Yellowstone: Doomsday Machine Being Tested In Hawaii. Numerologists Call The Date Of The Explosion - Alternative View

Yellowstone: Doomsday Machine Being Tested In Hawaii. Numerologists Call The Date Of The Explosion - Alternative View
Yellowstone: Doomsday Machine Being Tested In Hawaii. Numerologists Call The Date Of The Explosion - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone: Doomsday Machine Being Tested In Hawaii. Numerologists Call The Date Of The Explosion - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone: Doomsday Machine Being Tested In Hawaii. Numerologists Call The Date Of The Explosion - Alternative View
Video: You Don’t Need to Worry About Yellowstone (or Any Other Supervolcano) 2024, July

Many people who follow seismological activity in the world have noticed the strange situation in Hawaii, where the official number of earthquakes recorded per week is approaching 400.


This is somewhat a lot even for such a seismically active region: the frequency of tremors exceeds the statistical average by tens of times! The situation there, apparently, is so alarming that even news media began to write about the Hawaiian volcanoes:

The Independent: After 250 earthquakes recorded in 24 hours, a volcano in Hawaii is preparing to erupt.

Hawaiian volcano Kilauea, the most active of the five volcanoes that make up the state's main island, is preparing to erupt after hundreds of earthquakes and a crater collapse. Rescue services and geologists warn about this. Authorities have called on the public to be on alert after scientists monitoring the volcano noted magma escaping near homes along the main highway in the Puna region.

At the beginning of this week in Hawaii, more than 250 earthquakes were recorded during the day, followed by the collapse of the so-called Pu'u O'o - the main ventilation hole of Kilauea volcano, located in the eastern rift zone. Most of the quakes were minor, but many were felt by all locals, including the 4.2 magnitude earthquake that shook the coast Tuesday morning.

Scientists at the Hawaiian Volcanic Observatory at the US Geological Survey (HVO) warn that seismic activity could lead to massive lava outburst, although they cannot say with certainty where and when.


Promotional video:

HVO Geologist Janet Babb: “Earthquakes and crater collapses are caused by magma moving into the previously closed part of the volcano. The magma has now migrated to the lower eastern rift zone, and there is a rift just off Highway 130, the main road on the island. And there are a lot of buildings built near this road, including those intended for tourists - the road leads to a popular observation deck, visited by everyone who wants to look at the active volcanoes."

The day before, geologists circled the alarming area in a helicopter, examining the ash layer of cooling magma covering the ground near the Pu'u O'o vent. However, the ash did not lay in layers evenly, but was heavily thrown over, which indicates an explosion, during which the crater collapsed. Most of Kilauea's activity is unaffected by explosions, with the exception of the 1924 eruption, when the volcano shot 10-ton rocks into the sky. Therefore, what is happening now geologists find dangerous.


“The good news is that when we circled the eastern rift zone, we saw no new cracks in the ground - the first signs that magma had come dangerously close to the surface,” says HVO geologist Janet Bubb. However, the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency has issued an emergency warning that people in the area must be prepared to evacuate immediately in the event of dangerous lava flows breaking through.

Thus, we, as well as other readers, are very grateful to both the newspaper The Independent and the enlightened geologist Janet, who told us about the Pu'u O'o vent, but the topic of 250 earthquakes during the day was definitely unsolved.

As a result, other, independent geologists, candidates and doctors of parageological sciences joined the topic. It makes no sense to cite the opinion of all this mass of ladies and gentlemen, since we are all not small and understand that 400 earthquakes not even in a week, but in 4 days and 250 earthquakes a day is quite a lot, it can bang into anyone. But who knows when? Nevertheless, there are interesting interpretations of the situation, otherwise we would not have done this material.

The first thing that attracts attention is the material authored by End Times Forecaster. This analytical group specializes in chronological cycles, Masonic numerology and other things that the general public does not understand. And unlike many forecasters on this topic, End Times Forecaster predictions are very often correct.

At one time, based solely on data from TV, we predicted back in February that around March 18 the United States would begin to be active militarily. First of all, we thought, like everyone else, that everything would turn out to be in North Korea, but everything turned out to be in Syria. And it started on March 18th. End Times Forecaster almost simultaneously with us also paid attention to this day, but it did it solely on the basis of numbers, that is, rather complex calculations from the field of numerology.

And now, as we can see, his new forecast is a kind of epic seismic event in the range of 5/17/18 - 5/31/18, that is, between May 17 and May 31, although the most likely date is May 24.


We can neither deny nor confirm this date. It is made on the basis of simple arithmetic: every 188 days a large seismic or volcanic event occurs on Earth, which is then written about by all newspapers and all televisions. We'll have to wait until May 24 to check. …

And there is one more interesting observation. So, at one of the US forums, we came across a message that the Pentagon is testing a kind of "seismic machine" in Hawaii to blow up volcanoes.

In the post given for illustration, the "seismic machine" is, of course, graphic - persons with cameras are not allowed to approach such a technique. Besides, a public forum is a phenomenon where any idiot can post any nonsense. However, the USGS sensors in the Yellowstone caldera are not nonsense, and the sensors there regularly show the operation of some heavy mechanical equipment:


Yellowstone: did the Doomsday Machine turn on in the caldera?

Drilling continues in Yellowstone. What's happening?

The pictures in the above materials are also very real: both seismograms and MHD generators:


On this basis, we believe that the post about drilling equipment in Hawaii should be taken seriously, since the islands are practically the perfect place to believe something. If it starts to shake sharply, you can always say that this is a natural phenomenon. If it blows there - it's far from the mainland of the United States, California will not fall asleep with ashes. In addition, in Hawaii, the earth is full of cracks, in the gap of which magma splashes. That is, it is very convenient to throw some kind of shell there and nothing needs to be drilled.

Therefore, based on the above, we would also rule out the option that the military in Hawaii is experiencing something. Maybe they're training to be guaranteed to blow up Yellowstone, we don't know. However, the End Times Forecaster's calculation of 188-day seismic cycles (the table above) seems to us quite convincing. By themselves, in natural nature and without artificial intervention, such exact cycles are excluded.

We follow the development of events.