Dolls And Puppeteer - Alternative View

Dolls And Puppeteer - Alternative View
Dolls And Puppeteer - Alternative View

Video: Dolls And Puppeteer - Alternative View

Video: Dolls And Puppeteer - Alternative View
Video: Julia & Paul Khai - Doll & Puppeteer [Official Music Video] 2024, September

First of all, a few words about the Alien hypothesis. I don't know how widely known she is, therefore, very briefly, about her.

The Alien is a representative of the Alien Machine Civilization, which has completely mastered our Metagalaxy over the past 15 billion years. He arrived on Earth about 750 million years ago, after which he took an active part in the evolution of life on the planet, and also influenced the environment, making it more adapted for the development of organic matter, thanks to its colossal technical capabilities.

According to the hypothesis of VN Fomenko, the Newcomer, in particular, removes from each person all the information received by the human senses with the help of special "bugs" introduced into them, and receives it through communication lines with them, consisting of the so-called gluon chains. He writes it down in the file of this person in his almost limitless databank, and can transfer selected parts of these records back in the same or someone else's communication line in the form of bright and clear slides and clips - hallucinations that create various phenomena of memory, telepathy, regressions, duality, "Reincarnation memory", altered states of consciousness, reanimation visions, ghosts and dreams, etc.

In addition, the Alien also takes physiological information, on the basis of which it calculates the length of life remaining to death with high accuracy.

Receiving and processing information from each person (as well as from animals), the Alien calculates the near and distant future of each person, as well as of all mankind, the biosphere and the entire Earth as a whole.

Of course, this is a very short description of the Alien hypothesis, and I would highly recommend reading the monograph by V. N. Fomenko.

You can treat this hypothesis in different ways, but one thing cannot be denied - it damn well and consistently explains almost the entire anomaly, from poltergeist to UFO …

I will use it as a working hypothesis to develop one of its provisions that each of us is constantly associated with the Alien.

Promotional video:

According to the hypothesis of VN Fomenko, all people have a "feedback" connection with the Alien, although we have no conscious idea about this. Thus, he constantly “reads” (copies) everything that happens to us into his memory, where “matrices - copies” of our consciousnesses are stored, including all the details of what happened to us throughout our entire life. It is their presence that can explain a whole range of anomalous phenomena.

I would like to go a little further (or aside? …) in the development of this idea.

In short, the essence is this: what is responsible for all the processes of human thinking, that is, everything that we call our "I", "soul", etc., is actually physically located in the Alien himself, and a constant connection with it is used not only and not so much for a simple exchange of information as as a "channel" for remote control of our bodies. That is, the human brain is nothing more than an organ responsible only for the physiological aspects of our existence as separate organisms, but not for the thought processes …

All our "souls", everything that actually thinks and represents our "I" is there, in the almost limitless memory of the Alien, despite the complete illusion that all this is here, in our "head" …

Can this be confirmed by something?

The lack of a direct connection, for example, between the size (mass) of the human brain and his intellectual abilities, as well as the fact that some higher animals, for example, dolphins or killer whales, have even large reserves of brain matter, without, at the same time, intelligence, comparable to the human, speaks in favor of the fact that the brain may well not be the seat of "consciousness", rational thinking and memory …

This assumption is also confirmed by cases when the brain that received serious damage (trauma, illness, etc.) continued to function almost normally - if the person survived, of course …

On the other hand, the long-standing studies of the professor of Moscow State University N. I. Kobozeva suggested that, in particular, "… the mechanism of thinking cannot be at the atomic-molecular level, carried out by the particles we know," since "the physically entropic system - the brain - is capable of producing an entropic action - thinking."

And further: "Thinking … must be associated with special mechanisms or special particles that are not subject to molecular statistics, for which the achievement of entropy does not include the temperature condition T = 0, that is, absolute zero."

This contradiction, apparently, can be eliminated if the process of individual thinking (consciousness) of a person is only a part of the informational-thinking super-system of the Alien, based on other physical carriers, different from the known elementary particles, according to the hypothesis of V. N. Fomenko.

"Remote control" of people, and, sometimes, individual animals (those very difficult to explain cases of "reasonable" behavior of cats, dogs, etc.), is the cause of their intellectual and mental activity, and not the brain, which, with the help of the nervous system, is responsible for physiology, reflex actions, etc., that is, it has purely "economic" functions.

Obviously, under normal circumstances, that part of the Alien's mental system that is "responsible" for a certain person (person) has a restriction on feedback with the system as a whole, is blocked from it, and has a feeling of complete autonomy - according to the "rules of the game" …

In the same rare cases (during life), when this connection with the Alien system is temporarily restored for some reason, and as a result, we have different "visions" in cases of clinical death, etc., all that extraordinary spectrum of sensations - from superconsciousness before "union" with the great Something, this is nothing more than brief moments of full (or partial, most likely) connection with the entire Alien system …

(- And yes, of course, our souls (minds) are immortal, how immortal the Alien himself is …)

In case of biological death of a person, isolation from the rest of the Alien's system is removed, and “the soul is reunited with God …”, that is, it becomes a part of the Alien himself.

There can be at least two options for the further “fate of the personality”.

In the first, this part of the Alien's mental system, which has served its “earthly life” and completed its task, completely merges with the rest of the system, terminating the “separate” existence of the personality that it represented. Although at the same time, apparently, a purely informational "cast" (a matrix, according to VN Fomenko) is preserved for possible use in the future.

In the second variant, a separate “personality” is preserved as a relatively isolated “consciousness”, having all or some of the traits of the individuality that it was - at least for a while.

Although, from the point of view of the Newcomer, the second option may not make much sense, especially since it will not be difficult for him to “recreate” the elements of consciousness of any personality on a new basis.

However, there may be other options, as well as their combinations.

Are there any examples of such possible influences of the Alien on earthly civilization? - Many, from ancient times to the present day, from religions to cases of scientific "insights".

Moreover, they can be both positive, that is, contribute to development, and negative (as it seems), slowing down progress in one or many areas.

As a fresh example of a possible "negative" influence, I would cite the history and current state of astronautics, as well as some aspects of the development of aviation.

As you know, the first artificial satellite was launched into orbit around the Earth in October 1957 in the USSR.

Just three and a half years later, in April 1961, Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space.

And in July 1969, just eight years after the first manned flight, Neil Armstrong had already set foot on the moon …

Thus, it took only about 12 years to cover the gigantic distance from the launch of the first artificial satellite to a manned flight to the moon, from the simplest device in orbit to a complex manned expedition to another planet.

And the prospects for future space exploration seemed great then: inhabited settlements on the moon, inhabited stations in orbits around the Earth, manned travel to Mars, Jupiter, that is, large-scale exploration of the solar system.

Where are we now, in 2007, 38 years after the first moonwalk?

If only 12 years passed from the first satellite to a man on the Moon, how much could have been accomplished over the next 38 years, having already developed space technologies and colossal experience?! …

Forget Mars and Jupiter, which are as distant from us as they were 38 years ago. Even the seemingly conquered Moon is now out of reach … (although during this time there were several successful flights of automatic stations to different planets - but only …) And if you take these flights of automatic stations to the planets, then here you can to note certain oddities.

Even the space shuttle, significantly more impressive than the first manned capsules, was developed about 30 years ago. Just like the main Russian space horses, Soyuz and Proton, developed back in the fifties and sixties of the last century … Yes, there is still an unfinished international space station, which, incidentally, is better than nothing - is that all? ! …

Of course, there is no longer a space race between the USA and the USSR, and, fortunately, there is no longer a Cold War, but is this the only explanation?

And if you look at aviation, are there any impressive achievements since the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century?

The SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft, developed in the sixties, is still one of the best in terms of its performance (I'm not talking now about the possible existence of more advanced, but top secret aircraft available in Area 51 or somewhere near Torzhok - in anyway, they do not officially exist …) The B-52 bomber, developed in the early 50s of the last century, is still in active combat formation of the US Air Force, after more than half a century - can you imagine that any military aircraft, developed in the 20s of the last century, were massively in service in the 70s?!.. - It's not even funny …

Further, the Concorde, the only relatively successfully operated supersonic passenger aircraft, has left heaven forever, and there is nothing like this even in the future …

It seems that we do not see real progress, not only in space research and aviation, but, possibly, in some other key areas of technical and scientific progress.

And even recent statements, for example, by the American administration about "returning to the moon", etc., clearly look like purely propaganda, political statements that can be easily abandoned in the future under any pretext, or at least cut them down. scale - for example, due to the threat of terrorism in space …

Can all this be explained only by the blunting of military and political competition, as well as considerations of cost savings?

Doesn't this remind someone or something of a smooth adjustment of the course of the technical evolution of mankind?..

What is the purpose of this "game of people", "civilization", etc.? - According to V. N. Fomenko, this is the result of the Alien's enthusiasm for the game in general, and the game in the "evolution of civilization and reason" - in particular, along

with miscalculations of the most likely future development of events. Or the Alien collects the so-called "psychic energy", a by-product of the higher nervous activity of many people who lived in the past and are living now, and which, apparently, is especially intensely released during stressful situations - wars, natural disasters, etc., and just in any exciting moments in the life of each of us, which are enough? And then - transfers this energy into the wilds of the Metagalaxy, where it is probably in great demand? …

Isn't that why the Alien, in spite of its capabilities, does not very much help to make the life of humanity more calm and happy (negative "psychic energy" is quoted higher?), But sometimes even, perhaps, contributes to the formation of large-scale stressful situations? …

Of course, there may be other reasons or goals for this that we cannot even imagine.

For example, it can be part of a multi-billion-year "plan" for the development of the Universe as a whole (just do not ask me who can be the "puppeteer" of the Alien! …)

And, of course, the Alien proper can be any other superintelligent hypothetical system located in the Earth's ionosphere, on The sun, our planet itself, etc, etc….
