&Ldquo; Black Eye &Rdquo; - Illuminati Dedication Badge - Alternative View

&Ldquo; Black Eye &Rdquo; - Illuminati Dedication Badge - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Black Eye &Rdquo; - Illuminati Dedication Badge - Alternative View

A new conspiracy theory suggests that celebrities seen with a bruise on their left eye (“Black Eye”) were participants in an Illuminati ritual.

Elizabeth Hurley, Boy George and Robert Downey Jnr have all been photographed with bruises in the left eye in recent years.

Former US President George W. Bush, along with the Pope, Prince Philip and Prince Andrew, were also photographed with the same bruises.

According to this conspiracy theory, the bruise on the left eye (Black Eye) is part of an Illuminati cult or high-level initiation ritual during which the initiate is said to be “in pain” in an effort to become more powerful.

Boy George was spotted with a bruise around his left eye at the 2014 Brit Awards
Boy George was spotted with a bruise around his left eye at the 2014 Brit Awards

Boy George was spotted with a bruise around his left eye at the 2014 Brit Awards.

Elizabeth Hurley shared a photo with a bruise in 2017
Elizabeth Hurley shared a photo with a bruise in 2017

Elizabeth Hurley shared a photo with a bruise in 2017.

The author and host of the radio show Sherry Shriner, who wrote the book Interview with the Devil, has argued about the connection between these signs in the eye area and "scalping the soul."

According to Shriner, government leaders, broadcasters, world celebrities and hundreds of popular entertainers have sold their souls to Satan.

Promotional video:

American TV presenter and columnist Perez Hilton
American TV presenter and columnist Perez Hilton

American TV presenter and columnist Perez Hilton.

“You cannot get on television now without such a signature mark. The bizarre repetition of bruises on the faces of Illuminati politicians and artists has led to speculation that their souls have been replaced in a satanic ritual called soul scalping,”she said.

Shriner, who died earlier this year, believed that all the powerful people in the world had “scalped souls”.

She said that this can be done in several ritual ways, all of which lead to “possession,” whereby the human soul is removed and the body is taken over by a demonic entity.

In conspiracy circles, this process is also known as a “walk-in”.

Robert Downey Jr. with a bruise under his left eye, in 2005
Robert Downey Jr. with a bruise under his left eye, in 2005

Robert Downey Jr. with a bruise under his left eye, in 2005.

Adam Sandler with a smeared bruise in 2011
Adam Sandler with a smeared bruise in 2011

Adam Sandler with a smeared bruise in 2011.

Meanwhile, over the years, celebrities have come up with various explanations for how they got their bruises.

When Jimmy Kimmel asked actor Adam Sandler how he got the black eye, he said that Drew Barrymore's unborn child had hit him. In other interviews, the actor has stated different versions.

Boy George claimed that the bruise he sported at the 2014 Brit Awards was the makeup of a "fashion victim," while David Bowie's bruise, seen in 2005, was described as "theatrical only."

Rumors have been launched that the Pope received a bruise while driving the streets of Cartagena, Colombia, in the Pope Mobile last year.

Dad was spotted with a bruise under his left eye in 2017
Dad was spotted with a bruise under his left eye in 2017

Dad was spotted with a bruise under his left eye in 2017.

Several news reports said he joked about the injury, saying he was hit.

Conspiracy theorists note that even members of the royal family have been spotted with such marks over the years.

Royals have also been photographed with this sign, including Prince Philip
Royals have also been photographed with this sign, including Prince Philip

Royals have also been photographed with this sign, including Prince Philip.

Prince Philip was seen with him in 2013 when a Buckingham Palace spokesman said he "woke up with him."

Prince Andrew also sported such a badge when he attended the funeral of Countess Mountbatten in Burma in June 2017. When asked about the injury, a Buckingham Palace spokesman said, "This is not something we would comment on."

George W. Bush in 2002
George W. Bush in 2002

George W. Bush in 2002.

Former Democratic leader Harry Reid was pictured with a bruise around his left eye in 2011
Former Democratic leader Harry Reid was pictured with a bruise around his left eye in 2011

Former Democratic leader Harry Reid was pictured with a bruise around his left eye in 2011.

Conspiracy theorists believe that the number of famous people who are victims of this particular injury, and it is in this eye, seems strikingly high.

There are many theories, including the suggestion that the bruise on the left eye is part of an Illuminati cult or high-level initiation ritual

The bruise on the left eye is also referred to as the "Illuminati bruise", a mark given to those who climbed to the top of the elite pyramid.

Some researchers suggest a connection between the carriers of the “black eye” and the worship of the Egyptian Sun God Horus, whose left eye was black and represented the Moon, and the right one was white and represented the Sun.

In the past, it was believed that the “black eye” was a “devil's mark,” as noted in the 1879 Freeman's Journal.

Many researchers were at a loss. In an article about America's first Patriots, writer Noah Christopher wondered why so many politicians always have this sign, the Black Eye.

He writes: “Of course, it is possible that a group of politicians just accidentally started bumping into things and getting a black eye at the same time.

Some, like McCain, have very rational explanations, such as treatment, but I find it rather odd.”

Reddit users also gave their points of view, and they also suggest that it is rather “weird” that so many celebrities have bruises like this.

As one user wrote:

“It's very weird, weird as hell, that many of them wore a black eye. And only the left one. I grew up, I fought a lot and often, there were even massive fights in the bar and, perhaps, I received one such fingal in my entire life.

But the chances are slim that so many high-ranking politicians get them."
