So It Was Only Stalin Who Deported The Peoples, Right? And The Europeans Keep Quiet About Their Deportations! - Alternative View

So It Was Only Stalin Who Deported The Peoples, Right? And The Europeans Keep Quiet About Their Deportations! - Alternative View
So It Was Only Stalin Who Deported The Peoples, Right? And The Europeans Keep Quiet About Their Deportations! - Alternative View

Video: So It Was Only Stalin Who Deported The Peoples, Right? And The Europeans Keep Quiet About Their Deportations! - Alternative View

Video: So It Was Only Stalin Who Deported The Peoples, Right? And The Europeans Keep Quiet About Their Deportations! - Alternative View
Video: Stalin's Silent People. Personal stories from the Gulag. Radio documentary by Orlando Figes. 2007. 2024, July

Is European deportation not considered a crime?

So, it was only the great and terrible Stalin who deported the peoples? Yeah. right now …

The Europeans took water in their mouths about their vile deportations and shoved their tongues into their butts. everyone is supposed to know only about Stalin, and keep quiet about their own abominations

But the Czechs began to take revenge on the Germans immediately after the victory.

The Germans had to:

to report regularly to the police, they did not have the right to arbitrarily change their place of residence;

wear a bandage with the letter "N" (German); visit stores only at the time set for them;

their vehicles were confiscated: cars, motorcycles, bicycles;

Promotional video:

they were prohibited from using public transport;

it is forbidden to have radio and telephones;

During 1945, the Czechoslovak government, headed by Edvard Beneš, passed six decrees against Czech Germans, depriving them of agricultural land, citizenship and all property. Together with the Germans, the Hungarians, who were also classified as "enemies of the Czech and Slovak peoples", fell under the skating rink of repression.


It was not without a simple infringement of the rights of the Germans. A wave of pogroms and extrajudicial killings swept across the country.


Let us remind you once again that the repressions were carried out on a national basis, against all Germans. German? Hence, guilty.

Expelled ethnic Germans from Yugoslavia and Romania. In total, according to the German public organization "Union of the Expelled", which unites all the deported and their descendants (15 million members), after the end of the war from their homes were expelled, expelled from 12 to 14 million Germans. But even for those who made it to Vaterland, the nightmare didn't end with crossing the border.


According to the chairman of the Union of the Exiled, Erika Steinbach, the deportation of the German population from the countries of Eastern Europe cost the German people 2 million lives. It was the largest and most terrible deportation of the 20th century.

However, in Germany itself, the official authorities prefer not to remember her. The list of deported peoples includes the Crimean Tatars, the peoples of the Caucasus and the Baltic states, the Volga Germans.

However, more than 10 million Germans deported after World War II are silent about the tragedy. The repeated attempts of the Union of the Expelled to create a museum and a monument to the victims of deportation constantly encounter opposition from the authorities.

As for Poland and the Czech Republic, these countries still do not consider their actions illegal and are not going to apologize or repent.

Is European deportation not considered a crime?


"Secrets and riddles" No. 9
