the "gods" accepted the products of our planet quite normally. That is, it did not differ much from the biochemistry of the person, whom they also corrected.

This is how the Sumerians saw these creatures:


Isn't it similar to the Pristina find that I exhibited in the previous chapter? And what is curious - the same time of creation. By the way, this is a character from the Sumerian chronicles of SA-AMA, which was obtained by cloning with the participation of ABGAL and KADISHTU, who looked like this in profile:


There are several races of reptilians. One of them is well known from the yellow press and from Hollywood films about aliens. This is MIMINA. Or grays (gray)


There are clearly similarities. I don’t want to repeat myself, everyone has already seen pictures from other parts of the Earth, for example, Indian Quetzelcoatl and Indian Krishna.

Do you know what unites them all? Color of the skin. Krishna is blue-gray. Quetzelcoatl is blue-gray. And the grays - they are grays - and there are - gray. The title of these creatures in many languages was Sir or Sir. And what kind of blood flows in the veins of noble beings? Right. Blue.

There are many creatures on Earth that have blue, not red blood. One of the main functions of blood is transport. That is, the transfer of oxygen to the tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide from them. For this, there are respiratory pigments containing metal ions, which bind oxygen molecules. In human blood, this is hemoglobin, which includes iron. By and large, human blood is also not red. It turns red as it is saturated with oxygen.

But oxygen transfer can be carried out by pigments containing ions of other metals. For example, copper. In the blood of octopuses, a pigment such as hemocyanin works. It is based on copper, which makes the blood of these creatures blue, and the skin color from gray-blue to green, or other gray-cold shades. This is most likely due to the habitat. Although related creatures like molluscs can have red, blue and even greenish blood.

As inventive as nature is, most earthly creatures have red blood.

This is due to the fact that there is a lot of iron on Earth. It is the second most common metal. It's on Earth. And if on another planet there is less iron and much more copper? For human-like creatures, "evolution" uses copper to transport gases and nutrients. So the blood will be blue. Or green, like the type that was shown in the movie "Predator"

There is a lot of iron on Earth. Lots of. It is contained in almost all products that a person consumes. But it is especially abundant in legumes, vegetables, herbs, berries. Least of all … in cereals. There is a lot of … copper in cereals and bread products.

Furthermore. Cereals contain substances that form hard-to-dissolve salts that settle in the body and reduce digestibility.

Doesn't the choice of ancestors seem strange? They gave preference to troublesome and super-labor-intensive grain crops, plus they chose the most difficult way to process the crop. The grain is cleaned, ground, and products are prepared from the resulting flour, while it is much easier and healthier to cook, for example, porridge from unrefined grain. It is healthier because refined grain contains a lot of copper, but less vitamins than unrefined grain.


- The "Gods" ended up on a planet that had a lot of iron, but little madi. They needed to somehow adapt to these conditions. Moreover, iron is chemically more active than copper. Getting into the blood of "gods", it will displace copper from it. That is, an excess of iron is harmful to them and this excess should be avoided.

Solution to the problem:

- Either take injections of preparations containing copper or follow a diet high in copper and low in iron. It turns out that the blue blood of the "gods" explains the "grain choice" of people.

- There is one more factor in favor of this version. It is possible not to make constant injections, but to use copper through the skin, surrounding yourself with copper objects. Or, for example, drinking water from copper vessels.

Another curious coincidence. The age of bronze, or rather copper, coincides with the beginning of the cultivation of cereals. Iron appeared in humans later - in the second century BC.

But. Copper-based blood has serious deficiencies in terrestrial conditions. First of all, it is not oxygen that is transported, but carbon dioxide. And with an excess of carbon dioxide, acidity rises, the acid-base balance changes, the viscosity rises, and the vessels become clogged. There is one good remedy for neutralizing blood acidity. This is Spiritus Vini, or Ethanol. The easiest and cheapest way to get ethanol is from grains and grapes. By the way, grapes are also a culture that requires colossal labor.

Another curious remark. Our ancestors scared away devils with tobacco smoke. Devils don't like smoke, people say.

All this suggests that all this today's "struggle" with smoking and drinking alcohol is really needed by someone.

- Part one -