&Ldquo; Belluminati &Rdquo;: Conspiracy Trolling Or Illuminati Chutzpah? - Alternative View

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&Ldquo; Belluminati &Rdquo;: Conspiracy Trolling Or Illuminati Chutzpah? - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Belluminati &Rdquo;: Conspiracy Trolling Or Illuminati Chutzpah? - Alternative View

From The Vigilant Citizen website:

“Taco Bell has run a couple of advertisements called 'Belluminati' that feature the eerie secret society and Illuminati symbolism. Is this a case of "marketing genius" or is the elite showing their strength in plain sight?

Taco Bell is primarily known for its cheap diarrhea-inducing pseudo-Mexican food. In fact, this is the best place to eat mystical F-class meat topped with a mouth-watering American "orange cheese" flavor. Your stomach will panic after a few bites of this meal. Indeed, it won't take a long time for a healthy stomach to realize that this meat is actually a poisonous product and will want to get rid of it immediately.

This slight inconvenience does not stop millions of customers from gorging at local Taco Bell restaurants. You ask: "Is this a joke?" No, this is reality. Taco Bell is no joke - it's part of the giant, mega-octopus corporation that powers most of the world. And those who own it are extremely powerful.

What is Taco Bell?

Taco Bell is part of Yum! A mega-brand corporation that also owns KFC, Pizza Hut and Wingstreet. On their page, LinkedIn boasts:

“The world's largest restaurant company, Yum! The brand has over 43,500 restaurants in over 135 countries and territories, and over 1.5 million associates worldwide. The company's brands - KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell - are world leaders in culinary, pizza and Mexican cuisine."

Promotional video:

Advertising banner Yum! Brands found on LinkedIn Company Page. He literally says that he feeds the whole world
Advertising banner Yum! Brands found on LinkedIn Company Page. He literally says that he feeds the whole world

Advertising banner Yum! Brands found on LinkedIn Company Page. He literally says that he feeds the whole world.

Oddly enough, in 2011 we published an article called “Irrational Consumerism” (or “Several Companies That Power the World”). In that long article, we mentioned the Yum! And its former parent company PepsiCo, where we have listed countless food brands it owns, such as Doritos, Quaker, Gatorade, Aquafina, and of course Pepsi.

This image is submitted directly to Yum! Brand pages. One eye sign = belongs to the elite
This image is submitted directly to Yum! Brand pages. One eye sign = belongs to the elite

This image is submitted directly to Yum! Brand pages. One eye sign = belongs to the elite.

The parent company Taco Bell is 100% owned by the global elite. Its owners are part of supranational elite organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group. The company's gigantic budget, political clout, and the mainstay of agricultural producers make it the primary deciding voice in how food is produced and how people eat.

“The degree of concentration in the fast food industry means that corporations have a lot of control over entry and exit prices and therefore profits. For example, farmers and ranchers in the United States find themselves "third countries" for their products. This is because giant food processing companies can charge low prices for direct producers as government subsidies keep farmers afloat and a growing share of the total food cost goes not to primary producers, but to middlemen and those who carry out more. food processing. Since people tend to crave sugar, fat, and salt, value-added processing essentially means adding inexpensive but semi-dependent inputs. Profits from food manufacturers rise sharply,as people become addicted to an ever-growing amount of "empty calorie" foods. (…)

However, Americans continue to eat fast food. Is it because they are unaware of the impact of fast food on human health and the environment? This is perhaps one of the reasons, but here are some others:

- Foods high in fat, sugar, caffeine, and salt seem to taste good and / or change mood to the point of being easily addictive.

- Eating habits are formed at a young age and all areas of marketing and advertising in the fast food industry are aimed at the young.

- People with low incomes can often only afford fast foods.

- The pace of life requires people to eat on the run.

Fast food restaurants are all over the place and often monopolize certain places such as sports grounds, expressway stops, schools, airports and suburban centers, and give one small choice.

- The flow of fast food ads is relentless.

- Food cravings are enhanced by antidepressants, which are now widely used.

The inner void that accompanies consumerism can be conveniently filled with the ubiquitous fast food.

Thus, while the Taco Bell ads ridicule the conspiracies of elite groups that control the world, the company's owners are in fact part of an elite group that controls the world.


The Vigilant Citizen website has been around for ten years. He was online before the Illuminati became a mainstream meme and is still here today as the trend fades. At the beginning of this decade, the current generation of people discovered that the symbols around them actually have deep symbolic meaning and reveal the true nature of those in power. This simple, very verifiable truth has brought a new era of social consciousness and a new taste for research and the search for truth. Of course, the elite tried to hide and distort everything about this. Their pawns in the media began to pour water, laugh, mock and mock, and turned all research concerning the occult elite into a cartoon joke. The campaign worked as planned:the word "Illuminati" (which has been describing a true secret society for centuries) is now automatically associated by most people with stupid memes.

Belluminati commercials are an extension of this effort. The ads use real facts, symbols and concepts associated with the elite to turn them into a joke, selling bullshit to the masses for $ 1. Let's see how this happens.

First, the Belluminati logo is the Taco Bell logo inside the triangle.

Belluminati logo
Belluminati logo

Belluminati logo.

The logo refers to a long-standing theory that the inside of the bell is actually a reptile's eye.

Old meme about the logo
Old meme about the logo

Old meme about the logo.

The ad begins with the appearance of a strange old man with glowing eyes.

The old man is a transhuman - a man has merged with a robot. Transhumanism is an important part of the elite's agenda
The old man is a transhuman - a man has merged with a robot. Transhumanism is an important part of the elite's agenda

The old man is a transhuman - a man has merged with a robot. Transhumanism is an important part of the elite's agenda.

The transman scans the dollar by highlighting the template above the Federal Reserve seal. Additionally, Taco Bell's eye appears on George Washington's face
The transman scans the dollar by highlighting the template above the Federal Reserve seal. Additionally, Taco Bell's eye appears on George Washington's face

The transman scans the dollar by highlighting the template above the Federal Reserve seal. Additionally, Taco Bell's eye appears on George Washington's face.

Inside Belluminati, the meeting place is filled with masked, hooded disguised figures, an allusion to Eyes Wide Shut - elite love for the host.


The plot looks like an Illuminati-themed music video, complete with a logo projected onto a red drape. There is a man who wears a sun crown (reminiscent of esoteric iconography) and on the left is a man with a horned animal head that resembles Baphomet. They also eat burritos.


Here, mysterious people in red cloaks are watching the hologram of the Earth - implying that they secretly rule the world.


An outstanding and most outspoken sign is the striking painting by George Washington making the Roc sign popularized by Jay-Z.

We talked about the Roc Sign on Vigilant Citizen, as it represents an attachment to the occult elite.


Jay-Z makes a Roc sign with an eye inside a triangle, effectively forming an Illuminati symbol.


The mark is also known as the old Cohen Sacred Mark in Judaism.

You might think, "LOL, they got George Washington to show the Roc sign, that's funny, nothing else, LOL." Yes, this is really funny. When I saw this, I choked on my burrito. However, George Washington was in fact a high-level Freemason, and much of the art representing him is replete with Masonic symbolism.

The engraving "George Washington as a Freemason" depicts the first President of the United States, surrounded by many famous Masonic symbols
The engraving "George Washington as a Freemason" depicts the first President of the United States, surrounded by many famous Masonic symbols

The engraving "George Washington as a Freemason" depicts the first President of the United States, surrounded by many famous Masonic symbols.

Although the picture of Washington is presented as a joke, it is not a joke. He was a high-ranking member of a well-known secret society, and his entire life and legacy was deeply influenced by Masonic principles. Another element that deeply depends on Masonic principles is the Great Seal of the United States.

The advertisement shows an unfinished pyramid on a dollar bill, each step highlighted with the words "tortilla". The shot pokes fun at the "theories" around the number of steps on the pyramid
The advertisement shows an unfinished pyramid on a dollar bill, each step highlighted with the words "tortilla". The shot pokes fun at the "theories" around the number of steps on the pyramid

The advertisement shows an unfinished pyramid on a dollar bill, each step highlighted with the words "tortilla". The shot pokes fun at the "theories" around the number of steps on the pyramid.

Ordinary people watching this ad might think "LOL at these conspiracy theorists who are counting the steps on the pyramid!" While these people are educated from Taco Bell advertising, books have been written, written by people who know about it.

Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree Freemason and prominent occultist, describes the Great Seal of the United States as follows:

“European mysticism was not dead when the United States of America was founded.

The Hand of the Mysteries, controlled during the creation of a new government, for

the signatures of the Mysteries, can still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States

America. (…)

The meaning of the mystical number 13, which appears frequently on the Great Seal of the United States, is not limited to the number of original colonies. The sacred emblem of the ancient initiates, consisting of 13 stars, also appears above the head of the "eagle." The motto, E Pluribus Unum, contains 13 letters and the inscription Annuit Coeptis. "Eagle" holds in its right paw a branch carrying 13 leaves and 13 berries, and in its left - a bunch of 13 arrows. The face of the pyramid, excluding the date panel, consists of 72 stones arranged in 13 rows. " - Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

Once again, advertisements make fun of people who really know about their own history.


Unlike my previous articles analyzing advertising, many of the commercial roles played by big brands don't just sell a product, they sell the agenda of those who own companies.

The goal of any marketer is to create ads that go viral and get people to talk. Taco Bell has clearly succeeded and, yes, this article adds to the discussion. However, there is more at stake and doubt here. Lately, many commercials made by major brands don't just sell a product, they sell the agenda of those who own the companies.

For years, there has been an obvious media agenda to discredit all Illuminati research and to ridicule those who debate it. In addition, there is a clear effort to spread misinformation to make the whole topic downright silly and confusing. Taco Bell announcements are part of this agenda. By rubbing the various Illuminati symbols with taco jokes, the ads twist the whole topic, forcing ordinary, out-of-the-box people to bind everything depicted in the ad as pure fantasy. In addition, under the guise of ridicule, the advertisement actually reveals the mass of symbolism that has been covered on this site for years, shamelessly puts it in the forefront and makes it part of popular culture. Hide in a conspicuous place. In short, the Taco Bell ad is diarrhea for the mind."
