Resistance Has Revealed The Secret Of The Rothschild Empire: The Three True Owners Of The "Crown" - Alternative View

Resistance Has Revealed The Secret Of The Rothschild Empire: The Three True Owners Of The "Crown" - Alternative View
Resistance Has Revealed The Secret Of The Rothschild Empire: The Three True Owners Of The "Crown" - Alternative View

Video: Resistance Has Revealed The Secret Of The Rothschild Empire: The Three True Owners Of The "Crown" - Alternative View

Video: Resistance Has Revealed The Secret Of The Rothschild Empire: The Three True Owners Of The
Video: Noam Chomsky full length interview: Who rules the world now? 2024, July

The French website Political Resistance has revealed a previously unknown Rothschild dossier revealing US dependence on the financial center in London, or Crown. The latter has nothing to do with the Windsor monarchy and the Queen of England, being a state within a state. The USA is a private corporation of the City of London, founded after the Federal Reserve System opened in New York in 1913.

Today, the City of London is the epicenter of the world's financial empire, covering 1.5 of the richest square kilometers on the planet. It is there that the Bank of England of the Rothschilds, Lloyds Bank, all British banks, branches of 385 foreign banks and 70 American banks, as well as all exchanges: the London Stock Exchange, the Baltic Exchange, which registers maritime contracts, the London Metal Exchange and the London Mercantile Exchange (sale of rubber, wool, sugar, coffee, cocoa, etc.).

London City has its roots in the 11th century Norman conquest of the British Isles, when it was privileged to become the financial capital of the kingdom. They were mentioned as early as the 1690 statute of William and Mary. However, today the financial center of London is no longer subject to the British crown, but is governed by its own Lord Mayor, starting in 1820. Ever since the Rothschild family gained control of the British economy.

It happened in 1815, when one of the sons of the moneylender Amschel Bayer from Frankfurt am Main, Nathan Rothschild, played on rumors of England's defeat by Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. Contrary to expectations, Lord Wellington won that famous battle, but his courier was 24 hours late before Rothschild's messenger brought him the news. The banker decided to bring down the prices of British stocks by spreading rumors about Napoleon's victory. To be convincing, he was the first to start selling his shares on the London Stock Exchange.

When panic erupted and stocks collapsed, he quickly bought up valuable assets at a bargain price and gained control of the British economy and the Bank of England. Since then, the Rothschild banking cartel has been holding an iron fist over the entire global financial system, the only difference is that today control is provided by new instruments of the twentieth century: the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (Switzerland), the IMF, the World Bank and satellite banks in the Caribbean offshore. And London City itself became the sovereign fiefdom of the Rothschilds.

It has its own courts, law, flag, police force and does not pay taxes. In fact, this is a private enterprise of the Rothschilds and partners. Its Board of Shareholders consists of 12 members, the most famous of which are the names of Rockefeller, Gore, Greenspan, Kissinger, Krugman (NYTimes), Powell, Gates, Buffett, Bush and others. However, in reality, they exercise power by proxy the three largest and richest banking families in the world are the Warburgs, Oppenheimers and Schiffs.

Legalization of Korona is provided in London through the law firm SJ Berwin (since November 1, 2013 - King & Wood Mallesons LLP, after merging with the law firm King & Wood Mallesons, headquartered in Hong Kong). Who is the head of London City today is known only to the Rothschilds. However, the shadow power is masked through the so-called "free press" Fleet Street, which includes, in particular, such giants as the BBC and Reuters.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist system, this criminal finance corporation determines the value of all currencies on the planet, the amount of money that allows them to control international markets and all world trade. This is facilitated by such criminal operations as financing the warring parties in all military conflicts, reducing the population of the earth through disease, religious wars, genocides, as well as controlling food resources, making medicines and all the basic resources of mankind.

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The Corona Corporation also owns land in the British colonies of Canada, New Zealand, Australia and many islands in the Caribbean. However, the central colony of London City is the United States of America, governed by the Rockefeller crime syndicate. The overseas directorate is distributed, on the one hand, between the bank conglomerate JP Morgan Chase, Manhattan Bank, Bank of America et la Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) and BBH New York, on the other hand, by the oil oligarchy Exxon-Mobil.

Note that the question of who controls whom - the United States and Great Britain or vice versa - is still controversial. However, if we follow the logic of financial management of the world, we recall that the US financial regulator is located in London City, and the English bank of the Rothschilds Barclays is still the largest bank in the world.

Alena Bajowa
