Interesting Facts About Loans And Banks - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About Loans And Banks - Alternative View
Interesting Facts About Loans And Banks - Alternative View

Video: Interesting Facts About Loans And Banks - Alternative View

Video: Interesting Facts About Loans And Banks - Alternative View
Video: Banking Explained – Money and Credit 2024, September

The first money appeared several centuries before our era. And already at that time, the first usurers-lenders began to appear, lending funds at a certain percentage. Later, the first banks began to open, which not only issued loans, but also offered the service of creating a savings deposit. As you understand, over all these centuries, a lot of interesting things about loans have accumulated, as well as a lot of curious facts about banks …

In the Middle Ages, due to the variety of local monetary systems, the trade of money changers was developed. Then they began to give money for safekeeping and were entrusted with making payments. The money-changers' shops were located in the market squares, where they conducted their trade at a table covered with green cloth. Money changers in Italy gradually began to be called bankers, bancherii (from Italian banco - table, counter).

Quentin Massys. I changed with my wife. 1514
Quentin Massys. I changed with my wife. 1514

Quentin Massys. I changed with my wife. 1514.

Making payments by writing off in the books of bankers from the account of some to the account of others turned out to be the best method of payment, eliminating all the inconveniences of transportation, valuation, and counting of various coins.

Despite the rather ancient history of lending, the first banks began to appear only in the 16th century. So, the very first bank in history was officially opened in Venice around 1580. Then in 1608 a bank appeared in the Netherlands, and already in 1694 the first banking organization in Great Britain began to work.

The earliest evidence of a loan was found by archaeologists in ancient Egypt and Babylon. Excavations have shown that already in the VIII century BC. e. there were usurers and even some analogues of modern securities called hudu.

But here the interesting thing about loans is just beginning. Do you think modern banks are too strict with borrowers? And what can you say about the laws of King Hammurabi, who was considered a wise and just ruler of Babylon. So, according to his decree, all debtors could give their own children into slavery as non-payment of debts.

"Bank of St. George" - one of the first banking institutions in Italy
"Bank of St. George" - one of the first banking institutions in Italy

"Bank of St. George" - one of the first banking institutions in Italy

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Also interesting facts about banks can be found in the history of Switzerland. Despite the fact that today more than 450 commercial banks with a total account of 52 trillion dollars are successfully operating in this country, the first Swiss bank was opened only at the end of the 19th century. Agree, very impressive performance in such a short period of time.

Here it is worth mentioning something else interesting about loans associated with this cozy alpine country. So, several years ago, during an audit in one of the banks in Switzerland, a valid account in the name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was suddenly discovered, on which 13 and a half francs lay.

A very unexpected fact about banks can be considered the decree of the Pope Alexander III, who excommunicated all bankers from the church back in 1179. According to the order of a religious leader, not a single banker had the right to confess, could not receive communion and even be buried according to Christian customs. The funny thing is that since then, no one has canceled this law.

Do you know the origin of the word "mortgage"? It turns out that it owes its name to the creditors of ancient Greece, who installed tablets on the land of their debtors with the inscription hypotheke (mortgage). They meant that in case of non-compliance with credit obligations, the land would pass into the ownership of the lender.


Interesting facts about banks include the following information. So, all banking organizations in the world have a special secret list of unwanted customers. Most often, it includes people of such professions: military men, judges, private entrepreneurs, journalists and lawyers.

Interesting things about loans can be found in the history of the powerful Roman Empire. So, in ancient Rome, even for a minor delay, the debtor could be put in a real debt hole. If within a month no one helped the failed borrower to repay the loan, then he was absolutely legally taken into slavery.

Many facts about banks are interesting, but this one deserves special attention. Thus, the British Foreign Office has officially announced several times that Swiss banks contain numerous Nazi wealth totaling at least $ 4 billion. However, since then, these funds have remained there.
