Machu Picchu And Magadan Are Twin Cities - Alternative View

Machu Picchu And Magadan Are Twin Cities - Alternative View
Machu Picchu And Magadan Are Twin Cities - Alternative View

Video: Machu Picchu And Magadan Are Twin Cities - Alternative View

Video: Machu Picchu And Magadan Are Twin Cities - Alternative View
Video: Photographer Explores Machu Picchu's Timeless Beauty 2024, September

Since childhood, I was tormented by the question: "Why are the finds of traces of the vital activity of an ancient person on the planet so heterogeneous?" The explanation by the heterogeneity of climatic zones is not consistent, since the climate on the planet is changing rapidly and dramatically. In the current permafrost zone, tropical vegetation has recently raged and there were habitats for heat-loving animals, including reptiles, which are now completely absent, like moles, hedgehogs, and many other species of fauna.

The explanation by the theory of the origin of intelligent life in Mesopotamia and Africa and the subsequent "great migration of peoples" generally looks ridiculous, in accordance with the data available today.

My version will probably eliminate many inconsistencies and contradictions in the official "history". I will not make references to the works of scientists, researchers and philosophers I have studied. I will draw a reasonable one from scratch, in my opinion. a picture of the recent past of our Motherland. And I'll start with what has been worrying for a long time, but I still haven't got my hands on it in an easy-to-understand, not overloaded with terminology material. So:

From early childhood, stones surrounded me. Taiga and stones. There are many stones and various rocks and minerals. I think because there were too many of them, and they surrounded me and my fellow countrymen from year to year, most simply did not pay attention to them. In the sky, something is changing and it attracts attention, awakens thoughts. Stones do not change, at least throughout a person's life. She is just a moment in the life of stones. For example, a person seems to be a flying meteorite to a turtle, and a stone does not even know about the existence of a person, since a person's life for a stone is such an instantaneous event that he may not notice the change of thousands of human generations, let alone his manipulations during a work shift at a granite quarry.

Thank God, not everyone is mindlessly looking at their surroundings. Many people see in the clouds, for example, horses, crocodiles, etc. Everyone probably played the game "What does a cloud look like" in childhood. So my friends and I, ordinary Kolyma boys, played the game "What does a rock look like?" With minimal effort of the imagination, the same rock, especially from different angles of view, looks like dozens, hundreds of images that a person has seen with his own eyes throughout his life. But sometimes it happens that in a certain object many people see about


Take a look at the hill to the left. Do you see a hump-shaped growth on it? What does it look like? 9 out of 10 will say - a fortress wall. A bizarre play of nature, no doubt! Very similar. Only on closer inspection we see this:


Promotional video:

Again we see an amazing similarity with the creations of human hands, but … sadly we notice, no … it's just a similarity. The vertical, horizontal position leaves, it would seem, no doubt about the natural origin of the wall. For a while I also drove away "crazy" thoughts. After all, everyone knows that the territory of Kolyma and Chukotka until quite recently was covered with an ice shell like Antarctica, and there could be no life here by definition! Stop stop stop ….! Life is now found in the bowels of the earth, where the temperature is hundreds of degrees, and life is quite perfect, worms that feed on sulfur and breathe carbon dioxide. And where does the mass of fossilized plants in the coal seams in the mines come from, which the miners bring home as souvenirs from work?


There was life! And not only the grass grew and mammoths (a separate topic) ran. Where did it all go?

I answer:

1) Climate disaster, 2) Tectonic disaster, 3) A natural disaster in the form of a giant tsunami.

Figures are only for fixing various factors. No chronology or sequence. In my opinion, everything happened at the same time. Not for millions of years, as the "scientists" claim, but within a maximum of a day. Judge the scale of the tectonic catastrophe by these pictures:


Do you see how the sedimentary rocks that have been forming for centuries in the horizontal plane have been twisted and lifted?


Can you imagine the forces that did this? The main thing is to understand that this did not happen over a long period of time, but, according to historical standards, instantly. This clearly showed the origin of the giant canyon in the Saint Helen National Park in the United States. The canyon was formed overnight, it baffled the official geology and the event itself is hushed up, so as not to rewrite the whole branch of science.


Now imagine what happened to the structures that were located in the territory subjected to a similar cataclysm. If Moscow had been subjected to such an "attack", then even dust would not have remained from it. But megalithic structures are the most perfect that was created on our planet, they are especially resistant to influences of this kind, structures made using the polygonal masonry technique.

Of course, in the structures of Palenki, Pisaki, Machu Picchu, Tiahuanaco, we do not see such erosion, such destruction, there is no razor blade between the blocks. There was no glacier there! And judging by the nature of the occurrence in Kolyma and in Yakutia of mammoths killed by herds, one can draw the only conclusion: - A giant wave covered the peacefully munching grass, animals, mixed stones, trees, animals like in a giant mixer and instantly froze. Fast freezing, which is now used to preserve the beneficial qualities of food. This is evidenced by the excellent preservation of animal tissues, their damage, and even undigested food in the oral cavities of animals.


Do you think that the mammoth Dima, who was found a few kilometers from Kadykchan on the Priisk near the Kirgilyakh stream, is unique? Sensation? Not at all. Although I myself, as a boy, went on a moped to look at a whole elephant, it was not a sensation for the locals. Kolyma aborigines Evens and Yakuts, from time immemorial, fed dogs with mammoth meat. As soon as the river bank crumbles somewhere, exposing the cemetery, then dozens of reindeer herders with picks and shovels begin to divide the meat and cut the tusks for sale. And at the end of the 60s they even became insolent, they began to hand over mammoth meat to shops and restaurants under the guise of venison and elk meat. Mammoth meat, shall we say, is not a delicacy. Very tough, suitable only for cutlets, if you add lard or nelma or pink salmon to the minced meat.

So there were three factors: an incredible tectonic shift, a tsunami several hundred meters high, possibly up to a kilometer, and a sharp drop in temperature. Probably the wave reached as far as the deserts of Mongolia. That is how the seal brought it to Baikal. And at the poles of the earth, powerful ice shells have formed, now everything is being restored, the ice is melting and soon the climate should return to its original state. The most probable date of the described events is about 12.5 - 13 thousand years ago. Then global changes took place with the entire planet, which changed not only the geography and climate, but also its parameters themselves, such as the radius, the angle of inclination relative to the sun, the composition of the atmosphere and the force of gravity.

Then the glaciers began to retreat, causing even more significant changes on the surface of the depleted territories, together with the incessant tectonic activity, colossal destruction took place. Here is what is left as a legacy from a lost civilization:


These are most likely traces of the remnants of that civilization. Evidence of the struggle for survival.


No, isn't it lovely? It is interesting that it was recently that these photos have scattered very widely on the tyrnet. And where was everyone before that when I shouted about it? I had a website (now I closed it for being out of date), it has been working since 2001. Wherever I stutter, the reaction is the same - a rotational movement of the index finger at the temple. Now it looks like the second stage of development has gone - "And there is something in this!"

But this is only one side of the problem. Surely many of you know the researcher Andrei Yurievich Sklyarov. His works can be found here: I had the audacity to contact him and raised the issue of the megaliths of Kolyma. The reaction was discouraged. This, he says, is for geologists! I show him photos, especially fragments where there are indisputable traces of machine processing of stone, holes, grooves, gutters. And then it seemed to me, I emphasize - it seemed that Andrei himself knew everything, but categorically refused to discuss the issue. I caught fear in his tone. It seems that he has already been given a hand and forbidden to raise this topic. Go to your Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, study the heritage of the Maya, don't poke your nose on the Kolyma!

Everything is very clear. Why stir up the foundations of all sciences adjacent to history. Flies into tar - literally everything. History, geology, mineralogy, biology, hydrology, cultural studies and all of them "logies". In addition, the entire region under consideration has always been extremely closed and classified. The number of Chekists per capita is the highest in the USSR. The number of secret objects is not known to this day. Riddles and mysteries have embraced this mysterious and harsh land with a death grip. Everyone knows the expeditions of the Soviet branch of Ahnenerbe to Tibet, the Caucasus, Karelia, and the Kola Peninsula. Are they really not interested in Kolyma !? I do not believe! So I could not find a single evidence of the activities of the Chekists-occultists in the territory of Dalstroy (North-Eastern branch of the GULAG). And isn't that proof that this is where they found something,what is still hiding?

Well, look also:


Classic example of polygonal masonry of Mesoamerican culture


How is it? I suppose that today there are fewer skeptics))) What a photo… I warmed it all with my own hands. The energy is felt frantic, and not the most rosy. These buildings radiate fear. Believe me, sometimes you feel real horror. Similar feelings arise when observing buildings in the mountains of South America. And here's another thing. How it suddenly flashed the thought that unites the ancient cities of the Andes and Kolyma !? He put his finger to his nose, shook it on the table and that's what happens. The main connection is GOLD. Both here and there are the largest gold-bearing regions of the planet. what temples, altars on figs … Wake up "scientists"! In every barn you see the temple of Sonza, Athena or Amun Ra. Descendants on the ruins of ZIL will also write dissertations about barbarian sacrifices in the Likhachev temple on payday.

These are purely industrial facilities, somehow related to the extraction and, possibly, processing of gold and other valuable minerals and metals. It looks like the attendants were some Indian initiates who swept the computer room and bragged to their fellow tribesmen about an empty beer can stolen from the boss's trash can. And this race is one. The Yukaghirs, the most ancient people of Kolyma, are also red-skinned. Tall, slender. They use colored tattoos, they hunt with a bow and arrow. They live in wigwams with totem statues at the entrance. they cultivate elk, and ride them, driving a pole, and the elk in Kolyma is not the same as in Europe - a pitiful deer. Kolyma moose, like its Canadian relative, reaches 700-800 kg in weight in an adult bull. Moreover, the Yukaghirs are first-class metallurgists. They know how to cast and forge not only iron, but also gold!There are cases when, in the absence of lead, the natives cast 9mm bullets for the Winchester rifle. They drilled holes of the right size in a flat granite slab and cast gold. From the series "Are you weak?" Well, that's probably all for today. and I'm not so sure that everyone will read to the final. If there is any response, then of course the topic will develop.
