The Secret Services Are Involved In Discrediting The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

The Secret Services Are Involved In Discrediting The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View
The Secret Services Are Involved In Discrediting The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Services Are Involved In Discrediting The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Services Are Involved In Discrediting The UFO Phenomenon - Alternative View
Video: New videos raise questions about military UFO encounters 2024, September

The US intelligence services have done a tremendous job to discredit the UFO phenomenon and to globally distort the information leaked to the media.

E. Condon


Skeptics, who often refer to the published official report of the "Condon Commission" (for more details about the commission, you can read the link), do not even imagine that along with the famous nuclear scientist Dr. E. Condon, this commission included the creator of the atomic bomb R. Oppenheimer, astrophysicist D. Menzel, specialist in magnetism and the ionosphere L. Berkner, astronomer A. Heineck (who later became a famous ufologist), as well as a number of CIA workers.

The instructions that the latter received from the government boiled down to the well-known phrase of E. Condon, when, even before the commission's work began, he declared the UFO phenomenon a pure hallucination.

However, even at a press conference in 1956, American President G. Truman stated the following:

"The homeland of flying saucers is neither the United States nor any other earthly power, and they are neither American nor Russian secret weapons."

Even more frank is the secret memorandum of the secretary of the said commission - R. Lowe, which says the following: “Our research should lead to a set of evidence by means of which it is necessary to explain in an impressive way the unreality of UFO sightings.

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The trick is to have the project drafted in a form that would appear to the general public as objective research and to scientists as the conclusions of a group of skeptics who honestly strive to be objective but have no real hope of finding definitive evidence.”

All this led to the fact that a number of really honest scientists, including the already mentioned A. Heinek, left the project and created their own institute for the study of UFOs. Thus, already at the end of the 60s of the XX century, scientists were divided into two groups, one of which did not consider the problem closed, and the other, honestly working off government money by strict implementation of "instructions from above", tried in every possible way to close this problem. According to L. Zamoisky, A. Khainek, V. Azhazhi and many other well-known researchers - behind the back of the second group of scientists, there was clearly a “shadow of government forces”.

Condon Commission


A quite definite conclusion regarding the official reports of Condon is also made by the American researcher T. Shawcross, who notes: “UFO researchers have long assumed that his report is at best a product of biased research, and at worst, disinformation created under the control of the CIA … I must say that there are good reasons for such criticism. Condon fired two committee members who were loyal to the UFO idea and extraterrestrial hypothesis.

D. Randalls and P. Howe also point to the biased opinion of Condon, who note that Condon strongly advised that children should lower their marks if they mention UFOs in their essays. He also proposed repressive measures against the authors of books about UFOs. Meanwhile, back in 1969, scientists at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics questioned the conclusions of the Condon Commission. The American Association of Science (AAAS) also expressed clear disapproval of this project.

Two more scientists - K. Sagan and T. Page published the book "UFOs - Scientific Debates", which included all those numerous cases of UFO sightings that were not included in the official part of Condon's "report". Also, thirteen leading US scientists signed a declaration urging the US government to preserve the UFO archives and transfer them to a competent scientific institution for open research by qualified scientists. However, this wish was completely ignored.

Thus, the conclusion is clearly traced that all statements about the absence of a real manifestation of the UFO phenomenon are made either by extremely incompetent people in this area, or by those unscrupulous scientists who, "on orders from above," deliberately mislead the public.

Meanwhile, in the USSR, despite the complete denial of the UFO phenomenon by officials, the security forces carried out active research in this area. Thus, the UFO study program at the Ministry of Defense was first given the code name "Mesh MO", then the project was called "Galaxy MO" and, finally, "Horizon", which received the highest degree of secrecy.

And in military unit 73790 until 1991, work was carried out within the framework of the Thread-3 program for UFO research, which was called “Substantiation of the concept and forecast of the expected results of experimental and theoretical studies of the functioning of unconventional engines and their interaction with the environment”.

We still do not know why some American presidents, who promised to declassify materials about UFOs, when they came to power, completely forget about their promises, while others, like John F. Kennedy, are killed on the eve of their planned exposing speeches. Meanwhile, the following statement of the latter, made by him in 1960, is now known for certain: "I came to the conviction that flying saucers are really spaceships that came from other worlds."

The explanations about the inexpediency and impossibility of classifying information about UFOs in the conditions of the "sensationalist" Western press also look rather silly. So, for example, when rumors about the events in Roswell reached Washington, the CIA got down to business. A non-disclosure agreement was taken from witnesses, the most restless were intimidated, beaten, or disappeared altogether.

As part of the Blue Book project, a colossal work was carried out to discredit the UFO problem in order to calm the public.

To be continued.