Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technologies - Alternative View

Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technologies - Alternative View
Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technologies - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technologies - Alternative View

Video: Secret Societies Hide Extraterrestrial Technologies - Alternative View
Video: Was President Roosevelt In Possession Of Extraterrestrial Technology? | UFO: The Lost Evidence 2024, September

There are millions of civilizations in the Universe, and our planet is constantly visited by intelligent beings. The authorities know about this, but they hide this information, claiming that the Earth is the only and unique phenomenon … Recently, more and more information has appeared confirming that in the bowels of the governments of some countries, secretly from all mankind, closed work is being carried out to study UFO technologies and even contacts with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Only an ignorant person can doubt this. Too much scattered evidence adds up to a single scenario.

All this evidence, in particular the documents obtained in the United States under the Freedom of Information Act, inexorably indicate the fact that the world is pursuing a policy of secrecy around UFOs, unprecedented in scale and significance. Everything connected with it is persistently bypassed by the leading mass media and television, especially domestic ones, despite even the obvious commercial attractiveness of this topic for the media. Instead, people are stuffed with low-grade fiction and quack occultism, which in no way add to the mass awareness of the true state of affairs.

Why the policy of secrecy is being pursued, and who or what is behind it - this is what we will try to understand.

The entire known history of mankind is permeated by data on the existence of certain "secret societies" among people. Even the most skeptical historians have no doubts that they existed in the past. Naturally, secret societies still exist, and according to some sources, their activities have long since acquired a global, worldwide character.

As a rule, prominent scientists, thinkers, politicians become members of secret associations - all those whose intellectual level is several orders of magnitude higher than that of ordinary people. In view of the activities of secret societies, there has always been a two-level science on our planet: elite and "consumer goods". Moreover, the lag of "mass" science and technology behind the secret developments of secret societies, according to some estimates, was and is from 30 to 80 years or more.

So, there are sufficiently substantiated data that the radio was known to secret societies even at the time of A. S. Pushkin, that is, at least six decades before its discovery by A. S. Popov (1895) and G. Markov (1897). Moreover, there is evidence that a prototype of modern radio equipment was used already in the 16th century - by the famous German scientist of the Middle Ages Johann Heidenberg - Abbot Trithemius (1462-1516).

There is a version that anti-gravity engines, to the creation of which science is just getting close, were known already at the end of the last century. If this is true, then there is a completely natural explanation for the numerous evidences of the late XIX - early XX centuries about the observations of strange aircraft with people on board.

The financial rationale behind hiding the newest discoveries is obvious: money is made on what is constantly bought. So, according to the information, one of the companies producing electrical equipment, bought and "froze" the patent for "eternal" light bulbs, invented at the end of the last century (Three of them, it was reported, still shine in one of the old American fire departments) …

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Apparently, for the same reasons, all information about the most significant inventions of the brilliant Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), in particular about the "solid state converter" (1931), which converted the energy that penetrates outer space into electricity, was seized. The device, the size of a two-liter can, was tested for a week, providing absolutely free electricity for the movement of the car at a speed of 130 km / h. There was something to worry about for oil companies and power producers.

It is logical to assume that there are other reasons why secret societies "hold back" some of their scientific and technological achievements. It is possible that many of those who have been systematically seizing or destroying books and manuscripts with intimate knowledge for a long time do so for understandable, humane reasons. After all, some discoveries and inventions, if they fall into the hands of criminals or mentally abnormal people, can pose a threat to all of humanity.

For example, it is not difficult to imagine the consequences of the use by terrorists of the surprising and very dangerous discovery of the Russian scientist M. M. Filippov. He was a truly outstanding thinker who discovered and understood K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who was the first to introduce the world to the periodic law of D. I. Mendeleev, the author of three hundred scientific works, whose idea of the inexhaustible nature of the electron was translated almost literally by V. I. Lenin in his Materialism and Empirio-Criticism. In one of the letters to his comrades-in-arms, the convinced revolutionary M. M. Filippov stated: “I can reproduce the entire force of an explosion with a beam of short (radio) waves. The blast wave is completely transmitted along the carrier electromagnetic wave, and thus the dynamite charge, detonated in Moscow, can transmit its effect to Constantinople. The experiments I've done showthat this phenomenon can be caused at a distance of several thousand kilometers. In 1903, this unique man was killed in his own laboratory at the age of 45. Why is not difficult to guess. Who - history is silent …

Secret societies are extremely interested in the sole possession of elite knowledge and high technology. Unexpectedly, promising research is cut off, promising scientists disappear from sight without a trace, their works are withdrawn from libraries by someone, names disappear from catalogs and reference publications. Where and for whom do they work?..

They say there is a whole list of scientific and technical areas and areas, information about which is taboo. Here are just a few of them:

* "Psychological optics", known in Ancient Egypt and found its development in the writings of Goethe and Mussolini's secret laboratories;

* transmutation of chemical elements at ordinary temperatures (cold nuclear fusion, alchemy);

* wireless transmission of energy at a distance;

* antigravity;

* space-time management;

* some aspects of genetic engineering and parapsychology (in particular, mental impact at a distance) and much more.

The list compiled by the French military is said to contain more than eight hundred such items. This also includes information about UFOs. Although there has always been hidden competition between secret societies, since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been tendencies towards their unification and globalization of activities. According to one of the leading researchers of the backstage springs of history, David Icke, by today we can already talk about the existence of a rather powerful secret organization that is able to seriously influence various aspects of human life. She is far from omnipotent, but her ambitions are great - to become, at least, a secret world government.

The main outlines of this "government", according to the same Hayk, began to take shape at the beginning of the century. The secret societies of the Illuminati ("enlightened") Great Britain and the United States in 1919 joined forces in a structure called the Round Table. The Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs became the visible part of this iceberg on the shores of Foggy Albion, and in the New World (since 1921) - the Council on Foreign Relations. From that moment on, only an “initiate” - a member of this Council - could become an American president. The only exception was John F. Kennedy, and this may have determined his tragic fate. (according to one version, President Kennedy was shot dead by his bodyguard in the White House).

In 1954, the consolidation of the world's political, financial, industrial, and military elite led to the creation of the next generation of a secret society known as the Bilderberg Group. And in 1973, its next modification appeared - the so-called Trilateral Commission, designed to ensure planetary control by the United States, Europe and Japan. David Icke believes that the elite at the top of this pyramid (which is much higher than the level of modern governments) today are already able to manipulate in such a way that their people come to the upper echelons of power in different countries.

American scientist Bob Frissel believes that the secret government includes mainly the richest people on the planet. “There are about two thousand of them, but they have been controlling our so-called government for a long time. They determine who and when should be elected to a certain post … Presidential candidates from both parties are selected by the organizations of the secret government. They control the world's food supplies, the rise and fall of inflation in world currencies … They decide whether a war is fought and when it ends … You cannot lose if both sides are yours. First, you create the conditions leading to war, and then offer a "solution" to the problem …"

According to American ufologists from Project Phoenix - all of them used to work for the American government - in 1954, President Eisenhower signed the secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5410 establishing a committee called Magority 12 to oversee and monitor all covert activity against extraterrestrial civilizations. Majority 12 included Nelson Rockefeller, CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, Secretary of Defense Charles Wilson, Chief of the Joint High Command Admiral Arthur Redford, FBI Director Edgar Hoover, a man on the Executive Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations, famous under the name "Wise Men". These six were members of a secret society of scholars called The Jason Society. Jason's Society recruited members from the Scull and Bones and Scroll and Key societies at Harvard and Yale.

The "wise men" were key figures in the Council on Foreign Relations. These included twelve people, including six in government positions at Magority 12. Over the years, this group consisted of senior officers and leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and later the Trilateral Commission. Among them were Gordon Dean, George Bush, Zbigniew Zbezhinsky. The most important and influential of the "Sages" who served in Majestic 12 (the predecessor of Magority 12) were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan and Dean Echson. It is important to note that President Eisenhower, like the first six members of Majestic 12, was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

However, it was not only the people of Harvard and Yale who became "Sages" and not all of them were selected from the "Skull and Bones" and "Scroll and Key" societies. There were also invitees from other places, in particular from the Eastern Establishment. Jason's society is alive and well to this day. It now also includes members of the Trilateral Commission. This commission existed in secret for several years until 1973.

For millennia, organizations have played the role of conscious intermediaries between humanity and other cosmic civilizations. If so, then the thoroughness with which information is hidden is understandable. This government was provided with a number of technologies, foreshadowing its desire to rule over the world, in exchange for ensuring the secrecy of the activities on Earth of the civilization of the "grays" from the star system Zeta Reticuli and non-interference in their affairs.

It looks like the secret government is ready to do anything to ensure such secrecy. Here is a list of British scientists published in the Western press who worked on projects such as "Star Wars" and died under mysterious circumstances in just six years. All of them were engaged in the development of electronic weapons and by the nature of their activities, the study of UFOs.

1. Professor Keith Bowden - died in a car accident in 1982.

2. Jay Wolfenden - Killed in a glider crash in July 1982.

3. Ernst Brockway - committed suicide in November 1982.

4. Stephen Drinkwater - He hanged himself in 1983.

5. Colonel Anthony Godley - missing in April 1983, pronounced dead.

6. George Franks - committed suicide, hanged himself.

7. Stephen Oak - committed suicide in 1985, hanged himself.

8. Jonathan Wash - committed suicide by throwing himself from a high-rise building in November 1985.

9. Dr. John Brittan - committed suicide in 1986, poisoned himself.

10. Arshad Sharif - in October 1986 committed suicide. Sitting in the car, he tied the end of the rope to a tree, put a noose around his neck and jerked the car from its place. The suicide took place in Bristol, a hundred miles from his home in London.

11. Vimal Dazibay - committed suicide by jumping in October 1986 from a bridge in Bristol, a hundred miles from his home in London.

12. Avtar Sing-Gida - disappeared in January 1987, pronounced dead.

13. Peter Pippel - Committed suicide, run over in a garage by a car in February 1987.

14. David Sands - committed suicide in March 1987 by driving a car at high speed into a cafe.

15. Mark Wisner - Suicide by strangulation in April 1987.

16. Stuart Gooding - killed in Cyprus on April 10, 1987.

17. David Greenhalgh - Fell off a bridge on April 10, 1987.

18. Shani Warren - committed suicide in April 1987, drowned himself.

19. Michael Baker - died in a car accident in May 1987.

20. Trepor Kite - committed suicide in May 1988.

21. Alistair Beckham - committed suicide by electric shock in August 1988.

22. Brigadier Peter Ferry - Committed suicide by electric shock in August 1988.

23. Victor Mor - committed suicide. Date unknown …

It is not excluded that US President John F. Kennedy is in this row. “The decision to kill him was taken by the political committee of the Bilderberg Group, and the sentence was carried out by agents in Dallas,” says the famous American ufologist and former US Navy intelligence officer William Cooper.

There is information indirectly confirming that John F. Kennedy was killed, as he was going to speak to the American people with the exposure of the policy of secrecy regarding UFOs. The president's intentions caused a stir in secret circles, especially since he had previously removed from the post of CIA Director Allen Dulles and all his inner circle, but this is not forgiven. The shots fired on November 22, 1963 in Dallas prevented the most sensational recognition in the history of mankind.

“I am convinced that US Navy intelligence was involved in the assassination of President Kennedy,” says William Cooper. “It was a secret service agent who was driving the presidential limousine and who shot Kennedy in the head…” John F. Kennedy's drive through the city was filmed not only by television, but also by amateurs. The CIA did its best to seize these tapes. Later in films that were shown around the world, according to Cooper, the moment when the chauffeur, gun in hand, turns around and shoots the president in the head, has been eliminated with retouch.

Famed for his seventeen world records, US Air Force pilot John Lear, who also conducted a private investigation, was able to find three authentic films. Computer analysis proved not only the reliability of these films, but also made it possible to clearly see the driver of the presidential car, shooting at Kennedy with his left hand over his right shoulder, and even determine the type and caliber of the weapon. It was a device specially designed by the CIA for such operations. One of these films was shown on November 21, 1993 on the American channel RTL. Japanese television has also published originals of amateur films several times.

For a long time, Lear, along with Cooper, tried to communicate the results of their investigations to as many people as possible. They gave numerous public lectures, accompanied by a screening of unedited footage. Someone did not like this very much, and at one of the lectures, an attempt was made on Cooper. Only by pure chance he did not die. But he suffered seriously: as a result of the injury, he lost his right leg.

According to Professor Lawrence Merrick, the power of the secret government is so great that "no US president since Kennedy has mustered the courage to tell the Americans the whole truth about UFOs." And former US President Bill Clinton is simultaneously a member of all three organizations associated with the secret government: the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group …