Call Of Akyr-Tas: A Mystical Source Of High Energies And A Mystery For Historians - Alternative View

Call Of Akyr-Tas: A Mystical Source Of High Energies And A Mystery For Historians - Alternative View
Call Of Akyr-Tas: A Mystical Source Of High Energies And A Mystery For Historians - Alternative View

Video: Call Of Akyr-Tas: A Mystical Source Of High Energies And A Mystery For Historians - Alternative View

Video: Call Of Akyr-Tas: A Mystical Source Of High Energies And A Mystery For Historians - Alternative View
Video: Rewriting History... The Skulls That Changed Everything! 2024, July

The mysterious Akyr-Tas, “opened” 30 - 40 years ago for “general use”, still attracts with its energy “senses” and ordinary mortals who visit this complex among the unique historical sites of Zhambyl region, the correspondent of MIA “Kazinform” reports.


The stone ruins of Akyr-Tas, located 40 kilometers north of Taraz, arouse serious interest of Kazakh and foreign scientists due to the mystery of their origin and the mysterious purpose. Psychics come to this deserted place to pray in silence, to meditate, to be saturated with high energies. Moreover, the “call of Akyr-Tas” on other days simultaneously affects “senses”, even those who are in different cities. Fans of esotericism, completely ignorant of each other, tell similar stories about how they "see" the "cosmodrome of alien ships" located on Akyr-Tas. There are times when cars break down for no reason and stall, if at an inopportune hour uninformed people try to get into this mystical place.


According to scientists, the Akyr-Tas area is a tectonic fault zone with huge underground voids. There are underground storage facilities where gas reserves were injected. These voids can create a natural anomaly. Complex geotectonic processes in the bowels of Mother Earth have a strong effect on humans, awakening hidden reserves, activating physiological processes. As psychics say, Akyr-Tas is a natural generator that activates the "dormant" cells of the body. On the physical plane, this manifests itself in a purely individual way - trance, heightened feelings, or other physical manifestations. But in any case, people in these places, as a rule, experience a strong energy rise, a surge of strength, and peace.

Today Akyr-Tas is one of the most visited tourist sites in Zhambyl region, a popular historical and natural monument. Thanks to the care of the directorate of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Monuments of Ancient Taraz", the historical complex, located far from busy highways, in a waterless and desert area, has acquired a completely civilized look. The territory of the complex is fenced, paths are paved with stone, lanterns and benches are installed. Now, foreign tourists, accustomed to comfort, do not have to stumble over stones as before.


In 2012, a building was built here for a scientific information and analytical center with a conference hall, a mini-hotel for archaeologists, offices, where historians can work in the pristine silence. Round-the-clock protection of the monument is provided.

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“Today, on the territory of Akyr-Tas, within the framework of the national-strategic program“Cultural Heritage”, which provides for the restoration and museumification of the monument, comprehensive work on the scientific and archaeological study and the creation of an open-air museum of archeology continues, the director of the museum said in an interview with Kazinform correspondent - reserve "Monuments of ancient Taraz" Taken Moldakynov. He has been researching Akyr-Tas for several years. But I have not yet been able to find answers to exciting questions - the time of construction, the purpose of the structure and even the origin of its name.

The plan of the stone building is a quadrangle measuring 205x185 meters. All walls are lined with massive red sandstone stone blocks. In total, the structure consists of four parts. “In three of them the premises are located around the courtyards, and the fourth is free from building,” says Taken Moldakynov. - In the center of the building there is a courtyard with two ponds - haus. Apart from the palace structure, the Akyr-Tas complex includes country estates, a castle, a park, a stone quarry, a clay quarry, and hauz - reservoirs."

Speaking about the available results of archaeological work, T. Moldakynov noted that at great depths, in places of deep bedding of ground rocks, a powerful fundamental masonry was discovered.

“These huge stone blocks, three and a half to four meters high, were set taking into account the relief of the earth and fastened with a special mortar. The skill of the builders is striking. In the absence of "gluing" solutions, the stones are installed in such a way that it is very difficult to remove them from the masonry. They are so precisely cut and fit. The semicircular grooves and triangular grooves, as if made on a grinding machine, are especially striking. It should be borne in mind that the weight of many blocks reaches half a ton, or even more. The ancient builders installed a plumbing system that supplied water from a mountain spring to the palace's reservoirs. The structure itself, of course, is grandiose - it is a set of rooms connected by stone passages, which somewhat resembles the mysterious labyrinths of the Egyptian pyramids. No wonder there is a theory of French researchers,which directly connects the pyramids of Giza with Akyr-Tas. But what it really was, why and by whom was it built - no one has yet given clear, scientifically substantiated answers to these questions. It is known that back in the 7th century, when a Chinese monk drove through these places, leaving his "unfortunate notes", he described Akyr-Tas as ruins, and even then there was no explanation of what kind of structure it was. In any case, those who erected these cyclopean walls and vaults were representatives of a highly developed civilization,”said the director of the museum-reserve. He describes Akyr-Tas as ruins, and even then there was no explanation of what kind of structure it was. In any case, those who erected these cyclopean walls and vaults were representatives of a highly developed civilization,”said the director of the museum-reserve. He describes Akyr-Tas as ruins, and even then there was no explanation of what kind of structure it was. In any case, those who erected these cyclopean walls and vaults were representatives of a highly developed civilization,”said the director of the museum-reserve.


According to archaeologists, Akyr-Tas is a huge complex with residential buildings, storage facilities and a water supply. The five-meter thickness of the outer stone walls, their supposed height of 12-15 meters, and the four-meter foundation indicate that the structure could have served as a defense against enemies. Similar structures can now be seen only in three places - in Aleppo, Damascus and Samaria. Archaeologists have not found any bones or artifacts on the territory of the palace complex. Therefore, the versions of the origin and purpose of this structure were put forward very different.

The famous Kazakh scientist-archaeologist, academician Karl Baipakov, dated the separate parts of the complex in different ways - from the 5th-3rd centuries. BC e. until the fourteenth century. n. e. But the very first version about the purpose of the building was put forward in the middle of the 19th century by the Russian scientist Lerkh, who stated that Akyr-Tas was a Buddhist monastery. In 1894, the famous orientalist Vasily Bartold visited the complex, who discovered an image of a fish on one of the stones. Hence the assumption arose that this is a monastery of Nestorian Christians, who fled to Central Asia at the time of the church schism in Russia. The third version was expressed by the German scientist Brentjes almost a century later. In his opinion, Akyr-Tas was the residence of the Arab governor in Central Asia, Kuteiba ibn Muslim.

The latest data, according to archaeologists, make it possible to identify Akyr-Tas with the medieval city of Kasribas, located on the Great Silk Road.


Another interesting version was suggested by the famous Zhambyl journalist, writer, researcher Amantai Aizakhmetov. In his book "Akyr-Tas - the last stone on the edge of the Oykumene" he says that the builder of this structure could be Alexander the Great, who used to erect palaces on the outskirts of his huge empire. It is known that this greatest conqueror visited these places. According to one of the versions, in the village of Chilik, now Zhalpak-Tobe, he stopped. The construction of Akyr-Tas could have been his unfinished palace at the extreme eastern point of the empire of Alexander the Great. The layout of Akyr-Tas is very similar to the layout of the Mediterranean antique palaces.

However, engineer Lupport had his own version of this. Amantay Aizakhmetov wrote about his letter, which is kept in the archives of the library of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. “I found a letter from a certain engineer Lupport, in which he expounds his version of the origin of Akyr-Tas,” he writes. - Having built a spatial mathematical model, Lupport calculated that the Cheops pyramid points to a certain point on the globe, and it is located forty kilometers from Taraz. As you know, writes Lupport, the pyramid of Cheops is strictly oriented, and its diagonal is one line with the diagonal of the Pyramid of Khafre, the second of the largest Egyptian pyramids. He further states that this gigantic directional sign is directed to the northeast. Another geographical feature of the Cheops pyramid is, V. Lupport writes further,that it stands at a parallel of 30 degrees. Having built an angle of 30 degrees on the parallel, we get a straight line, which will point us to the equally gigantic and mysterious monument of antiquity - Akyr-Tas, and the angle of inclination of the side planes of the pyramid specifies the coordinates of the square of this unique structure (counting from the Alexandrian meridian). The construction of an angle of 30 degrees also confirms the location of a possible entrance to the void of the hill. V. Lupport suggests that the gigantic masonry of Akyr-Tas is nothing more than a distracting, camouflage structure: its true secret is hidden inside a rocky hill. This refers to the nearby quarry, where a majestic palace-museum of an ancient civilization can be found. Lupport takes as a basis the version thatthat the great hidden meaning of the first of the seven wonders of the world - the pyramid of Cheops - is to show mankind the way to search for the secrets of this civilization."

The four-meter foundation of the walls of Akyr-Tas speaks of the grandiose plans of its builders. Such a foundation was erected for strategic fortresses. It was supposed to hold onto impressive walls and become invulnerable to enemy mines. Unfortunately, today you cannot see the building as the cartographer Znamensky saw it in the 19th century, who sketched the plan and general view of the palace. In his drawings, the walls consist of four rows of stone blocks. During the construction of Turksib, some of the stones were used for railway bridges, and in the post-war years the blocks were pulled apart by the local population.


Unique photographs of Akyr-Tas, made with a laser camera on a special aircraft, allow a detailed examination of the layout of each room and give a complete picture of all objects located on its territory, which is 4 hectares. For example, the palace building has about one hundred rooms and twenty-eight internal giant columns.

“One of the photographs shows the foundation laid for structures that no one had ever suspected existed. It also shows 13 identical holes located in one line at an equal distance from each other. Now we can only put forward hypotheses about their purpose. Of particular interest are also 8 narrow rooms only 1 meter wide and 15 meters long, interconnected like the labyrinths of the Egyptian pyramids. It is not clear only what such narrow corridors were intended for,”Taken Moldakynov wonders.


Even the most notorious skeptics, having got to Akyr-Tas, calm down and, hiding their skepticism far away, begin to quietly believe what they can hear and see here. And there are a lot of such stories about the otherworldly, mysterious and unidentified on Akyr-Tas.

“Once a retired pilot came here from Moscow,” said Taken Moldakynov. - It turns out that for many years he periodically flew over our territory on a supersonic plane at a great height. And, he says, as soon as we fly over this area, where Akyr-Tas is located, UFOs constantly flash overboard. One of his partners even quit because of this, he was so creepy. And this pilot retired and specially came to Taraz to see what kind of Akyr-Tas this one over which he collided with a UFO …”.


This year, the road to Akyr-Tas has finally begun to be built. The construction of this road was planned back in 2012, but was postponed for various reasons. Seven kilometers of off-road from the highway to the complex were sometimes an obstacle for tour operators to bring here groups of foreign tourists spoiled by the comfort. Now this problem has been solved by the regional akimat, 355.6 million tenge has been allocated and road construction work is close to completion.

Among the valuable tourist sites in the region, besides Akyr-Tas, there is also the Berikkar protected gorge with the Tau Samaly tourist complex, the mystical beauty of the Koksay gorge, where the construction of a ski base is planned, and the sacred mountain sanctuaries of Merke and Zhaisan. “All these objects are worthy of attracting tourists from all over the world to our region,” said T. Moldakynov.

Akyr-Tas, "the last stone" on the edge of the world, "abode of aliens" and a refuge for psychics, mysterious and incomprehensible, radiating energy and hiding secrets, waiting for its explorers and tourists.


Author: Galina Skripnik
