Special Services In Search Of Aliens - Alternative View

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Special Services In Search Of Aliens - Alternative View
Special Services In Search Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Special Services In Search Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Special Services In Search Of Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Aliens Are Real, Says Harvard Astronomer 2024, June

Over the past several years, the once secret archives of UFO contacts have become available to the public. A number of countries, although reluctantly, for various reasons, have published their materials and continue to publish archives.


So, recently in Great Britain declassified another portion of documents from the National Archives. It turns out that Prime Minister Winston Churchill was confident in the existence of unidentified flying objects and feared them. He even instructed for at least 50 years to hide information about the close rapprochement with one of them, a British Air Force aircraft during World War II, in an effort to prevent "mass panic".

Churchill: "Immediately classified!"

In total, 18 cases have been declassified, they consist of more than five thousand pages of reports, letters and drawings, as well as transcripts of parliamentary sessions.

For example, an unnamed resident of Leicester (England), who stated that his grandfather was one of the prime minister's bodyguards during the war, while serving in the British Air Force, about the report with an unexplained air incident and the reaction of the then prime minister to it in a letter in 1999 …

The man was present at a meeting with the American general Dwight D. Eisenhower, when Churchill, he said, demanded this report "immediately be classified as it could create panic among the population and destroy faith in the church." It was allegedly about an incident with one of the reconnaissance aircraft that met a UFO while returning from a mission in the skies over France or Germany at the end of the war.

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Officials tried to verify the authenticity of reports of a similar conversation between Churchill and Eisenhower, but did not find any records in which it was recorded. The grandson of the prime minister's security guard tried to investigate this story back in 1999, In a response letter, a representative of the military department then told him: “As a rule, until 1967, all UFO cases were destroyed after five years of storage, high to justify their longer storage. Therefore, all the materials from the Second World War devoted to reports of UFOs, the oldest of all, were destroyed."

However, as it turned out, Churchill was interested in UFOs back in 1912. And it was he who became the first, one hundred answered questions on this topic in the British Parliament, while still the first Lord of the Admiralty (Minister of the Navy).

In addition, it is known that the attitude towards the UFO problem in Great Britain was so serious that even after the war, in the 1950s, intelligence chiefs held meetings dedicated to it. Ministers ordered weekly reports on UFO sightings from a committee of state security experts.

The Joint Intelligence Services Committee, which provides briefings to the government on security, defense and international affairs, received an average of 1 UFO report a week in those years.

At the height of the Cold War, aircraft from the British Royal Air Force were alerted about 200 times a year to intercept unidentified flying objects. True, in most cases they turned out to be the Soviet Tu-180 strategic bombers invading British airspace. In the spring of 1993, numerous reports reported the appearance of moving lights over southwestern England, which later turned out to be traces of the fall of a Russian satellite from the Kosmos series.

However, some of the meetings, which are reflected in the published documents, have not yet received an explanation. These include a 20-year-old report about a woman who saw a man claiming to be an alien. According to her, he is told that he came from a planet similar to Earth. According to her testimony, he also stated that he had arrived on friendly terms and that crop circles were made when his aircraft was landing. He spoke to her, noted a resident of Great Britain, because he considered it important to establish contact with the inhabitants of the Earth, although he was forbidden to do so. When the woman hurried home, she heard a loud hum behind her back and, turning around, saw a huge UFO that rose above the field and disappeared from her eyes. In the accompanying document,drafted at Suffolk Air Force Base and sent to the Norfolk Police and the Department of Defense, this report is called "rather unusual".

However, in addition to the testimonies of the residents of the country, which cannot always be considered reliable, the military has other statements that are much more credible. Thus, a police report was found, dated April 28, 1984. Law enforcement officers reported that they observed a UFO through binoculars - "round in the middle, with something like a dome on top and bottom." A drawing is attached to the document. In the same month, two air traffic controllers registered an unidentified flying object, which first landed on the earth's surface, and then lay down again, and at an incredible speed.

This disclosure of archives is a continuation of the so-called "declassification project" that has been carried out by the UK Department of Defense over the past several years. The military department decided to declassify the data under pressure from the public, which bombarded government agencies with demands to stop hiding information about contacts with aliens.

“The ministry is drowning in a sea of UFO inquiries under the freedom of information law. Dealing with each case individually is a terrible administrative burden,”said one of the employees, Nick Pope.

"They scare them with plates, they say they fly vile …"

Other countries have also begun to share UFO data. The French Space Research Center revealed classified information about contacts of the country's residents with unidentified flying objects in 2007. It turned out that France has been registering unusual phenomena associated with UFOs since 1937, and over 70 years about 1650 cosmic phenomena have been recorded. Some of them were later explained, but most of them remain a mystery.

According to the Center, one of the reasons that prompted France to release data on human contacts with UFOs was accusations of deliberately concealing materials about unexplained phenomena. In addition, the Space Research Center expects that the publication of information will help unravel or at least somehow explain space phenomena.

Denmark also opened access to classified materials about UFOs, which have been conducted since 1978. A spokesman for the Danish Air Force admitted in an interview that the authorities surrendered under pressure from journalists.

The large archive contains "eyewitness accounts of UFOs in the sky or landing" and journalist notes. For more than 30 years they have been diligently collected by the Scandinavian station Skandinavisk UFO Information.


For example, among the interesting cases, the incident of the summer of 1982 is distinguished, when on the island of Funen a miniature alien 60 cm tall, similar to a 15-year-old boy emerged from a flying saucer, and the incident in 1981, when near the US military base in northern Greenland, they noticed “flaming square."

True, the Danish military is inclined to explain the "UFO visits" by the most natural reasons. They are sure that the famous photographs of flying saucers are traces of a boiler, natural phenomena or real airplanes left in the sky, and the "secret weapon" is simply a frozen toilet flush from an airplane.

Ukraine has also published its UFO archives. The accumulation of such information in our country was carried out in different structures, in different years, however, the full layer of materials that make up the basis of ufology in Ukraine was published only at the end of last year by the UFODOS ufological club. About a thousand testimonies of observations of strange aircraft in the sky, from the 17th century to the present day, have been posted for public viewing on the Internet. According to the head of the club, Yaroslav Sochka, the "openness" of ufology in Ukraine rests on three "brake whales": socio-ideological, religious-philosophical and military priority. And even making the archive public by an informal organization is a brave step forward.

Fight for cosmic secrets

For many decades, the American leadership has made persistent attempts to prevent international research on the UFO problem. Thus, there are still no official reports on several disasters of "flying saucers" that took place in the United States in the late 1940s. At the same time, the US Air Force began collecting and organizing UFO reports back in 1948. Civilian scientists and engineers were involved in this work, known as the Blue Book Project. Several times the analysis of the collected facts was carried out for the CIA and the leadership of the US Army, However, government-controlled scientific organizations more than once published reports in which it was argued that all such cases are of completely terrestrial origin.


And in 2002, British hacker Gary McKinnon, who hacked NASA computers in search of the facts of the UFO cover-up, said that he had found photographs that the agency had retouched before publishing.

There is also other authoritative information. For example, astronaut Edwin Aldrin, who participated in the first expedition to the moon, in 2006 said that during the mission they observed an unknown flying object, and NASA classified the fact of contact.

Aldrin is not the first to admit that UFOs were American and Russian cosmonauts. Colonel Gordon Cooper, who flew in the Mercury and Gemini spaceships, said he first saw a UFO in the 50s when he was serving as a pilot in West Germany. “I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews come to our planet from other planets that are more technically advanced than we are,” Cooper said, speaking at the UN. -For many years I kept a secret, because all specialists and astronauts were obliged to keep the secret. Now I can say that in the United States every day, radars record objects, the shape and composition of which are unknown to us."

And when the FBI did publish its declassified archives, the truth, as before, remained somewhere nearby. Before providing the archive to the public, the Bureau staff carefully cleaned out all conclusions and recommendations from there. In many documents, only the "heading" remained, and the entire text was removed "for reasons of secrecy." So it turned out, they say, there was a case, they were looking for a UFO, but whether they found it, we will not tell anyone.

There have also been repeated attempts to organize studies of the "plates" within the framework of the United Nations. The UN Secretary General U Thant was the first to try to start an international study of this phenomenon in 1966. But then-US envoy to the United Nations, Goldberg, took vigorous measures to prevent this, and assured U Thant that the United States would conduct an impartial scientific study of the UFO problem itself. By the way, when German UFO researcher Jacobi asked U Thant if it was true that extraterrestrial UFO pilots had established contacts with governments and that all these facts were kept secret, he replied: "There are things that I cannot and have no right to talk about."

According to experts, one of the options for such secrecy is the fear that scientific knowledge and technologies owned by aliens will go to another state. The US is fighting for secrets from space against China and Russia, and China and Russia are against the US and against each other. The authors of the theory do not exclude the possibility that the president of Russia has his own accurate information, and the president of the United States, and the chairman of the CPC Central Committee.


So, in the United States there is allegedly a "Book of Secrets", which is read by every new president of the country. As if it has been written since 1947, and therefore the first secret in it is the truth about the disaster of a "flying saucer" in the state of New Mexico, at the Roswell military base. Many supporters of the theory of the existence of alien intelligence are sure that in 1947 the military picked up the dead aliens. And now they are kept in the so-called "green room", which is visited by the newly elected US President after reading the "Book of Secrets".

By the way, when the famous radio journalist Michael Smerkonish asked President Barack Obama about this, he joked: "I would tell what is written in the" Book of Secrets ", but then I will have to kill you."

Ufologists say that by publishing archives, the authorities of the countries do not explain all the phenomena in the sky, but, on the contrary, are trying to emphasize their earthly origin. Moreover, the experts on "saucers" are confident that governments will always hide the real facts about UFOs from citizens, because they are simply afraid to admit the existence of something that is completely beyond their control.

“Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown №18