Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View

Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View
Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View

Video: Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View

Video: Rosicrucian Order - Alternative View
Video: Present! - The Rosicrucian Order 2024, June

The Rosicrucian Order ("Order of the Rose and Cross") is a theological and secret mystical society, which was founded, according to one version, during the late Middle Ages in Germany by Christian Rosicrucian. Contains traditions, teachings that are built on ancient esoteric truths hidden from ordinary people, giving an understanding of nature, the physical universe and the spiritual kingdom.

The symbol of the Rosicrucian Order is the image of a rose blooming on the cross, which the Rosicrucians associate with the resurrection and redemption of Jesus Christ.

The Order of the Rose and the Cross is known by the abbreviation AMOLS. The Rosicrucians claim that their traditions come from the era of the allegedly existing mythical civilization of Atlantis. The teachings of the Atlanteans in the field of magic, astrology, alchemy and other esoteric sciences, according to some of the researchers, after the death of Atlantis were partly adopted and supplemented by the ancient Egyptian priests. And later they ended up in the hands of the Rosicrucians.

It should be noted that a great place in the teachings and activities of the Rosicrucians was occupied by the ideas of moral self-improvement, occult sciences - black magic, cabalism, alchemy, the search for the "philosopher's stone", "life elixir" and other mystical directions.

… The one who was considered worthy became one of many in the ranks of the mysterious, omnipresent, international Order. No one, even the closest friends, should not have known what, but even guess about it. The neophyte took an oath that he would hide his affiliation with the Rosicrucian Order for 100 years!

The Pallidal Rosicrucians had such a high level of intelligence that it can only be described with colossal difficulty. Even in our time!

To now somehow confirm these words, let us recall Michel Nostradamus, who was hushed up and defamed, and now more and more often mentioned for decades. Over the past decades, many books have been published about him. All of them are imbued with surprise and great respect for this amazing and majestic scientist. However, almost no one even remembers the fact that Nostradamus is believed to have a lot to do with the Rosicrucians!

A member of the Rosicrucian Order was supposedly, say, Jacob Bruce, who was one of those who were in the circle of Peter 1. He (Jacob Bruce) left behind the so-called "Bruce calendar". But if those who wish can freely read the quatrains of Nostradamus (because there is literature on this topic), then the "Bryusov calendar" has not yet been found on the layouts.

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Jacques Casot also had a relationship with the Rosicrucians. True, some believe that at a rather young age he had to say goodbye to the Order, because he joined the Illuminati - Martinists. Well known is his prediction regarding the future fate of the guests of one house, in which he once had lunch. This story has been told for about 200 years, so we omit the details.

The mysterious, although rather controversial figure of Count Cagliostro has also been repeatedly associated with the Rosicrucian Order. Although scholars of the tradition believe that he was also at one time expelled from the ranks of the Rosicrucians for being overly inclined to advertise his person.

But, for example, Manly P. Hall thinks differently. And he assures that “… the rumors circulating around him can be traced to the machinations of the Inquisition, which disbanded them, thus seeking to justify his persecution. The main charges against Cagliostro were that he was trying to found a Masonic lodge in Rome and nothing else. All other charges were brought against him later. For some undisclosed reasons, the Pope commuted Cagliostro's death sentence to life imprisonment … It was rumored that he escaped and, according to one version, went to India, where his talents were assessed in contrast to politically driven Europe.

In fact, without a doubt, it is now perceived to belong to the Order of the Comte Saint-Germain, whose mysterious abilities have interested Alexander Pushkin all his life. The Count Saint-Germain was an outstanding expert on the principles of Eastern esotericism. Once the count announced that he would stay in India for 85 years and then return to European affairs. At times he admitted that he was following the orders of higher powers. But the count did not mention that he was sent into the world as a representative of the Order.

For those who have already read something on this topic, we recall that Jacob Boehme (1575-1624), and Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1722), and the brilliant Polish writer Jan Potocki, known for his novel Manuscript, found in Zaragoza”, also related to the Rose and the Cross.

Among the apologists of Rosicrucianism, a prominent place was occupied by John Haydon, who signed himself with the name of the Servant of the Lord and Secretary of Nature. In his interesting work, entitled "The Rose and Cross Revealed," he gave a mysterious but valuable description of the Brotherhood of RC: "And then there are people, as they call themselves, the Rosicrucians, the divine brotherhood inhabiting the neighborhood of heaven, representatives of the Actor of peace, eyes and ears the great King, seeing and hearing all things … They say that these Rosicrucians are angelically enlightened, as Moses was enlightened."

Haydon further states that these mysterious Brothers possess versatile and varied powers and can take any form at will. He also stated the following: “… one of them went from me to my friend in Devonshire and brought me greetings from him to London the same day, although this requires 4 days of driving; they taught me excellent astrological predictions as well as earthquake predictions; they slow down the spread of plague in cities; they calm winds and storms; they calm the riot of seas and rivers, travel through the air; they prevent evil manifestations of witchcraft; they cure all diseases."

One of the order's supporters confirms John Haydon's claim of the Rosicrucians' ability to make themselves invisible at will.

1630 - in Leiden published a book by the author, who hid his real name under the pseudonym Mormio "Secret Secrets of Nature", which expounds the Rosicrucian point of view on perpetual motion, the transformation of metals and a universal medicine.

A special question for researchers has always been the relationship of the Rosicrucian Order with the widespread Masonic lodges both before and in our time. Some are now trying to convince those interested in this issue that the Rose and the Cross is nothing more than a kind of Freemasonry. This is an extremely wrong point of view!

It makes sense to say the main thing - the direction of the main tasks of the Order and the Masonic lodges both in antiquity and in modern times, suggests that these directions are quite different! Therefore, it is possible only with considerable regret and annoyance to quote the somewhat lightweight words of E. Parnov from the "Throne of Lucifer": "Organizationally absorbed by Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism bifurcated and continued occult existence in the depths of frankly witchcraft, and even absolutely satanic sects."

Someone who, but, he probably knows that this is not entirely true …

Eliphas Levi (1810-1875), whose books were and enjoy considerable popularity, once met with the famous English writer Bulwer-Lytton, who is said to have done a lot to restore the "French Cabalistic Order of the Rosicrucians" in the middle of last century. And in 1866, Robert Wentworth Little revived something similar in England, having spent many years before this in the archives, where he found a description of some of the ancient Rosicrucian rituals. Then Aleister Crowley, who bore the nickname "Apocalyptic Beast", joined this Order.

No doubt! Researchers have long come to understand that the rituals actually took place among the Knights of the Rose and Cross!

But how much work, reason, experimental work on oneself, truly inhuman risk and courage required the path of true initiations! The Rosicrucians are not the Order of the Knights Templar. They never had cloaks with a beautiful eight-pointed cross. According to the charter, they had to wear clothes characteristic of the country in which they are located, so that they would not differ in any way from ordinary people.

They knew all the official sciences perfectly. But their secret views and knowledge of the world were in stark contrast to all these sciences. Rosicrucian views and teachings about the structure of the Universe, Matter and Spirit in their depth could not be compared with the official level.

Povel and Bergier state: “What strikes us, finally, is the repeated declarations of Rosicrucians and alchemists that the main goal of transformation is the transformation of thinking itself. It is not about magic, not about the gift of heaven, but about the discovery of realities that force the researcher to think in a completely different direction …"

… Once, Napoleon II was very interested in everything that had at least some relation to the Brothers of the Rose and the Cross. For huge sums of money, he collected, searched and accumulated their rarities, regardless of whether they were things or documents. But once diligently collected valuables, which were also vigilantly guarded … burned down without a trace … It is believed that Rosicrucian items have a similar feature - not everyone can save them …

We will not get ahead of ourselves, but note that the one who became a brother lived a very tense life, full of dangers and constant risk of life. Its essence was secrecy and caution. He could be a dashing grunt, an excellent warrior and poet (such was Cyrano de Bergerac), an excellent friend for his fellow soldiers. And at the same time - an extremely clever and secretive Brother of the Order, persistently performing his work … He could be the most famous doctor at the court or a professor at the famous European university, but only the Chapter of the Order knew what work actually absorbs all his mental and moral strength …

Yes, and they were also constantly somewhere nearby, they could not be discounted for a minute: the Luciferites, the Jesuits and some other people … And although the Luciferites and the Jesuits were deadly at enmity, the Brothers of the Rose and the Cross were not with any of them, even though they could not conclude a temporary union. And they didn't want to …

The question arises as to what attracted the most talented, smartest, most educated people of their time to lead such a life. For what, in the name of what over the centuries (or rather, millennia), they doomed themselves to hard work, danger and all kinds of deprivation?

What kind of tradition is this, what did they believe in, for what did these mysterious, legendary people work?

Like their predecessors, the Rosicrucians never saw themselves as enemies of the Christian church. However, they did not see themselves as enemies of other religions either. On the contrary, those who walk the paths of the ancients have always treated religion with deep respect and inclination. This is the true truth when it comes to the bright path. And this is not the case when it comes to the Dark Path …

But, respecting religion, occultists have always diverged somewhat from religious versions.

So, for example, the Christian religion speaks about God and Angels. The same concepts are contained in the "Atlantean Heritage". A similar can be found in the Chaldean, and in the Egyptian, and in the Tibetan, and in the ancient Indian, and in the ancient Semitic treatises.

But the difference between the occult "Atlantean tradition", and therefore the Tradition of the Rose and the Cross and any religion, is as follows:

Religion establishes something like a "ceiling" for human activity, as if fundamentally limits his development both now and in the future.

At the same time, religion refers to the existence of a level of the hierarchy of heavenly forces. It is unattainably high from the potential "ceiling" in principle attainable by people. And this "dead zone" between the maximum level of human capabilities and the minimum level for the hierarchy of heavenly forces is fundamentally insurmountable for humanity.

As a consequence, trying to overcome it with human strength is heresy and blasphemy. This, by the way, is a consequence of all religions.

Esotericism is a completely different matter. “The heirs of the Atlanteans” have always proceeded from the fact that people have the right and must strive to achieve the level of the Gods in their knowledge and unraveling of the secrets of nature! And even surpass it! But, according to, for example, Rosicrucian views, Gods also develop and improve!

Therefore, people in the distant future can become what the Gods were in the distant past!

Thus, according to Tradition, it is also impossible to compare with the Gods! But the fundamental difference between religious and esoteric approaches is beyond doubt!

There is also a significant difference in the question of the structure of the universe, as well as in the understanding of the "root races".

“Heirs of the Atlanteans”, reflecting on the Hierarchy of Forces, believed that our visible world full of stars, our universe was realized according to the Will and Thoughts of Brahma, and with respect to the Universe there is an External God who is fundamentally unobservable. But there is also a much higher Essence - Brahman, which, however, is not the greatest Deity … The highest level, about which a person is still able to say anything at all, is Parabrahman among the Hindus, Ein Sof - among the Kabbalists, the Ancient of Days - among Tibetan lamas.

Hence, it follows that the biblical Jehovah, or Sabaoth - the God of the Solar System, could never be considered as the Supreme Deity by esotericists!

Among the previously mentioned secret Luciferian Templars, the Sabaoth was called Adonai. When meeting, rituals, meditations, etc., the Luciferites usually brought him a curse!

The above is already a serious reason for the disagreement with Christian theologians … By the way, already in ancient Babylon, even an entity equivalent to Brahma had to be silent. The Hebrew Kabbalists said that: "Ein-Soph can neither be comprehended, nor attributed to any specific place, nor be correctly named, although it itself is the causeless cause of all that exists."

Ein-Sof means "Inscrutable, Unknowable and Inexpressible." It was depicted symbolically in the form of an endless circle or sphere. The "heirs of the Atlanteans" also distinguished the great circle, or the Manifest Deity. Or Brahma - also incomprehensible to us otherwise than through his creation - the Manifested Universe.

Parabrahman and Brahman - Essences, as already mentioned, are unknowable even for Brahma! Therefore, we will not talk about them anymore.

By the way, the Rosicrucians not only knew, but also widely used both the knowledge about "spiritual emanation" and much more amazing things.

People begin to see the real world around them with its dark and light sides. With its riddles and secrets. People no longer entertain themselves with illusions. Like, these oddities, dangers, mysterious and incomprehensible, do not exist! That there is no UFO, poltergeist, clairvoyance, teleportation, otherworldly forces, parallel worlds. Or, for example, violations of the principle of causality …

The world is perceived as it really is!

Tradition says that sooner or later we will be replaced by the next, the Sixth Root Race. Its carriers will correspond to the Fifth Level or State. People of the Fifth Level will possess Self-Conscious Imaginative Consciousness. How can you imagine this?

The simplest thing is to refer to the examples that are available on the pages of popular science fiction works.

It is the person of the Fifth Level, according to the Rosicrucian views, who has the ability to create and send his image over long distances, not to breathe, to become invisible in the mind of an ordinary person, to foresee the future and live for hundreds of years. Many hundreds of years! And much more …

The next Root Race is the Seventh. She corresponds to a Person of the Sixth Level or State. He already possesses the so-called Self-Conscious Object Consciousness. According to tradition, He is as much higher than the Man of the Fifth Level, as the latter is higher than we are. This is already a half-man-demigod. By volitional effort, he is able to create and transform material objects.

A person of the Sixth Level can independently move in open space without the use of technical devices over great distances. Pass through walls, create and destroy matter by volitional effort.

The talented story "The Beast" by the American writer AE Van Vogt provides a wonderful illustration of the capabilities of the Man of the Sixth Level. Capable, without any technical means, to move for tens of light years. To pass through energy barriers, to prevent the explosion of a hydrogen bomb at a distance by willful effort, to instantly comprehend the principle of operation and the design of unfamiliar objects and structures of colossal technical complexity, etc.

But you cannot erase a word from a song … Tradition posits one more, the Seventh Level. A person of the Seventh Level, if such a being can be considered as such, even if it is conditionally possible, at the same time possesses the Self-Conscious Creative Consciousness. This creature is capable of creating worlds by volitional effort … The entire Universe is a home for such a creature. A Man of the Seventh Level is capable, for example, of materializing at any moment, anywhere in the Universe. We simply cannot imagine its possibilities.

Even in the pages of science fiction novels, I have not come across examples of entities that could possibly be considered as some kind of analogue of the esoteric Man of the Seventh Level. But in ancient occult sources, in the Rosicrucian tradition, such a Being is called - a perfect magician!

Therefore, in no way wishing to offend the wonderful modern science fiction writers, let us pay attention to the fact that they took, take and will take all their fundamental ideas from the heritage of Tradition.

But, of course, when it comes to the Levels of development, we must always remember that there are also sublevels …

In various versions of the Tradition, according to esoteric sources, the number of these sublevels ranges from 7 to 11.

But let us return to the modern Man of the Fifth Root Race of the Fourth Level. In accordance with esoteric views, we are at different sublevels. Usually, not higher than the third or fourth. This is based on a nine-point scale. Those who are one or two sublevels higher amaze those present with their abilities. They can heal with their hands, see what is in a sealed envelope, are able to hypnotize other people. Very strange, prophetic dreams often come to them …

However, all this in no way means that representatives, for example, of the Fifth Level have not been on Earth before or not now …

… So, as a first approximation, the Brothers of the Rose and the Cross - "heirs of the Atlanteans", represented the anthropogenesis of Mankind. But, being creators, fearless experimenters, indefatigable researchers and powerful philosophers, the Rosicrucians were the vanguard that paved the way for humanity to the future …

A. Kulsky