The Truth About Who Hacked Clinton's Email Is Not What You'd Expect - Alternative View

The Truth About Who Hacked Clinton's Email Is Not What You'd Expect - Alternative View
The Truth About Who Hacked Clinton's Email Is Not What You'd Expect - Alternative View

Western media say Russia is behind cyber attacks on Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, and blames President Putin without providing any evidence.


But the truth about who hacked the Clinton campaign computers and leaked the hacked mail may be more shocking than expected.

According to Strategic Culture, the US intelligence community, led by three of the most important political figures in recent history, claims to have overwhelming "evidence" that the Russian government is behind the hacking of Democratic Party computers and those associated with Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. … However, Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan, National Intelligence Director James Clapper, and National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers have provided no evidence that Russian government officials were the ones who instructed to hack into Democratic computers or personal accounts. email records of Hillary Clinton and campaign manager John Podesta and other staff members.

Podesta has a long track record of interests in alien visits to our planet, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and US government files related to these topics. Consequently, Podesta, who served as the White House chief of staff for Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, has attracted the interest of the most advanced contingent in the computer hacking community: those hoping to rip off a lot of secret files that exist in the US government on alien visits and UFOs.

The Podesta, along with his brother, Washington super-lobbyist Tony Podesta, are at the center of the United States' power structure. So when a well-connected individual like John Podesta claims to take an interest in government documents about aliens and UFOs, the UFO hacker community makes an important note. It was these units of hackers who hacked into Podesta's email account and discovered, in addition to some intriguing alien entries, such as correspondence between Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell and Podesta, other campaign-related emails 2016 year.


How did Russia benefit from the hacking of the emails of Podesta and other senior advisers to Ms. Clinton? None. They just have nothing to do with them. The US intelligence community is deeply hungry for a return to the Cold War era and bloated US intelligence budgets, and has invented Russia's participation in a desperate move to deflect attention from the Clinton family corruption and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

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