Phil Schneider On The Secret Underground Bases Of Aliens - Alternative View

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Phil Schneider On The Secret Underground Bases Of Aliens - Alternative View
Phil Schneider On The Secret Underground Bases Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Phil Schneider On The Secret Underground Bases Of Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Phil Schneider On The Secret Underground Bases Of Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Aliens & Underground Bases - Phil Schneider's Last Speech - Two Months Before His Assassination 2024, September

American engineer Philip Schneider was known as a man who worked for many years under the patronage of the US intelligence services and had access to information of the 3rd level of secrecy (Rhyolite 38). However, at some point, he decided that US citizens should know that they had been kept in the dark for a long time or grossly deceived in everything related to UFOs and aliens. His stories were almost laughed at, but the attitude towards them changed after his tragic death.

Heard in childhood

Philip Schneider was born on April 23, 1947 in the family of Otto Oskar Schneider, a man who, during the Second World War, managed to fight for both opposing sides. At first he served on a German submarine, and when she was sunk he was captured by the Americans and repatriated to the United States. There, Schneider Sr. participated in a number of major military programs, such as the development of nuclear weapons and the Philadelphia Experiment. Phil Schneider claimed that his father discovered alien implants in the participants of the Philadelphia experiment. Schneider Sr. also invented a high-speed camera that took pictures during the atomic bomb test at Bikini Atoll on July 12, 1946, and his son kept a photograph in his archives showing a UFO fleeing the explosion at high speed. Otto Oscar also told his son very strange things, like the fact that during the Second World War Nazi Germany showed a great interest in hyperspace technologies. In 1943, she allegedly was close to creating a ship based on a certain technology of vacuum tubes, which could literally disappear from one place and immediately appear in another.

Phil Schneider received his education in engineering school with a degree in geology. Working in various firms, he established himself as a highly qualified expert in explosives, so it is not surprising that in 1977 he received an offer from the American intelligence services to work in secrecy for the American government. After agreeing, Schneider Jr.was involved in the construction of deep underground shelters. As Phil later said, he had a chance to work on 13 deep underground structures out of 129 existing at that time in the United States.

Suicide with traces of torture

Over the years, Phil became increasingly aware that all these invulnerable underground shelters were largely built for representatives of the behind-the-scenes political elites, that the construction was financed from the so-called black budget, that at the same time basic human rights and the US Constitution were violated. Therefore, in 1994, he broke off relations with the American secret services and returned all his awards to the state. After that, he became an ordinary geologist and combined work with revelations.

Promotional video:

Over the next year, he gave about 30 such lectures, claiming, among other things, that unknown persons were trying to eliminate him. In particular, one day they discreetly unscrewed the fastening nuts from the front wheel of his car. Phil understood that he would not live long, remembering that 11 of his friends had already died under strange circumstances, and 8 such deaths were considered suicides. “If I ever commit suicide,” he once said to one of his closest friends, “then know that in fact I was killed.”

This is exactly what happened. On January 17, 1996, he was found dead at his home in Wilsonville, Oregon. He was strangled with a tube wrapped three times around his neck from his own catheter. The corpse lay next to the piano. Despite the fact that the body bore signs of torture, the authorities were quick to recognize the incident as a suicide. Schneider's widow also told reporters that intelligence agents visited them, thoroughly searched her husband's office and confiscated at least a third of their family photos.

Points of charge

As for Schneider's accusations against the US federal government, the main ones were the following.

* The American government and President Eisenhower in 1954, bypassing the US Constitution, entered into an agreement with the gray aliens, known as the Gread Agreement. It stipulated that these aliens could use cows for their experiments, and also test their implantation methods on humans, but the people involved should be reported to the federal government. Gradually, the aliens changed the terms of the deal, and then they stopped observing them altogether.

* AIDS is a man-made population control virus. It was invented by the National Regulations Laboratory located in Chicago, Illinois.

* The US government has an earthquake generating device. Neither the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan nor the 1989 San Francisco earthquake had the so-called pulse wave typical of such phenomena.

* The black budget is a hidden budget that collects up to 25 percent of the US gross national product. As of the mid-1990s, this black budget was up to $ 1.25 trillion in 2 years. At least this amount was used in the "black programs" of the Pentagon and in those associated with the construction of deep underground military bases. They have been under construction continuously, day and night, since the early 1940s, some of which were built even earlier. These bases represent the most real underground cities ranging in volume from 2, 66 to 4, 25 cubic miles. They are connected to each other by underground high-speed trains with a magnetic leviton, which develop speeds of up to two Machs (about 700 m / s). There are 11 of them in the state of Idaho. Americans have laser drilling machines,who can drill a 7,000-foot tunnel in one day. Black projects bypass the power of Congress. Schneider said: “Right now the New World Order depends on these bases. If I had known this at the time I was working on them, I would not have done it. They lied to me."

* 68 percent of the military budget directly or indirectly depends on the black budget. Star Wars relied heavily on the creation of arcane weapons. But none of the programs for its creation would be viable if the Yankees did not study the crashed alien disks. Schneider believed that the Star Wars program served only as a front to prevent a possible alien attack. Star Wars had nothing to do with the Cold War and was just a ploy to raise money from taxpayers.

* Philip Schneider argued that a serious threat loomed over American democracy. So, for some time he worked in the firm "Gunderson Steel Factory" in Portland, Oregon, where he knew the boss for almost 30 years. Gunderson told him that in the mid-1990s, he contracted with the federal government to produce 10,720 full-length cars for prisoners. Each such car had 143 pairs of ropes for shackling prisoners. In total, 11 subcontractors were involved in this gigantic project, and each of them could produce approximately the same number of special wagons, into which up to 15,000,000 people could be driven at a time …

Lie 100 percent

Phil Schneider believed that the explosions in the North Tower of the World Trade Center on February 26, 1993 and in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 were carried out using small nuclear devices. Melting and pitting of concrete and extrusion of metal support rods indicate this. Schneider said in his lectures: “I know about 90+ types of chemical explosives. The steel and rebar were literally flattened so that they were 6 feet longer than their original length. Only one weapon can do this - low-yield nuclear weapons. When they say the damage was done by a nitrate explosive, they are obviously lying 100 percent, guys … First they said it was a 1000 pound fertilizer bomb, then 1500, 2000 … Now it's 20,000!You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertilizer in a [truck] Rider Truck … From my experience, a nitrate explosion would not have destroyed a federal building in Oklahoma City. It would have killed several people and chipped off some of the building's cladding, but it would not have done such damage … So I tell you that you have been lied to. " And that's true: the Oklahoma City bombing damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius, destroyed 86 vehicles and shattered windows within a 3-mile radius, killing 168 people. Is it too serious for a homemade fertilizer bomb?The Oklahoma City bombing damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius, destroyed 86 cars and shattered windows within a 3-mile radius, killing 168 people. Is it too serious for a homemade fertilizer bomb?The Oklahoma City bombing damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius, destroyed 86 cars and shattered windows within a 3-mile radius, killing 168 people. Is it too serious for a homemade fertilizer bomb?

Prayers and Technocrats

Phil Schneider was deeply concerned about the transformation of the United States into a technocracy from a republic. He said that American technocrats are godless and the law on prayer in public schools is evidence of this. Under this law, a person can be fined up to $ 100,000 or sentenced to 2 years in prison for praying at school.

Dulce incident

In 1979, Schneider found himself at the center of epic events for the world ufological community: in an underground bioengineering complex in Dulza, New Mexico, during a shootout between American security forces and aliens. It is generally accepted that gray humanoids and American specialists worked side by side in the Dulz complex, but in the presentation of Philip Schneider, everything looked somewhat different. The American underground base, by pure chance, was built in the immediate vicinity of the alien base that has existed since unknown times. The incident took place somewhere in the lowest levels, at a depth of over 2 miles, when the Yankees decided to make a lateral branch at their base.

Schneider and a group of commandos found themselves in a tunnel where aliens were teeming with disgusting stench. Phil managed to shoot at two of them from his pistol, after which he received in response a discharge from a ray gun attached to the alien's belt. The commandos sent the wounded civilian specialist up in the elevator, while they themselves continued the battle. During the incident in Dulza, 66 employees of the American special services, the FBI and special forces from among the "green berets" and "Delta Force" were killed. Aliens, in addition to ray guns, then used some unknown weapon, from the impact of which people burned alive. However, information about the losses of the newcomers themselves is extremely contradictory: they are called from one "big gray" to almost several dozen. As fantastic as the incident at Dulza is,Phil Schneider later repeatedly demonstrated rough burn scars on his chest and left arm. After being wounded, he spent a year in hospitals before being able to return to normal work, but after that he suffered from cancer and osteoporosis.


Phil Schneider remained a true American patriot to the end. He told the audience of his lectures: “I want you to know that the United States is a wonderful place. I have visited more than 70 countries and have not seen any country more beautiful than the United States and no nation more magnificent than the American one."

Magazine: All the riddles of the world №16. Author: Victor Bumagin