Brazilian Senator: Nibiru Is Already Here. NASA Knows That Soon We Will Be Destroyed - Alternative View

Brazilian Senator: Nibiru Is Already Here. NASA Knows That Soon We Will Be Destroyed - Alternative View
Brazilian Senator: Nibiru Is Already Here. NASA Knows That Soon We Will Be Destroyed - Alternative View

Video: Brazilian Senator: Nibiru Is Already Here. NASA Knows That Soon We Will Be Destroyed - Alternative View

Video: Brazilian Senator: Nibiru Is Already Here. NASA Knows That Soon We Will Be Destroyed - Alternative View
Video: Trading with Doc 12/04: Currencies and Planet X 2024, July

In August of this year, the well-known conspiracy theorist and conspiracy theorist David Mead, on the popular radio show LNM Radio Network (Late Night in the Midlands), told the general public the sensational news: the planet Nibiru, which is denied by official astronomers, will become visible to everyone in September, and the summoned its gravity is the global Apocalypse.

In an interview, David Mead revealed that an unnamed senior astronomy official showed him a photograph of Planet X taken with a very good telescope, leaving no doubt about the authenticity of the image. David did not show the photo to the public, but he vowed to do it soon.

And so, on the night from September 19 to September 20, when all eyes were riveted on Mexico and the topic of Nibiru rose again on the conspiracy forums (some believe it was the cause of the earthquake in Mexico City), the administrators of several well-known conspiracy sites received a letter with a photo from unnamed source. The caption contained a message that this was some kind of random photo taken with a home telescope at the time of the solar eclipse on August 21 in the United States:


The picture is very similar to the images that have been posted recently with the caption "Nibiru"


however, unlike them, the planet is completely dark and its atmosphere is clearly visible in the sunlight - as David Mead said:


Promotional video:

Perhaps this is the very promised photo. It is also possible that other people are sending the image, gradually preparing the public for something more.

It somehow so strangely coincided that on the same days a strange public statement by Telmario Mota, a senator from Brazil, was leaked to the network. Not the President of Russia, China or the United States, and not even a United States Congressman. Nevertheless, the figures are public and official. Here is his statement:


“I have received information from reliable sources at NASA that I trust. NASA is aware of the approach of Planet X, or Nibiru as it is also called. The world, as we knew it, will soon cease to exist. The history of human civilization will soon end."

All this looks very strange and it is difficult to comment on the statement. It remains to follow the development of events.