Monolithic Volkonsky Dolmen - Construction With Unusual Physical Properties - Alternative View

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Monolithic Volkonsky Dolmen - Construction With Unusual Physical Properties - Alternative View
Monolithic Volkonsky Dolmen - Construction With Unusual Physical Properties - Alternative View

Video: Monolithic Volkonsky Dolmen - Construction With Unusual Physical Properties - Alternative View

Video: Monolithic Volkonsky Dolmen - Construction With Unusual Physical Properties - Alternative View
Video: Неизученная аномалия. Дольмен. 2024, June

Dolmens are mysterious structures scattered literally all over the world, and in Russia they can be found in the Urals and the North Caucasus. And even though their existence has been known for more than one hundred years, scientists still have not explained how and why they were built. In this article, we will get acquainted with a rather rare type of dolmens - Monolithic, namely, the Volkonsky dolmen.

This historical site is located near the village of Volkonka, which is located within the Greater Sochi. This object is 6 meters high, 8 meters wide and 17 meters long. And its hidden niche was carved from a single piece of rock and the ceiling height is equal to one and a half meters.

According to the calculations of specialists, 150 people were involved in the construction of the inner part only, and the builders spent at least 10 years of continuous work. An amazing "feature" of this place is the fact that if you say something loudly enough in the dolmen, a very strong echo will appear in the chamber.


That is why the theory arose that dolmens (which are surprisingly standing on tectonic faults) served as a kind of signaling devices of an approaching earthquake.

In addition, dolmens are strictly oriented to the cardinal points and in most cases have stone plugs (it is also not clear what they are intended for). Therefore, there are many versions about the purpose of dolmens: from observatories to tombs.


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Astounding experiments

There are a lot of legends about these mysterious structures, in particular about the Volkonsky dolmen, popular rumor speaks of its healing properties. Russian scientists decided to check these legends and dispel them. And this is what happened as a result.

Representatives of the Department of Acoustics of the Southern Federal University found out that the buried cavity of a dolmen is an acoustic resonator with a frequency of 2.8 hertz. Which coincides with the delta - the rhythm of the electroencephalogram of the human brain with quality sleep or trance, or coma.


Representatives of the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology performed the following experiment: two samples of distilled water were taken and one of them fit into a dolmen, and the other was stored at the institute. After that, the plants were watered with these samples. So the plants, which were watered with water from the dolmen, showed growth rates two times higher than the sprouts watered with ordinary water from the laboratory.


Research by Doctor of Medical Sciences O. Tatkov showed that a person who is near the dolmen for at least 4 hours increases the number of platelets and glucose in the blood, and the pressure to the upper normal limit. And this effect has been commented on as an easily stimulating effect on the person in general.

As we see the experiments with the Volkonsky dolmen, they additionally fueled interest in the study of such mysterious objects, but did not answer the already existing questions: who built them and why.