Ilyumzhinov Spoke About The Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

Ilyumzhinov Spoke About The Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View
Ilyumzhinov Spoke About The Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Ilyumzhinov Spoke About The Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Ilyumzhinov Spoke About The Meeting With Aliens - Alternative View
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President of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov on the air of the "Star on Star" program with Alexander Strizhenov told the details of the meeting with aliens. According to Ilyumzhinov, contact with alien intelligence took place in Moscow in 1997, when he served as president of the Republic of Kalmykia.

“Here in the center of Moscow. I have an apartment. I came from a meeting, read a book, watched TV. Everything, went to bed, it seems. And then he analyzed whether it was a dream or not. Maybe a dream, but, on the other hand, there are witnesses who saw that I was not. I felt that the window was open. Balcony. And I have to get out. The corridor. And I moved to a ship, a saucer,”Ilyumzhinov noted.

He stressed that he clearly felt what was happening. According to Ilyumzhinov, the aliens were yellow. Ilyumzhinov also remembered what he had talked about with aliens.

“Having read fantastic books, I asked them:“Listen, well, you have an hour here, but a thousand years will pass here. I will return, there will be a completely different land. I won't find the people I worked with. They say: “No, everything will be fine,” Ilyumzhinov said.

The FIDE President noted that he asked the aliens why they had not yet come into contact with earthlings.

“They say:“You are not ready yet, you don’t communicate with ants, you are still at that rudimentary level,”Ilyumzhinov said.

He also added how the President of the Russian Federation, at that time Boris Yeltsin, reacted to his story about contact with an alien intelligence.

“I told the first president of the Russian Federation. We talked. He says: "Well, you arrived, you arrived, go work," Ilyumzhinov said.

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Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has been the President of the International Chess Federation since 1995, formerly the head of the Republic of Kalmykia.