Unidentified Diving Objects - Alternative View

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Unidentified Diving Objects - Alternative View
Unidentified Diving Objects - Alternative View

Video: Unidentified Diving Objects - Alternative View

Video: Unidentified Diving Objects - Alternative View
Video: Europe PS4 Playoffs | Championship Day | FIFA 21 Global Series 2024, September

In the photo: UFO departure from Lake Kronotskoye, Kamchatka, 1970 (drawing by N. Potapov according to descriptions of witnesses) . August 1970 Kamchatka. Kronotskoye lake. The oceanologist Agarkov, who was in charge of hydrological exploration on this lake, testifies: “On one of the August days, in good weather, the four of us, being in a motor boat on the lake, suddenly saw how a dome of surging water had formed one kilometer from us, from which an oval object flew out gray with a diameter of 40-50 m. The object slowly ascended to a height of 200-250 m at an angle of 70-80 degrees. to the horizon, somewhat closer to the boat, and hovered motionless. The boat's engine immediately stopped working. We were all frightened and for a minute and a half were in a daze, and then decided to move towards the shore on the oars. After some time, the object rushed from its place and at a very high speed rushed towards the ocean, after which the boat engine started working again."

Military doctor Rubens J. Villela stood on the deck of an icebreaker taking part in naval maneuvers in the North Atlantic. It was bitterly cold, so on deck, besides Villela, only the helmsman and the officer of the watch shifted from foot to foot. Suddenly ice rose up not far from the icebreaker and something, breaking through its three-meter thickness, with a huge silvery bullet soared into the sky! The mass of ice blocks, flying up into the air, crashed down with a crash into the wormwood, over which thick steam swirled …

The Russian expeditionary ship "Vladimir Vorobiev" performed oceanographic research in the Arabian Sea. Suddenly the sailors working on the deck noticed a bright spot with a diameter of three hundred meters around the hull of the ship. It seemed to begin to rotate counterclockwise, and at that moment the electric generator began to run up, supplying current to the trawl winch. The echo sounder recorded a depth of 170 meters and showed the presence of a certain mass under the keel at a depth of 20 meters. Meanwhile, the rotating spot was gradually disintegrating into eight sectors. Some lights flashed around the ship, running along rotating sectors that became thinner and eventually turned into curved rays, resembling turbine blades. Half an hour later, the glow faded, and the diameter of the "wheel" decreased to one hundred meters.

Bright lighting effects

Sea travelers are literally shocked by the bright light effects on the sea surface of practically unknown origin. Eyewitnesses of the figured glow are especially impressive. At these moments, straight lines, curved "spokes", circles, and again luminous "wheels" appear on the water, quickly replacing each other.


Rotating "wheels" on the ocean surface (drawing according to the descriptions of witnesses). May 15, 1879 * Persian Gulf. On a clear night, the captain of the British warship Vulture observed an unusual phenomenon: “Around 6 hours 3 minutes GMT (9.40 pm) I noticed luminous waves or vibrations in the water. They moved with great speed and passed under our vessel from the south-south-west. Looking east, I saw something that looked like a spinning wheel with glowing spokes, and in the west I saw a similar wheel spinning in the opposite direction.

The glowing waves were quite deep under the water, they illuminated the white bottoms of ships passing in the distance. They appeared to me to be 25 feet wide, the dark spaces between them were about 75-100 feet, the frequency of movement was 74 or 75 waves per minute, the average speed was 84 English miles per hour. This beautiful and amazing show lasted about 35 minutes. During the last 5 minutes, concentric circles diverged from an area located at a distance of about 200 yards from our ship to the east, and these oscillations, meeting with parallel waves, did not intersect, but disappeared for a while, and then reappeared, approaching the ship and forming an angle of about 90 degrees."

A curious phenomenon was observed on August 22, 1909 from the board of the "Okhotsk" steamer in the Sea of Okhotsk by the ship's doctor F. J. D. Derbek. According to him, an unusually bright green flashed under the stern of the steamer on that day at 23.00. a new white light that quickly swept the area around the ship's hull. The spot moved for some time with the steamer, and then broke away from it and, rapidly gaining speed, soon reached the horizon. There, the glow spread to the sides, giving a reflection to the clouds, as a result of which the impression was created that a large city, illuminated by bright lights, was standing on the shore in the distance! Meanwhile, behind the first glow under the stern of the steamer, a second flashed, followed by a third and a fourth! And each time the glow went beyond the horizon.

Naval sailors testify

On November 15, 1949, an American warship, commanded by Captain III Rank J. R. Baudelaire, sailed the Strait of Hormuz, separating the Arabian Peninsula and mainland Asia. It was a clear, moonless night. When the lighthouse appeared on Little Coin Island, the officer of the watch asked the captain to climb onto the bridge. His attention was attracted by a luminous pulsating spot with a diameter of 300-400 meters that appeared from the left side. Both officers decided that the spot revolved around a fixed center, from which, as it were, the beams of a searchlight emanated. The ship approached the stationary center and even passed over it! Then the commander pulled his ship aside and saw another glowing spot, and then another! So the sailors, gathered on the deck, contemplated three "wheels" at once!


In 1925, the commander of the French destroyer Prüssen witnessed an absolutely amazing phenomenon. “All of a sudden, everything around the ship lit up,” he wrote in the logbook. - The light came from many floating balls with a diameter of a quarter of a meter. They appeared on the surface with an interval of 20-30 seconds, and immediately swelled sharply twice, and then up to 120 meters in diameter! These bright silvery-green formations waved on the surface of the water for a while, and then seemed to be extinguished in the dark."


Promotional video:

Glowing Unidentified Objects in the Mediterranean Sea, May 21, 1997

Humanoid Beings

On October 25, 1962, the American newspaper "Los Angeles Times" published a sensational story by the skipper of one of the fishing trawlers about the incident that happened to him before dawn on July 28 of the same year. At that moment, the trawler was fishing six miles from Santa Catalina Island. The skipper drew attention to the sudden appearance of a row of stationary lights, and very low - just above the surface of the water. Then the skipper took the binoculars, raised them to his eyes and was quite surprised: he saw a small illuminated platform on which human figures were moving! The skipper asked for binoculars and also began to observe what was happening.

Later, both eyewitnesses said that the platform was actually the aft end of the submarine. Five "sailors" were doing something on it - two were in white, two in black and one in blue.

According to the first impressions of eyewitnesses, a submarine was undoubtedly drifting in front of them, sitting low in the water. She did not have any identification marks, the deck was almost flooded with water, and a vertical rudder was clearly visible at the stern. Suddenly, the "sailors" disappeared into the submarine, and she herself rushed to the trawler, so the skipper had to turn sharply in order to avoid hitting! The submarine swept past at great speed and quickly disappeared from sight. The most amazing thing was the completely silent sliding of the mysterious object and the absence of a wake behind it! But a wave hit the ship!

The skipper considered it his patriotic duty to report the incident to the naval command, believing that he had met a Soviet submarine off the coast of the United States. However, military experts, having completed all the necessary checks, announced the complete absurdity of the "patriotic" message …


Many hypotheses have been put forward about the nature of peculiar light effects and anomalous phenomena in the ocean. But none of them stood the test of facts. For example, biologists have referred to the glow of marine organisms. However, it is difficult to imagine that they also line up in lines revolving around a certain center, or gather into balls that swell sharply on the surface. Englishman Brett Hilder tried to link these effects (albeit without much success) with disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field caused by the movement of the ship.


Flying Objects Above the Sea (vintage Japanese engraving)

Professor of oceanography at the University of Hamburg, Kurt Kalle, analyzed 70 reports of "figured" sea glow over 60 years and noticed that the areas of the most intense light effects coincide with the zones of seismic activity in the ocean. According to Kurt Kalle, seismic waves radiate from one point on the ocean floor and spread upward in an expanding cone.

When they come to the surface, they "spread" in the horizontal plane. In shallow water, part of the main shock wave is reflected from the water surface, then from the bottom soil and again from the surface. This creates a complex interference pattern that creates the effect of running light stripes. True, the mechanism for transforming underwater shocks into luminous figures remains unclear.


UFO flight from under the water near Kildin Island, Barents Sea. 1987 The

most impressive effect on the problem of interest to us was obtained in the spring of 1966 by specialists from the US Navy Research Directorate. This experiment was reported by Maine Illustrated in March 1966. Researchers tested a new long-range underwater communications system. For this, an antenna about two kilometers long was laid along the continental shelf off the east coast of America, and a ship with special receivers lowered to great depths went into the sea to catch signals. We started testing, and at first everything went according to plan.

But at some point, the receivers registered the signal sent to them, and after it they received exactly the same signal, but weakened - a kind of echo! It looked like a callsign, as the transmission started immediately! But it was never possible to decipher it …