Rockefeller - World Director - Alternative View

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Rockefeller - World Director - Alternative View
Rockefeller - World Director - Alternative View

Video: Rockefeller - World Director - Alternative View

Video: Rockefeller - World Director - Alternative View
Video: Revelle Forum: David Rockefeller 2024, September

William Rockefeller - the alleged deaf

The history of the Rockefeller family is just the same plot for the series. And the first series will be started by William Avery Rockefeller, the founder of family happiness. So he showed up in the city with a luxurious beard, fashionable pants and a sign. There is an inscription on the plate: "Sorry, I'm deaf and dumb!" The tablet became the beginning of everything. No one is afraid to discuss their affairs aloud when only deaf Willie is around. Soon he knew the ins and outs of every inhabitant of the city, he also knew for which of the girls the fathers were ready to give a good dowry. For a certain Eliza Davison, they were given an unthinkable 500 bucks at that time and soon the wedding took place.

Then the husband turned out to be not deaf at all, but this did not spoil the family happiness. It was not spoiled by the appearance of Nancy Brown in the Rockefeller house, who became his official mistress. Rockefeller would suddenly disappear from home, hang out for weeks or months and come home with wads of money. Where he got them is unknown. It is known, however, that Rockefeller was the first to be seen in the trade of fake diamonds and opium, which he passed off as some kind of miracle medicine.

He was also noticed in an extremely unhealthy attitude towards the family - poverty and hard work reigned in it, and his wife and children lived practically in hunger. At the same time, William Rockefeller had an amazing passion for money - he loved to fill his table with it, to sprinkle himself with money, and once he sewed a tablecloth from banknotes. At the end of the first episode, William Rockefeller gets into debt, goes to another woman, changes his last name and hides from his wife, sons and those to whom he owed.

John Rockefeller - Doomed to Get Rich

The second episode of the series is John Rockefeller, son of William Rockefeller. He was born in 1839 and inherited only one trait from his father - a fanatical passion for money. No other passions in the soul of the young Rockefeller took root. As a child, the boy speculated on sweets, caught birds for sale and even lent money and loans at interest to his own father when he wasted. An adult Rockefeller does not drink, does not smoke, does not drink coffee, does not go to dances and the theater, is not interested in women and does not recognize entertainment.

Hewitt & Tuttle is hiring John as an assistant accountant - this day Rockefeller will celebrate his rebirth. Rockefeller hides his first check in a safe and admires it as a work of art. He looks at his check (for $ 4,000!) And yells at the top of his voice, "I'm doomed to get rich!" The girls call him on dates, but the young clerk replies that he can only meet with them in church: he feels himself God's chosen one, and the temptations of the flesh do not bother him.

Promotional video:

The first $ 4,000 went into business - military supplies, uniforms, cartridges, rifles, business in war and death will become a Rockefeller family tradition. Later the family would willingly trade with the Nazis during World War II. Rockefeller gets richer. Children are frightened by his name. Subordinates shy away from him because of his fantastic rudeness.

From the war, his interests switch to oil

Rockefeller's son - also John - wears the dresses of his older sister until the age of eight, so dad saves on clothes. In his home, Rockefeller organized a home business school. Each child received two cents for a fly killed, ten cents for sharpening one pencil, and five for an hour of music lessons. A day of abstaining from sweets was worth two cents, each subsequent day was estimated at ten cents. Little Rockefellers were fined one cent for being late for breakfast. On Sundays, the children were not allowed to read anything but the Bible. Rockefeller's wife wore her own patched dresses.

Rockefeller could easily, for example, send his son to live in a cold country house in the winter so that he chopped down bushes and uprooted stumps. The result - Rockefeller Jr. was almost withered: when the boy grew up and talked about the university, it turned out that he was constantly ill and, moreover, suffers from various nervous disorders.

John Bessie Rockefeller's sister went crazy

John Williams has aged, but remained strong and vigorous: "This is compensation for the abandonment of theaters, clubs and frivolous entertainment, which long ago damaged the health of many of my acquaintances."

But nevertheless, the aged Rockefeller decided to make up for lost time, he became interested in sports, fell in love with women, became a big fashionista. He owns sixteen railroad and six steel companies, nine real estate firms, six shipping companies, nine banks and three orange plantations. He is the richest man in the world.

Finally, at the height of his career, John D. Rockefeller becomes one of the bankers who created the Federal Reserve Bank. Now it doesn't matter how much money there is in the family - it will be necessary, they will print more.

Rockefeller Foundations and Corporations

A separate series are worthy of "Standart oi" - the Rockefeller oil company and the Rockefeller Foundation.

After the Civil War, the US economy entered a period of economic boom. The oil industry developed rapidly and, in particular, Rockefeller's Standard Oil. By 1880, the company was refining 95% of the oil produced in the United States. In 1882, John Rockefeller formed the Standard Oil Trust, a group of 40 corporations that gave him control over the entire oil refining industry. Rockefeller entered into a secret agreement with the railway, by virtue of which he received privileges for the transportation of oil. Standard Oil becomes almost a monopoly, is prosecuted, and it is she who makes Rockefeller the richest man in the world. Standard Oil is thriving.

Rockefeller's nifty move is to invent improved barrels for transporting oil and rent them out to competitors. And when they got used to the new transport, they refuse to lease, leaving everyone with a sea of oil, but no means of transportation. After that, Rockefeller's Standard Oil bought the bankrupt companies at a paltry price, usually getting the adjacent railways along the way. In the 1920s, the company took 2nd place among the eight largest monopoly groups in the United States, behind the Morgan. After World War II, the Rockefellers significantly expanded their sphere of influence, and by the beginning of the 70s. the total amount of controlled assets reached $ 124.6 billion.

And a series of scandals associated with her makes him the most hated person. Rockefeller is accused of every conceivable sins - and then he invents PR. Rockefeller hired a journalist, who became the author of a number of articles published in famous newspapers, which were not devoted to the banker - Rockefeller, not to the oil magnate - Rockefeller, but to Rockefeller - the father of the family, Rockefeller - an exemplary husband and Rockefeller - a loving daddy. From a monster that frightened children, Rockefeller becomes a benefactor. He even creates the Rockefeller Charitable Foundation - this allows you to maintain control over the money, invest it and not pay taxes.

The Rockefeller Foundation is at the forefront of funding the eugenic program, which leads to the introduction in the United States of forced sterilization of "handicapped" citizens.

The Rockefeller Foundation is involved in funding the German eugenic program and even subsidizes Auschwitz. Hundreds of thousands go to support the "scientific" works of the fascists. The Rockefellers fund the Brain Institute, which has become a major laboratory and testing ground for deadly experiments and research conducted on Jews, Gypsies and other peoples. Since 1940, thousands of Germans from nursing homes, psychiatric clinics and other care institutions have been systematically gassed to death. In total, between 50,000 and 100,000 people were killed. Gas Cyclone B is produced by IG Farben - Rockefeller's German partner.

World War II is the golden age of Standard Oil. The company works together with the German IG Farben. Rockefeller cheerfully trades oil with Germany, sells technology.

In parallel, an agreement is concluded between Standard Oil and IG Farben, according to which the German side was transferred full control over the production of synthetic rubber, which is strategically important for military needs. Standard Oil executives in New Jersey, in particular William Farish, facilitated the personal enrichment of Heinrich Himmler through German subsidiaries and were among his friends until 1944.

In 1941 Standard Oil is the largest corporation in the world. Trade with Germany - the enemy in the war! - prohibited, but trading continues. The company is being tried, it is being dismantled by the congressional commissions - but nothing changes.

John Rockefeller died at an old age, at 98 years old, so his only son John Rockefeller Jr. took over the company at almost retirement age. Broken from childhood by his father and aged, he remained a pale shadow of his father.

The same cannot be said about his son, David.

World Director David Rockefeller

From 1941 to 1942, David Rockefeller worked in the Department of Defense, Health and Human Services. In May 1942 he entered the military service as a private. During the war years, he is in North Africa and France, working for military intelligence. After the war, he participates in various family business projects and heads the family business. David Rockefeller becomes Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, President of Chase Manhattan Bank. David Rockefeller begins his participation in the Bilderberg Group meeting in 1954 from the very first meeting.

For decades he has been a regular participant in Bilderberg meetings and a member of the organizing committee. In July 1973, Rockefeller organizes the Trilateral Commission and becomes one of the world's leading globalists. His associates are Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, which in itself says a lot.

In addition, Rockefeller is an ardent supporter of population restriction and birth control on a worldwide scale. At a UN conference in 2008, he called on the UN to find "satisfactory ways to stabilize the world's population." The father's work - the extermination of humanity - has not been forgotten.

Rockefeller visits Russia, meets with Gorbachev, Luzhkov, Yeltsin. The issues of integration into the world economy, modernization of the banking system, etc. are discussed. In 1989 and 1991, President Gorbachev reports to Rockefeller on these issues, and in 1992, Rockefeller gives Gorbachev (no longer the president) $ 72 million "for the construction of a library." For what this money really is - it is not known. In the same 1992, Rockefeller headed the Russian-American Banking Forum in a group of advisers sent by the head of the Federal Reserve Bank with the support of Russian President Boris Yeltsin to develop measures to modernize the Russian banking system.

David Rockefeller is married to Margaret McGraph. Despite his desire to help reduce the world's population, he gave birth to six children:

David Rockefeller Jr. - Vice President of the Rockefeller Family of Andes Associates; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rockefeller Financial Services; Managing Director of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Abby Rockefeller is the eldest daughter, a rebel, an ardent feminist, a fan of Marx and Castro.

Neva Rockefeller Goodwin is director of the Global Development Andes Environment Institute.

Peggy Gyulani Rockefeller is a member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Richard Rockefeller is a physicist, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the international group Médecins Sans Frontières, and Governor of the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation.

Eileen Rockefeller is the founder of the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers Foundation.

His brother Nelson Rockefeller

Another permanent (during his lifetime) member of the Bilderberg Group, David's older brother Nelson Rockefeller, is also worthy of special mention. Nelson Rockefeller is remembered, besides Bilderberg, as the founder of the Museum of Primitive Art, and, more importantly, as Vice President of the United States in 1974. He tried four times to secure his presidential nomination - but always failed. In addition, the people of America remembered his photo in which Nelson shows the middle vice-president's finger to a crowd of hippies. At 70, Nelson died of a heart attack caused by sex that was too violent for his age. Harmful in his years.


And the epilogue of the film: a phrase uttered by Rockefeller at a meeting of the Bilderberg Club in Baden-Baden, in 1991:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other distinguished publications whose leaders have attended our meetings and kept them confidential for nearly forty years. We would not have been able to develop our blueprint for world order if the searchlights had been directed at us all these years. But in our time the world is more sophisticated and ready to step towards the world government. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and world bankers is undoubtedly preferable to the national self-determination practiced in the past centuries."