Traitors To The Deep State - Alternative View

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Traitors To The Deep State - Alternative View
Traitors To The Deep State - Alternative View

Video: Traitors To The Deep State - Alternative View

Video: Traitors To The Deep State - Alternative View
Video: Trump: 'Deep state' is a threat to democracy 2024, September

Lucifer's revolution against God and nature

The rich and powerful, or rather, the bankers, use their power to oppress the weak, and essentially destroy the economy. The end of the whole story is now being delayed to fully expose the Khazar mafia and its secret plan to conquer and enslave the whole world, with the aim of eradicating all Abrahamic religions and permitting only their Babylonian Talmudism, also known as Luciferism, Satanism, or ancient theological worship.

Satan's dominion of the swamp is the result of a very well-organized long-term conspiracy to establish a new world order based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.

Financial institutions gradually gained almost complete ownership of circulating money, and with it the power to increase or decrease the price of property and to tax people in the form of premiums and interest on an amount limited only by the amount of “counterfeit” paper currency that is allowed to be issued. - The source of evil that controls the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) mother is taken from the Babylonian Talmud. It is based on religious delusions of racial superiority.

The Rothschilds developed a private banking system that specializes in creating counterfeit money out of nothing by charging insidious usurious interest from governments when it was supposed to be people's own money, no interest. The idea of counterfeit money came from the dark art of Babylonian money magic, requiring insiders that such technology and secret monetary power were given to them by Baal due to their frequent bloodthirsty sacrifices and rituals for Baal.

Once they infiltrated and took over the banking system, they intermarried with the royal families and infiltrated, and completely took over all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe the Rothschilds genocidal royals by organizing secretly controlled illegal and adulterous breeding with their own Khazar people to replace the royal family with their own claimants to the throne.

The masses are still largely ignored. The ruling class is completely involved in the subversion of civilization. People adapted to their enslavement are too corrupt, passionate and dumb to resist reality. Many have no idea or perception of the restraint that will eventually be imposed on them. They would prefer to ignore the obvious and fall into denial of the truth that has already become reality, and they prefer to reassure each other that "they will never imprison people and make us the serfs of the elite."

Humanity on a large scale has lost its mind and its responsibility - consider the broader implications of this behavior for human existence.

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When we surrender our mind and responsibility, we also surrender our freedom and, in fact, our life.

Clearing the Deep State Swamp

When clearing a swamp from such an operation, many become impatient because such things don't happen fast enough.

Talking about people like the Clintons, Obama, the Bush family, talking about middle-class people. These are the dolls of the globalist syndicate. These people are on the Rothschild and Rockefeller hook. - To put the world on its feet, the removal of the Bushes, Clintons, Obama and Soros is not enough, because the being of the Deep State will come back to life again. They need to destroy the entities above these mid-level players. And it's a long story.

The Deep State is doing everything it can to keep humanity from waking up. They are desperate and they are doing everything they can to prevent the "Event" of global liberation. They hate humanity so much, but they are also afraid of humanity because they know what our true capabilities are, and that is why they have struggled to take us through Big Pharma, toxic water, food, drinks, chemical heavenly trails, education complete lies and ongoing deception. They want us to be followers, not leaders. They don't want us to doubt anything as long as we have to ask everything! “Deep State traitors and criminals are very worried and feel cornered.

“This is not like trying to reason with some tough mafia guy. These people are juniors when it comes to criminals. Yes, they were involved in criminal activities. They wanted more control and money, but these people are not violent criminals. So, these people are transformed in a second, and when they change their worldview, they will not stop subscribing. They will bring in as many people as possible to save them. None of this, at the moment, can trust each other. The ultimate goal is to get it to the point where the Obama, Clinton, Bush families get out, and then apply the necessary pressure to get to the top."

President Trump continues to work to drain the swamp in Washington, but the work is enormous and takes time.

There is a new report by the Inspector General on DOJ. It's actually a massive 1.2 million page report. Congress has copies, and it spells out and proves fraud and criminal activity at the FBI and the Department of Justice. This will likely be the foundation that sends many to high office in both departments to be jailed for their crimes.

“You have to understand what the Inspector General's report is. The Inspector General's report speaks of the restoration of the rule of law in our country, which has been absent for decades. This is why they are so petrified by this report. All of these players - low, medium, and high - have mastered the system to such an extent that the rules of justice can be directed against their opponents and blinded by their criminal activities. What scares them out of this syndicate is the restoration of the rule of law. "When the rule of law is fully restored, this is what destroys this system separately - the system of the globalist syndicate."

Khazars are a common enemy

President Trump's success took place in Helsinki, where he met with President Putin and declared the Khazars to be his common enemy and freed North Korea from close ties with the Deep State, with only a few notable results, but the US president had not achieved this before. Thus, these are positive developments on the peace front. Some of the signing of trade talks with China may be as follows. Most likely, Mr. Trump will take his model, did he develop in North Korea and apply it to Iran? For example, look at the threats to trade between Iran and the United States, which are very similar to the tactics used in North Korea. The next step could be a peace agreement.

Rest assured that President Trump and the Alliance are always on track.

In fact, full visibility has many benefits. President Trump's “Q Army” will firmly support him when the world changes, as Q promised in a recent post. Resetting the global currency; Military tribunals; Space Force and First ET-Contact are some of the latest changes that are taking place. This will be the most exciting time in history for humanity.

As a result of the Trump-Putin meeting, everything changed for the Deep State. The last chance is to wreck the economy to make sure Trump doesn't get re-elected in 2020. They know if he will be re-elected, it will definitely be for them. Thanks to the changes already made to Trump, all of globalization is in flux. Trump is gathering information to go against the elite.

Trump, Putin, and their teams were both concerned that the Deep State would be bugging what was happening behind closed doors. For this reason, they met in Helsinki, where they were sent to the Air Force, because they believed that this is the safest environment where outside surveillance could not be carried out. During this meeting, information was exchanged from Trump to Putin and vice versa, about the Deep State players and their activities that took place in their countries and around the world.

End the Fed

The Fed is hiding economic data. Central banks are planning to slow growth as they want to resume the economy on their terms again, which doesn't make sense since the world ends in exactly the same place. So Trump is doing the opposite, and he will be used against them, and the central bank of the Federal Reserve will eventually end.

The Deep State is very annoyed at these actions. They have spent years building their world government through their ownership of the global monetary system and industrial globalization that now ends with Trump.

The fact is that; the money you have in your wallet is not what you think. It's not really money. This is a duty of note, and was the single most effective tool for our collective enslavement by the conspirators.

The entire monetary system is deceiving because it is based on indefinite debt. There is not enough money in circulation to pay off the debt, because every new dollar is issued at interest, and the money needed to pay interest is not issued!

A look from the other side; Once all the public debt is liquidated, there is no more money in circulation, which proves that the monetary system is corrupt, disrupted and illegal.

There is no other way out but to dump this monetary system. The world is undergoing a major transition as today's economy cannot be rebuilt and must be restarted on a solid foundation that provides reliable monetary signals to guide the markets, which of course is a free market that represents "supply and demand" based on a decision billions of people. It is a market free from distortions that have been deliberately caused by the falsification of currency values around the world, which inevitably emits false money signals.

Getting rid of Central Banks is the most important and only right decision. The world has been fooled long enough to believe that paper money can deliver a symbol of wealth while providing all the benefits of a free market. This is certainly not the case.

President Trump's challenge is to transform America into a new, stable gold monetary system that suggests the global financial system is heading for a reset. A reset not only dumps debt, but also eliminates corruption and "restores the rule of law." This reset will include an escalation in the price of gold and silver when all market manipulation ceases.

The most recent development is that Trump "behind the scenes" returned to the gold standard (USN), returning to the executive order of Nixon. This was done in late March 2018, when HR 5404 was introduced. This bill appeared to be a public soft disclosure and an “indicator” that the Republic of America had secretly returned to the gold standard. The public disclosure of the gold standard (USN) will occur after the GESARA is announced under the GESARA law.

Gold and silver will be traded in a free market, where supply and demand will set the price of the precious metals, as they should. Projections range from today's ten to fifty thousand dollars per ounce for gold and up to one and a half thousand dollars per ounce for silver. While many other positive dynamics will lead to immense prosperity the world has never experienced before. Including, for hundreds of centuries without any priority, ever-increasing chunks of all energy revenues have been stolen from people.

People were never going to pay for any of these bills, which are related to mortgages, car loans, college loans, credit cards, utility bills and so on. They were simply coerced and tormented by the racketeer, trying to make them pay. - The Garden of Eden will become a reality.