Blue Ray: A Project To Enslave The Earthlings - Alternative View

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Blue Ray: A Project To Enslave The Earthlings - Alternative View
Blue Ray: A Project To Enslave The Earthlings - Alternative View

Video: Blue Ray: A Project To Enslave The Earthlings - Alternative View

Video: Blue Ray: A Project To Enslave The Earthlings - Alternative View
Video: Lets Build (Earth Grid) 2024, September

NASL's Blue Beam project is a fundamental part of an ambitious plan to take over the world's population.

The plot of the film "Inhabited Island", shot by Fyodor Bondarchuk based on the novel by the Strugatsky brothers, in comparison with "Blue Ray" will seem like a child's fairy tale.


This monstrous project was created to control the consciousness of the masses on a planetary scale.

The purpose of the "Blue Ray", according to those in the details of the project, may be local - its developments are capable of contributing to the creation of riots in certain regions, in one way or another to influence the enemy troops, causing them uncontrollable panic.

Or, on the contrary, to cause in people who have gathered en masse for some reason in one place, a feeling of joy, bordering on euphoria.

They say that it was the "Blue Ray" that was involved in Washington during the inauguration of Barack Obama - the people present at the celebration talked about an unprecedented euphoria that suddenly seized everyone present, even those who, due to their political convictions, could not and did not want to rejoice his arrival at the White House.

Promotional video:

However, the tasks of the "Blue Ray" are much more ambitious than the impact on the political opponents of the President of America - the connection of the capabilities of the HAARP system can be used to hoax planetary cataclysms, simulate the "invasion of aliens", "the coming of the Messiah", which the new world order will world rulers.


There have been rumors for a long time that the world has long been ruled by a world government consisting of a select few people. But now, in the light of the events of the second half of the XX - early XXI century, no one doubts about the "main violin" in this world government. Of course, this role has been wholly and completely usurped by the United States of America.

“We have a world government. Whether you like it or not. The only question is whether such a government will be established by consent or by conquest,”said Paul Warburg, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), in the US Senate in February 1950.

“We are at the dawn of a global transformation. We need a well-managed major crisis and the nations will embrace a new world order,”said David Rockefeller, another honorary president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Chairman Emeritus, and a Bilderberg member in September 1994.


Pay attention to the date of the first of the above performances - the beginning of the 50s of the XX century. It was after the end of World War II that the United States openly declared its claims to world domination, which it was not going to share with anyone.

The once great Germany, on a swoop, in passing, conquered half of Europe, lay in ruins. It will never return its former influence on the world political arena. Only the USSR remained, a state that suffered more in the Great Patriotic War than any other country. Not to mention the United States, almost the entire war "peeking around the corner" in anticipation of a turning point in the campaign, and only when the outcome of the Second World War became clear, America opened a "second front".

Stalin realized that if the industry and the national economy destroyed by the war were not restored in the shortest possible time, the USSR would instantly fall under the influence of the West. He told the Soviet citizens about this, adding: "… Otherwise we will be crushed." And he was right.

If the "Blue Ray" did not actually exist, it would have to be invented - all post-war actions of America were aimed at discrediting, belittling the role of the USSR on the world stage.

Remember which of the Soviet leaders of the state the American presidents received with undisguised cordiality (they continue to do so today). Only Gorbachev, the first and last president of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Which, to the indescribable joy of the United States, did everything to ensure that the USSR, a powerful empire, ceased to exist, disintegrating into a mass of states that did not represent a significant political force.

Could it be that the Blue Ray or something similar was involved in this case?

THE Mysterious Death of an Investigative Journalist

The veil of secrecy over the Blue Beam was lifted in 1994 by freelance journalist Serge Monast, who presented a report entitled "The NASA Blue Beam Project" at the Quebec Free Press Center. Serge, in his report, announced the existence of a conspiracy, which is behind NASA and the US government as a whole.

According to the journalist, the goal of the Blue Ray is to deceive the public into believing in heavenly signs and "miracles" as evidence that undermines their own religious beliefs or lack thereof. The Blue Ray project was needed in order to implant the New Age religion (translated as "New Era"). It will be necessary in order to be able to proclaim the messiah and establish a New World Order.

Very little time has passed since the announcement of this data, and Serge, along with another journalist who helped Monast in the work on the report, and their families began to receive threats, they also began to be persecuted by the state. Both died very soon under rather strange circumstances.

According to Monast, the ultimate goal of Project Blue Beam is to organize a giant planetary hoax that will mimic the holographic projections of the coming of Jesus and use low-frequency waves for mind control (think of the radiation from the Towers in Inhabited Island).

These actions are part of a plan to build a new Satanic New Age religion of the new world. According to Monast, he has irrefutable evidence of his statements and has documents that were given to him by those who participated in the development of the project.

In the year of his speech, Serge Monast confirmed in an interview that he had been repeatedly threatened by the Prime Minister of Canada and representatives of the Vatican. One day Serge, who had never suffered from heart problems, returned home, and he had a heart attack, from which the journalist died. From the same heart attack, according to the official version, another journalist who helped Serge soon died.


Unmasking the Blue Luch project, Serge Monast used genuine documents, this fact is indirectly confirmed by sudden heart attacks of journalists who were investigating in this area. Specifically, in 1994 Serge Monast wrote the following:

“… The International Free Press Network is not a religious group or political organization. It is an independent investigative agency. We specialize in investigating and publishing special reports and audiotapes revealing plans for a new world order. Our goal is to help people realize that the coming new world order is not a dream or a paranoid assumption. This is a satanic project that really exists.

What is its purpose? Destroy traditional religions and replace them with one religion of the world based on human worship. To abolish the institution of the family as we know it today and replace it with civil marriages around the world that work for the benefit of world government. To destroy any form of artistic or scientific creation in order to realize one vision, one world government …"

According to the Blue Ray project, it is planned to create a single world state, governed by one military force for global justice, one commercial law capable of making people live in peace and imposing a new religion and a new world culture with lies.

As noted, the first step in this project will be to discredit or re-evaluate all religious knowledge that has existed until now.

It is even about creating artificial earthquakes in specific places on the planet, where important cultural and religious information is supposedly hidden.

Monast argued that the creators of the sinister project seek to eliminate such archaeological discoveries that prove the greatness of past civilizations, and to equate all information about it with a lie. The journalist explained that data falsification would be used to explain to all peoples that their religious doctrines were misinterpreted.


Cheating people in the modern world is impossible without using the means of the media industry. And, according to the Blue Ray project researchers, such psychological preparation is already in full swing. It began with the release of the films "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Independence Day" and the Star Trek series, in which all earthlings unite in order to repel the aliens.

Of course, in this global project to fool the inhabitants of the Earth, scientists and politicians alone cannot be involved - according to some sources, the elite of the world government also includes directors who are able to introduce the correct images into the minds of the audience, making people believe in what is happening. In addition, the world government also includes some Western religious leaders who have long been developing the concept of a One World Religion.

You can, of course, treat all this with a grain of irony, deciding that this is another invention of journalists and you do not care about it. If not for one "but" - the most influential representatives of the world elite, such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, indirectly confirmed, if not the existence of the "Blue Ray" itself, then certainly - the intention to implement something like that.

Long before Monast, the American political scientist, sociologist and politician Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted the gradual emergence of a more controlled and governed society thanks to new technologies. This society, according to the politician, will be suppressed by elite groups who will impress voters with the help of supposedly excellent scientific know-how.

This is what Brzezinski writes in his book, published 30 years ago, when the politician was a professor at Columbia University:

"… Unimpeded, because due to resistance to traditional liberal values, these elites will not hesitate to strengthen their political positions, using the latest advanced technologies to influence public behavior and keep society under control and supervision …"


Today, speaking about the implementation of the Blue Ray project, we can safely say that “the process has begun” - just look at how the US defiantly behaves on the world stage. Is it possible to oppose something to such an expansion and which state will have the strength and resources to counter such an expansion?

The main "sworn friend" of the United States at the moment is Russia. And we have no other choice but then, after the Great Patriotic War, to become even stronger and more independent. Otherwise we will be crushed …