The Purpose Of The Central Bank Is To Sabotage The Russian Economy - Alternative View

The Purpose Of The Central Bank Is To Sabotage The Russian Economy - Alternative View
The Purpose Of The Central Bank Is To Sabotage The Russian Economy - Alternative View

Video: The Purpose Of The Central Bank Is To Sabotage The Russian Economy - Alternative View

Video: The Purpose Of The Central Bank Is To Sabotage The Russian Economy - Alternative View
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The "best" means of combating violations in the activities of banks, the Central Bank chose the termination of their activities by revoking licenses. This conclusion is obvious, since since the beginning of 2014, the Bank of Russia has revoked licenses from 354 banks.

The Bank of Russia operates, of course, "according to the law", and in each specific case there is certainly something to complain about in the work of a commercial bank. Among bankers, there are also unscrupulous people who take clients' funds in an unknown direction. But in general, this is a very transparent and regulated business. Dishonesty cannot be massive in such conditions.

It is known that the "best" remedy for headaches is a guillotine, and for cockroaches - a fire in the house. Only in our case, the main regulator of the country with more powers than the rest of the country acts as an executioner or arsonist.

If you have lost your wallet, then this is only your problem. If an enterprise has ceased to exist, then a whole circle of victims already appears - these are the workers of the enterprise and their families, and it often happens that the termination of the activity of one enterprise is a problem for others, even several enterprises, and, therefore, for workers of these enterprises and their families. If the bank ceases to exist, then there are so many victims that what they have lost, in general, is a part of the country's real economy. Can our general welfare increase after the Bank of Russia revoked licenses from 10 banks? Of course not! What if 100 banks have? What if 354 banks have? - How many licenses have the Bank of Russia revoked since 2014? The end of 354 banks is a huge loss for the country, it is the automatic liquidation of many thousands of enterprises,these are financial difficulties for hundreds of thousands of enterprises and entrepreneurs; these are direct losses of a huge amount of their money by enterprises, entrepreneurs and citizens of our country.

Why is the Bank of Russia doing exactly this - revoking licenses from banks? Why apply the most extreme measures on such a scale? This is literally repression, real and significant sabotage of our entire country and its people?

If your money is stolen or if someone burns your house, the police will start looking for the villains and if they find them, then the thief or arsonist will go to jail. In the case of banks, you don't need to look for anyone - the owners, management and employees of the bank - (with rare exceptions) everything is here, everything is in place - come and arrest them if they are to blame. But no, we do not hear that someone is being caught and put by the police on a tip from the Bank of Russia, but we see how thousands of wallets of our citizens disappear and a misfortune comes, comparable to a fire.

The Bank of Russia does not seek and does not punish the guilty, but in a very simple way it creates problems for everyone and everything - both bankers and owners and, most importantly, customers, whose funds, as a rule, make up 9/10 of all the bank's funds.

Who works in the bank and commits violations for which the Bank of Russia revokes the bank's license? - Exclusively hired people, 99.9 percent of whom are neither owners, nor even relatives of the owners of the bank. And the Bank of Russia, without bothering at all with the fact that there are still owners, that there are depositors and creditors, revokes the license. Or did you think that first the Bank of Russia proposes to the Board of Directors of the bank or the General Meeting of Shareholders to replace the heads of the bank? Maybe you thought that the Bank of Russia first starts some kind of investigation or offers to conduct such an investigation to the founders? What does the Bank of Russia point out to the owners of any shortcomings in the bank's work and propose to eliminate them, remembering it itself and reminding the owners that the bank has creditors and depositors, that their interests are the holy of holies in the world of finance? Not. There are no sacred questions for the Bank of Russia. The Bank of Russia does not care about the interests of creditors, depositors, and even more so the shareholders themselves. I have never heard or read anywhere that the bank had problems, and the supreme governing body of the bank, the General Meeting, was asked to somehow resolve these problems. And the law is written in such a way that if a bank has certain violations, then the Bank of Russia has every right to send "hello" to everyone at once. Of all the possible consolations, there is only an explanation by the Bank of Russia of the reasons why the license was revoked. But this explanation, alas, is not a consolation either, since an explanation of the reasons is not a proposal to correct something, but simply meaningless words, because the license has already been revoked.depositors and even more so the shareholders themselves. I have never heard or read anywhere that the bank had problems, and the supreme governing body of the bank, the General Meeting, was asked to somehow resolve these problems. And the law is written in such a way that if a bank has certain violations, then the Bank of Russia has every right to send "hello" to everyone at once. Of all the possible consolations, there is only an explanation by the Bank of Russia of the reasons why the license was revoked. But this explanation, alas, is not a consolation either, since an explanation of the reasons is not a proposal to correct something, but simply meaningless words, because the license has already been revoked.depositors and even more so the shareholders themselves. I have never heard or read anywhere that the bank had problems, and the supreme governing body of the bank, the General Meeting, was asked to somehow resolve these problems. And the law is written in such a way that if a bank has certain violations, then the Bank of Russia has every right to send "hello" to everyone at once. Of all the possible consolations, there is only an explanation by the Bank of Russia of the reasons why the license was revoked. But this explanation, alas, is not a consolation either, since an explanation of the reasons is not a proposal to correct something, but simply meaningless words, because the license has already been revoked. And the law is written in such a way that if a bank has certain violations, then the Bank of Russia has every right to send "hello" to everyone at once. Of all the possible consolations, there is only an explanation by the Bank of Russia of the reasons why the license was revoked. But this explanation, alas, is not a consolation either, since an explanation of the reasons is not a proposal to correct something, but simply meaningless words, because the license has already been revoked. And the law is written in such a way that if a bank has certain violations, then the Bank of Russia has every right to send "hello" to everyone at once. Of all the possible consolations, there is only an explanation by the Bank of Russia of the reasons why the license was revoked. But this explanation, alas, is not a consolation either, since an explanation of the reasons is not a proposal to correct something, but simply meaningless words, because the license has already been revoked.

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So, revoking the bank's license is the best way … For what or who is the best? For owners? For lenders and depositors? For the country's economy? For you and me?

Circumstances aggravating the guilt of the Bank of Russia.

As a supervisory authority, the Bank of Russia monitors the activities of banks on a daily basis. There is, perhaps, no other area in the economy of our country where such a system of supervision would be built. For example, until recently, insurance companies submitted their reports to their supervisory authority only once a quarter. And banks handed in and submit their reports to the Bank of Russia every day. There are Bank of Russia divisions that supervise banks in every constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

What does it mean? This means that the financial stability of any bank, the state of affairs in any bank is known to the Bank of Russia at any time.

Why, then, is the license being revoked? After all, it is clear that no bank can “suddenly” turn from a stable bank into an insolvent one. And if all the problems of the bank are visible to the supervisor in dynamics, i.e. in time, it means that this time could not but take something at least in the interests of creditors and depositors. But it turns out that the Bank of Russia checks and … revokes the license. And sometimes it revokes a bank's license without a comprehensive audit of its activities.

And one more touch to the "face" of the officials of the Bank of Russia.

For some banks, a few months before the license was revoked, the balance sheet shows such a "chic" growth in cash turnover that one is amazed. There can probably be many explanations here, but personally I think that in such banks three people gathered at the table beforehand and once - a representative of a bank, a representative of the Bank of Russia and a representative of a financial crime for money laundering. The bank, the fate of which had already been decided, was finally launched with gigantic cash flows for banal cashing out. The fault of the Bank of Russia here is obvious - the bank's statements continue to come to it every day, this is, firstly, and secondly, where will the bank take such an amount of cash for cashing aces, if not in the Central Bank itself? And then everything is clear a) representatives of all three parties in chocolate b) bankruptcy of the bank will reliably cover all traces. Well,who in this situation may the Bank of Russia want to punish? Only bank clients.

What to do?

Someone must be responsible for the sabotage. For sabotage on such a scale, it is even clear how the guilty person should be responsible - here it is necessary to answer only with “blood”. And since the Bank of Russia does not find those guilty of violations of the activities of banks from which it revokes licenses, then the guilty ones must be looked for in the Bank of Russia itself. Personally, I propose to jail the entire leadership of the Bank of Russia - all these Nabiulins, Simanovsky, Luntovsky, Shvetsovs and others as traitors to the motherland. There are no losses for the country's economy from such a landing, bank depositors will not suffer for sure, and the next leadership of the Bank of Russia will continue to be science.

In the best traditions of the established practice of legal irresponsibility, I declare that what I have said above is my personal and value judgment.

Poluichik Igor