Secret Organizations: Is There A World Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Secret Organizations: Is There A World Conspiracy? - Alternative View
Secret Organizations: Is There A World Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Video: Secret Organizations: Is There A World Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Video: Secret Organizations: Is There A World Conspiracy? - Alternative View
Video: Member of Ivy League secret society speaks out 2024, September

For those who do not know: there is a theory of a secret world conspiracy, which assumes that through many cunning machinations around the world, a single world government, consisting of persons of Jewish nationality, will come to power. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are considered to be proof of this coming.

Those who do not believe in the existence of a conspiracy consider the "Protocols" to be a forgery, and the processes of globalization - a natural movement of human thought. Those who don't believe in conspiracy theories despise those who believe in them and call them conspiracy theorists.

Many of those who believe in the existence of a world conspiracy, for some reason, sincerely believe that it is directed against Russia. And they call it "anti-Russian". This is nonsense! A conspiracy is a conspiracy, it is against all the inhabitants of planet Earth to the same extent!

Until recently, I did not believe, then I doubted. After reading the books of Nikolai Starikov, who does not believe in conspiracies, she believed. But in recent weeks, I’m not what I believe - I KNOW that he exists, and what a one! First, the US Senate banned the "independent".

The International Monetary Fund lends to countries that cannot prove their ability to repay. Yes, just like that, get acquainted, this is not an independent institution at all, but the property of the United States. And the USA is the most curious country that does not even have its own currency.

Then the head of the US Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke, who publicly announced that the interest in politics, awakened among the peoples, interferes with the coming to power of a single world government, was "pleased" by the head of the US Federal Reserve. Yes Yes! The man in charge of the world's main currency made such a direct statement in broad daylight and publicly! Finished off the information about the meeting of the members of the Bilderberg Club, i.e. the very world behind the scenes that is striving for power. Members of this club came to Spain, according to pieces of paper - ordinary businessmen, not members of governments, not presidents and not prime ministers, people are increasingly unofficial.

By the way, earlier information about this club was roughly like about a world conspiracy - it is not, it is inventions and conjectures. But here, for the sake of these “conjectures”, for the sake of this handful of people who arrived unofficially, unprecedented security measures were taken! The participants were guarded from the sea, guarded on the ground. One of the three roads leading to the area was reserved for members of the Bilderberg Club, at the other two they set up a checkpoint, where documents were checked at all those entering the area. If residents of the San Girona district, where everything happened, want to invite someone to visit, they will first have to report the details of this person to the police, even if the visitor is their relative. Workers at a nearby construction site were required to carry identification documents with them at all times. You know, even presidents are not guarded like that!

Guys, the question of when the government will be united in the world is a matter of time!

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